Butterflies fluttered in the pit of Nellie’s stomach as she stepped out of the truck and onto the farm. She’d left her whole life behind her to come to this dairy farm out in the country and the nerves were really setting in.
Had she done the right thing?
The unease didn’t last long. She’d met some really sweet people on your first day, other trainee cows who shared her excitement and apprehension. And the cows… God, they were *wonderful*, so warm and kind and welcoming. Nellie couldn’t help but stare at them all in open admiration. There were wide hips, thick thighs, plump asses, rounded tummies, and big tits everywhere she looked.
Would she look like that one day? She hoped so.
She and the other trainees are assigned some chores to do, nothing too strenuous, just enough to keep you all busy and keep the farm running smoothly. Nellie didn’t mind doing it since it gave her a chance to explore the place and get to know the other cows. And, as an added perk, at the end of every day, Farmer Brown would survey the work she’d done and tell her what a good little cow she was.
That was really all she wanted to hear.
Once Nellie’d settled down, she received a message that she’d be receiving training from a *real* hucow. Excitement bubbled up inside her as she hurried from the dorms down to the entrance hall.
And that was when Nellie saw her. A cow so beautiful that Nellie suddenly found her mouth getting dry. She was tall, with long dark hair and big blue eyes. Bluebell was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and an itty-bitty shirt that’s tied together between her ample breasts. And her thighs…
“Hi Nellie. I’m Bluebell. It’s so nice to meet you.” She stepped forward to press a kiss to Nellie’s cheek in greeting, bringing Nellie out of her daze; Nellie couldn’t help but notice how good she smelled. “How are you settling in?”
“Oh, um, great.” Nellie gave a shy smile. “I really like it here. Everyone’s been really nice.”
Bluebell nodded in agreement. “We’re a pretty tight-knit community. Big believers in taking care of each other. So if there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask. Anyone in here will drop what they’re doing to help you out.”
“That’s really good to know. Thank you,” Nellie said sincerely.
“Well, if you’re ready, we can start you training.” Bluebell took her by the hand and led her down a hallway to their left. It was the busiest part of the house, with cows and trainees coming and going at all times of the day. She couldn’t help but notice that some of the trainees heading back into the main house wore dazed expressions.
It made her a little nervous.
Everyone had been super secretive about what the training would involve whenever she’d asked. But it couldn’t be *too* bad, right?
Bluebell led the way down the hallway before stopping in front of an ajar door. She gestured for Nellie to step inside ahead of her. And as Nellie’s gaze took in the room, her jaw dropped.
There was an enormous four poster bed in the centre of the room, made up with istanbul travesti a neutral bedspread and some fluffy pillows. But what had caught Nellie’s attention was the massive bullcock attached to a fucking machine in the corner.
“No way,” Nellie blurted out. Not because she didn’t want it–she did, so badly that her knees suddenly felt weak–but because there was no way she could envision something like that fitting inside her.
“Don’t worry,” Bluebell laughed, following the direction of Nellie’s gaze. “You’ll be riding that thing like a pro in no time.”
“But it’s so… big.” A massive understatement.
“It’s a mould of one of our bulls,” Bluebell informed her. “It didn’t make sense to use a standard dildo. Every cow needs to be able to take a bullcock.” Nellie’s eyes were wide, still fastened to the dildo. “Don’t worry,” Bluebell said soothingly, reaching out to rub Nellie’s back. “We’ll work up to it.”
She must’ve still looked nervous because Bluebell leaned in to press a kiss to her parted lips. Nellie met her probing tongue instinctively, and her worries cleared like mist fleeing from the rising sun.
“What a good little cow,” Bluebell cooed as she pulled back. Nellie couldn’t help but lean in after her in an attempt to prolong the kiss. “You’re gonna be a natural at this, I can already tell.”
A small, pleased whimper escaped Nellie before she could stop it, and she felt herself blushing. Bluebell smiled widely and ordered her to strip. Excitement blossomed inside of Nellie, even as she felt a little shy. She ducked her head as she shucked her shorts and pulled off her shirt.
Nellie looked up just in time to watch Bluebell’s nimble fingers pull at the knot holding her shirt together. As soon as Nellie got a true look at Bluebell’s tits, her mouth began to water. They were *huge*, with puffy areolas and pebbled nipples that Nellie was just dying to latch onto. As she continued to stare, a droplet of milk began to form on Bluebell’s right nipple.
The sight made Nellie wetter than she could ever remember being in her life.
“See something you like?” Bluebell teased. Nellie couldn’t form the words to answer, could only gulp and nod.
Bluebell grinned, pleased. She was still in her tiny shorts and Nellie wished fervently that she’d take them off, just so she could see if her pussy was as pretty and plump as the rest of her.
Closing the distance between them, Bluebell reached out to take the shirt from Nellie’s hands, tossing it to the side. Her tits–those glorious, milky tits–brushed against Nellie’s and it felt *amazing*. Trembling, Nellie arched her back, pressing her tits up against Bluebell’s and feeling that little bead of wetness sliding between them.
Nellie was so turned on, she could barely breathe.
“There are some rules I’m going to need you to follow,” Bluebell said, pulling away slightly, ignoring Nellie’s whine of protest. “Can you behave?”
