
The Corner Pt. 01

Big Tits

This is a total fantasy written by me for fun. It contains spanking, humiliation and other fetish. Please do not read if this bothers you. All characters are 25 year old or older.


What am I doing standing facing the corner with my red, sore, bare bottom on display? My panty and panty hose are at my ankles and my pencil shaped blue business skirt is at my waist. My nose is pressed firmly against the wall. My long tan legs are straight and my heels are together. I feel totally humiliated and embarrassed, yet I feel strangely aroused and excited.

It all started this morning, when I backed my car into my 28 year old neighbor’s BMW. It was only a small fender-bender, but he felt differently and let me know his feelings. He made me stand in front of him, as he scolded me over and over indicating that I am a brat and needed some discipline. I stood in place with my hands folded behind my back and my eyes downcast listening to his lecture. I felt like a 6 year old being scolded by her Daddy.

I am a hard charging demanding lawyer, who is on her way to being a partner. I am a single, 35 years old, blond haired woman with a perfect figure. My legs are long and tanned and I am in excellent shape from swimming and yoga three times a week. My male 26 year old neighbor is a manager in a large firm near my office in the IT department. He has warned me many times not to drive so fast out of my driveway, as I may hit something or someone. It finally happened.

Finally, after lecturing me for what felt like a half hour, he said to meet him promptly at 7:00PM at his house and he would discuss the next step with regard to the two cars? I did not like the tone of his voice, but thought no problem I will just pay for the damage and move on. After all what could he do to me – spank me?

I completely forgot about my appointment until I was driving home at 7:15. I reached my driveway at 7:30 and thought I will just knock on his door and be done with this nonsense. I am used to getting my own way. I rang the bell and heard his firm, calm voice say: “Come in Young Lady.”

Who is he calling Young Lady I am 7 years older than him. I walked into the beautifully furnished living- room with Bill Sanders sitting in a lounge chair I noticed a straight-backed chair in the middle of the room with a hairbrush on the seat. I looked at the chair and thought that is strange. He was dressed in jeans and a golf type short sleeved collared shirt revealing his lightly muscled tanned arms. He did not offer me a seat, but pointed for me to stand directly in front of him. I felt strange but did as indicated, as I wished to leave as soon as possible.

My legs felt a little wobbly as I stood in front of him. He carefully looked me up and down not saying a word. I had on my white button up blouse, a business jacket, blue pencil skirt, black heels and shear pantyhose. I started to speak when he motioned with his fingers against his lips to be quiet. I felt very submissive and not in control. What a strange feeling.

He stood up in front of me towering over my 5:6 inch height. He must be 6:2 inches tall. “Raise your skirt and unbutton your blouse I wish to inspect you,” He ordered in a commanding voice.

“Are you crazy I will NOT?” I yelled and stomped my foot. I was angry, and as I usually got my way I turned to walk away. He just smiled, and in one motion picked me up and placed me not too gently over his lap. He grabbed the hairbrush as he sat.

I have never been in this position before. After all I was the Prom Queen, Captain of the Cheerleaders, First to get a fancy new car in school, and I have never been spanked. My head is to his left nearly touching the ground, and my long legs are to his right with my tight skirt sliding up my thighs. My firm backside is perched high over his lap. I scream at him to let me up or I will sue him. He just stares at my predicament and chuckles. “Damn you I will not put up with this,” my voice rising as I kick my legs, which makes my tight skirt rise higher up my thighs.

“Young Lady I was just going to spank you and send you home, but now you need a weekend of punishment. Maybe some line writing and a mouth soaping will help plus some time reflecting in the shame corner,” He says calmly almost matter of fact, which infuriates me even more.

“Who do you think you are my Daddy?” I yell.

“If I were your Daddy when you were younger, you would be more polite at 35 years of age. Consider this some Daddy training Missy,” He says with a sharp blow to both my thighs with his hairbrush. I yell again and try to get up, but he is much stronger.

“Damn Damn Damn you self-centered bastard. Just wait until I get free,” I scream hoping someone will hear me, but not see me in this position.

Taking both of his hands he grips the hem of my skirt and in one quick motion reveals my pantyhose and kastamonu escort silky blue bikini making me yell some more. Quickly the pantyhose and bikini drop to my ankles revealing my pure white fanny. “Well Missy it looks like you have not been tanned in a long time. It is time to rectify that situation,” I hear him say, as he rests the hairbrush oak side down on my quivering buttocks.

He spreads my legs as far as they will go and places his fingers between my slit. “Just as I thought,” I hear him say: “You are drenched.”

I feel him spread my lips with his thumb and forefinger. I begin to groan, as his middle finger pushes deeper into my slit making me squirm. A man has not touched me in a long time. He touches my hard clit and begins to rub, as I push against him. Abruptly he stops and I moan wanting more. I hear him say: “Not now Missy you have to earn your cummy.”

“You have been a naughty little girl and Daddy is going to spank your backside. It’s time for an attitude adjustment Young Lady,” He says. I am embarrassed and can feel the red blush cover my face. First, he gets me aroused and stops, and then he speaks to me as if I were 6 years old. I am still facing the floor with my nose inches from the ground and my rounded bare backside is dangling in the air.

“Cross your ankles Little One I don’t want you kicking,” I hear him say. Once again I get defiant and kick my legs trying to hurt him. Big mistake! He snaps his wrist with the hairbrush and lands two solid stinging smacks to my upper thighs leaving two round red imprints. I begin to cry almost immediately and quickly cross my ankles. “Don’t disobey me again Miss Jackson or I will get the cane.”

“Okay,” I sob.

Before I know it he lands two more spanks on my upper thighs landing just below the other two swats. “You will answer no Sir or yes Sir, and if you have to ask a question raise your right hand. Is that clear Little Girl?”

“Yes Sir,” I whimper my thighs burning.

My mascara is starting to streak down my cheeks along with my tears. I feel so subdued almost like a child. I feel him tapping my cheeks measuring the force and distance.

SWAT. SWAT SWAT! Three swats in a row land on my cheeks rapidly and alternating. Again 1, 2, 3 the second batch lands. I do not feel anything at first then all of a sudden the pain reaches my brain and it feels like a thousand bees. He continues to spank me in a rhythmic pattern with 3 quick spanks landing on my cheeks from the middle to just above my upper thighs. My stoic demeanor is gone, and I am crying so hard I begin to hiccup. I am crying like a child not a woman lawyer of 35. My legs are just dangling, as I have surrendered to my Master.

“Are you going to be a good Little Girl and obey me Young Lady?” He asks?

“Yes Daddy,” I say blushing like a child.

I feel him lifting me off his lap to stand in front of him. I am still sobbing and hiccupping. He takes his handkerchief, stands up and has me blow my nose. He then wipes the tears from my face along with the mascara. “No more makeup without permission Young Lady,’ He orders.

“Yes Sir,” I sob, as I am doing my spanking dance

hoping from foot to foot and rubbing my posterior.

“Time for your mouth soaping Missy,” He says and takes my left ear in his hand and whacks my already sore bottom. He slowly marches me up the stairs one step at a time, as I cannot walk quickly because of the pantyhose and panty

tangled at my ankles. I look and feel ridiculous being treated like a little girl.

We reach the top step, turn right and head for the bathroom. “Okay you naughty little girl it is time for your mouth soaping,” He continue to grasp her earlobe with his hand and heads towards the bathroom sink. I have no choice but to follow, my head hunched over and my bare bottom completely on display. He reaches the sink and releases his hold on my earlobe. I have no time to recover, as I see him take the bar of soap from the sink.

I stand frozen, while he holds the soap under the water and works up a good lather. When he is satisfied, he pulls me towards him and leans me over the sink “Open your mouth Missy,” He orders firmly.

When I refuse he pinches my nose with his free hand, which causes me to open my mouth. When I open my mouth to breath he slides the bar of soap in between my lips. “Young Lady, you will not use that language again,” He lectured, twisting and turning the bar of soap as he spoke.

A soapy foam dribbled down my chin and blouse. The taste was horrible! I gargled and almost gagged, as the acrid-tasting soap coated my tongue and permeated every pore in my mouth. Still, he toyed with the soap, moving it back and forth and in and out. “Are you learning anything Missy?”

I nod my head as much to say yes. He withdraws the soap after a few minutes and allowed me to spit kayseri escort out the remains into the sink. It would do no good; the soapy taste would remain in my mouth for hours.

“Do you need to go potty Young Lady?” He asked? He intentionally makes a show of getting the child’s potty out of the closet and sets it in the center of the potty room. I am too shocked to reply. He must be kidding but I look in his face and he is absolutely serious. I do have to pee, as I have not gone since I emptied my bladder a few hours ago, but I will not use the child potty. It turns out the potty belongs to his 25 year old girlfriend, who he also administers child-like discipline.

I am still coughing but shake my head an emphatic no. The mouth soaping and spanking have taken most of the resistance, but I will not sit on a child’s potty. “Okay Missy have it your way, but if you wet your panty I will diaper you for a month,” I hear his say in his forceful voice. I looked like I was foaming at the mouth, and the front of my blouse and chin were wet. I couldn’t speak the taste of soap was still overpowering. I began blubbering again and that made it worse. I begin to think about wearing a diaper and I slowly raise my right hand.

“Sir may I use the potty?” I ask in a tiny voice?

“You may if you ask properly. I wish to know what you have to do and where you will do it Little Girl,” He says.

“Sir may I sit on the potty and go pee-pee?” I say blushing fire engine red. I am thinking he has broken me I am just his little girl.

“Squat over the potty chair and make sure everything goes into the potty. I will wipe you when you finish,” He orders making it as embarrassing and humiliating as possible. I squat over the chair my panty and pantyhose still at my ankles and my tight skirt at my hips. My legs are spread widely to balance myself. At first I cannot make myself pee, as he is staring at me. He walks in front of me his middle area in my face and takes his finger and places it in my mouth. He then turns on the water facet.

He says: “Suck my finger.”

I begin to suck his finger and I hear the water from the facet running and all of a sudden a stream of pee starts to flow. It gushes out if me and splashes into the potty, as I suck on his finger. My mind is now in subspace wanting to obey my Master. When I have stopped peeing he snaps me out of my trance by removing his finger. He then bends down and taking some toilet tissue to dry me, he wipes me between my legs as I squat in front of him.

“Stand up Young Lady empty and rinse the potty.”

“Okay time for your inspection Missy, as I told you earlier before I spanked some sense into you,” I hear him say.

“Yes Sir,” I answer obediently.

“Unbutton your blouse. There is no need to raise your skirt I have already taken care of that,” He says to me smiling. I quickly unbutton the blouse down the front. My suit jacket remains on, but soon enough he removes it. My blue bra is showing as I stand naked from the waist down. He takes the bra and raises the cups above my breasts making them fall out of the bra for him to see. They are a little bigger than an orange with long nipples, which begin to harden with excitement.

I am more humiliated than I have ever experienced. I am not naked, as all my clothes are on my body, yet I feel as if I am naked. My blouse is wide open with my breasts showing. I am naked from the waist down and my panty and pantyhose are tangled at my ankles. He is inches from me, as he orders me to open my mouth and stick my tongue out, and place my hands behind my back. I do so instantly as I can feel his power and control.

He grips the back of my head holding me firmly with one hand. With the other hand he sticks his finger into my mouth examining me as if I were a prize animal. His finger strokes across my extended tongue and into my throat testing my gag reflex. I gag as the finger penetrates my throat. He takes his finger out and replaces it with two fingers and repeats the gagging action. “I will have to give you extended throat training Little One.”

I feel him spread my blouse wider showing my front down to my navel. He slowly weighs my breasts. as if they were fruit in the market. I no longer feel like a woman, but an object to be used by him. He flicks my right nipple then my left making both jump. My nipples are aroused and hard. He flicks them with his finger then grasps one with his thumb and finger stretching it so it is even more erect and hard. “Hmm maybe I will put slave bells on each nipple,” He says casually. I am now panting from excitement. I have never been treated like this and it has me so aroused.

“Turn and bend over and touch your toes make sure your legs are spread nice and wide,” I hear him order. I turn with my back to him and jackknife in half showing him my very red and sore backside. kıbrıs escort I have for many years practiced yoga, so besides being athletic I am flexible. I spread my legs as wide as possible with my panty and pantyhose tangled around my ankles. Looking through my spread legs I see him examining the tan lines that extend to my backside cheeks. I usually sun bathe in a skimpy thong on the weekend causing my lower buttock cheeks to get partially tan. The spanking I received, which made my bottom red, also shows the tan lines.

“You will no longer sun bathe, in such a skimpy outfit. Understood Young Lady?” He emphasized his order with two hard smacks to my already sore cheeks right on the tan lines.

“Yes Sir,” I answered my backside hurting.

“Reach back and spread your cheeks apart I want to see how tight you are,” He said. I did as I was ordered and stretched my cheeks revealing my puckered rosebud. I hear him snapping on the plastic gloves and squeezing the KY jelly onto his finger. “Now relax and don’t clench your cheeks,” He says nonchalantly.

I feel his finger invade my pucker hole making me squirm with indignation and embarrassment. I hear him say: “I want to determine how tight you are. I may need to stretch you.” He invades me pushing past my sphincter muscle deep into my insides. I begin to rock as he orders me to squeeze my cheeks. It feels good to wrap my cheeks around his large finger. I can feel myself getting wet.

He stops and orders me to stand and face him. I see him deposit the gloves in the trash basket. “Spread your legs further apart, and hands behind your back,” He orders. I do so and immediately feel his fingers touching my wet slit. He enters me easily and starts to push in and out. I feel like I will orgasm when he abruptly stops. “I want you shaved so you are smooth as a baby’s skin.” He indicates touching my labia lips. I have a bikini shave, but he wants me bald.

“Yes Sir,” I say.

I feel him grasp my ear with his finger and thumb and march me out of the bathroom to the bedroom across the hall. We enter the room and I am amazed at the colorful bedroom. It is a typical 7 year old room with bright pink walls, animation characters on the wall, the rug is a thick and white and there are two single beds in the middle of the room. There is also a small child’s table and a few kindergarten chairs around the table. By way of explanation he says: “This room is for my girlfriend when she misbehaves. You will be sleeping here this weekend.”

He tugs on my ear and heads to the corner wall. I hear him say: “Place your nose flat against the wall, hands behind your back above your waist, heels together and stand there for 30 minutes. I am going to lay your things out for bedtime. You are grounded. If I see you fidget I am going give you another spanking on your bare bum. “

I stand quietly not moving my bare cheeks on display like a naughty child not a 35 year old adult. This is so humiliating. I can’t believe I am actually accepting this punishment, but I do not wish another tanning. I can hear the clock ticking off the seconds and drawers being opened. My legs begin to get stiff as the minutes go by. I start to fidget and I feel two slaps across my upper thighs, which make me jump and I begin to sniffle. “No fidgeting Young Lady,” I hear him say in my ear.

Just as I am ready to fall I hear him pronounce; “Come over here Little One, it’s time for night-night.” I turn stiff-legged to see him sitting on the bed with a pair of panties and a night shirt next to him on the bed. I slowly walk towards him and he takes my wrist and has me sit on his lap. I feel like a little girl coming to Daddy. He allows me to straddle his lap and to put my head on his shoulder. He takes the sippy cup from the table and gives me a drink of milk from it. I am defeated he has broken this woman of the world and top notch hard driven lawyer. I am now drinking from a sippy cup like a child of three.

“Okay Missy time to get you undressed and ready for bed. You will wear my girlfriend’s punishment outfit, so stand up.” I hear him say.

He reaches down and untangles my pantyhose and panty from my ankles leaving me total bare from my backside to ankles. Next, my skirt follows and my bra and blouse until I am completely naked standing before him. He reaches for the Tinker Belle night shirt and panties. I am thinking how childish the nightwear he is making me wear is. I usually wear PJ’s or a nighty to bed.

The nightshirt goes over my head and falls down to just below my bare cheeks. His girlfriend must be shorter than me. Next, he has me step into the Tinker Belle panty, which is tight around my cheeks. It is exposes the bottom of my buttocks. He then gets a pacifier and secures it in my mouth. It has an elastic band, which he secures around the backs of head, so the pacifier cannot slip out of my mouth. He then secures locking mittens on my hands, so I cannot masturbate he explains.

I am led to bed and enter it with a loud slap to my lower cheeks. “Do not get up until someone comes for you Young Lady,” He orders. I just shake my head totally submissive and controlled by my Master. Ten minutes later I am fast asleep.

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