Rules? Well, that was probably to be expected. After all, no matter istanbul travestileri how incredible Bluebell’s tits felt against yours, she was there to be trained.
“I’ll be good.”
“I know you will.” That earned Nellie another soft kiss and, this time, Bluebell reached out to rub her thumb over one of Nellie’s hard nipples. That simple touch was enough to make her lightheaded.
“Get onto the bed,” Bluebell ordered gently. “Grab hold of the headboard and spread your legs.”
Nellie’s cheeks burned as she turned to do as she was told. She scooted to the middle of the mattress and leaned back against the mountain of pillows, reaching out to clutch at the headboard. Under Bluebell’s watchful gaze, Nellie slowly spread her legs. It was impossible to hide how wet she was already, the anticipation of what was to come leaving her dripping.
“So pretty,” Bluebell cooed, intensely focused on Nellie’s soaked cunt. The praise only made her wetter. Bluebell sat on the edge of the bed and began running a hand up and down Nellie’s thigh.
“I’m going to tell you the rules now,” she said, her touch light and distracting. “I know that pretty little head is going to get all fogged up soon, but don’t worry. There are only a couple of things you need to remember.
“Rule number one is that you’re to hold onto the headboard at all times, okay?” She waited until Nellie gave a clumsy nod of agreement. “The second rule is that your legs stay just like this. As wide as they can go. Do you think you can do that?” Once again, Bluebell waited for her to nod. “And this last one is the most important. You take everything I give you. No wasting.”
No wasting? What did that mean?
Nellie worried briefly that Bluebell was going to use the dildo on her–thick and long and *monstrous*–but instead she moved over to straddle one of Nellie’s thighs. Immediately, Nellie forgot all about the bullcock as she stared at the ample breasts swaying before her. She licked her lips instinctively.
“Like I said, a natural.” Bluebell leaned forward, cupping one of her huge tits and bringing it up to Nellie’s mouth. She latched on eagerly and began to suck.
The taste was *heavenly*. The first spurt of milk on her tongue hit Nellie like a punch, and she immediately wanted more. She sucked on Bluebell’s nipple hungrily, determined not to waste a single drop.
Nellie found herself wishing she could take Bluebell’s other tit into her mouth as well so she could get a double dose of that thick, creamy milk. Little noises escaped Nellie’s throat as she spread her thighs as wide as she could, thrusting her hips in search of some friction on her aching clit. And Bluebell–fuck, fuck, fuck–she knew exactly what what Nellie needed so badly.
Her fingers slipped inside Nellie’s dripping cunt.
A strange, deep-throated sound tore itself free from Nellie but she paid it no mind. *This* was what she was made for. Suckling on a massive, milky tit while clever fingers fucked her dripping pussy. She drank greedily travesti istanbul from the nipple in her mouth, glutting herself on Bluebell’s sweet taste. When she pulled away to offer her other tit, Nellie only had time for a weak mewl of protest as she released one rosy nipple to latch onto the other.
Nellie found herself losing track of time.
She lost count of the number of times she cums on Bluebell’s fingers.
She didn’t notice when her wetness began to drench the sheets beneath her.
Finally, warm, wet, sticky fingers came up to gently stroke her face. Nellie leaned into the touch as much as she could without releasing the nipple in her mouth, making Bluebell chuckle fondly.
“Time’s up, little cow.”
What? No, that was impossible. The two of you had only just started.
Nellie blinked her eyes open to find that the light in the room had faded. Hours must have already passed.
Her dismay must have bled through into her expression because Bluebell grinned. She gently extracted her nipple from Nellie’s pouting mouth.
“Oh, look at that face,” she said, cupping Nellie’s face with sticky fingers. “Cheer up, sweetheart, we’re gonna do this again tomorrow.” Nellie perked up at that, making Bluebell shake her head in amusement. “And because you’ve been such a good little cow, I think you deserve a treat. Open your mouth.”
She obeyed immediately and watched, fascinated, as Bluebell grasped her tit and squirted a trickle of thick, creamy milk into her mouth. Nellie swallowed eagerly and felt her own breasts pulse in arousal.
“Alright, time for you to sit up. I’ll help you get dressed and one of the others will be happy to massage your hands to help with any cramping.” As Bluebell got off the bed to grab her discarded clothes, Nellie noticed the wet patch at the front of her trainer’s shorts.
“Wait,” she said, causing Bluebell to pause and look over at her. “What about you?” She nodded at the clear evidence of Bluebell’s arousal. It hardly seemed fair to Nelly that she’d cum… however many times… while Bluebell had to leave the room unsatisfied.
“Aren’t you the most precious thing?” She scooped up Nellies clothes and began helping her dress as she explained, “This is how things work around here, sweetheart. I feed you milk so you can become a real hucow. Now that I’m done, I’m gonna head over to the stalls so a big bull can fuck me so I can keep producing milk. And I can tell you, we’re both gonna appreciate the extra slick having you drink from me caused.” She pulled the shirt of Nellie’s head. “The bull’s gonna drink from me, too. Our milk helps the bulls stay verile and strong, and it helps make new cows. One day, when you’re ready, you’ll be doing the same thing.”
Bluebell pressed a soft kiss to Nellie’s mouth, pulling away to whisper, “This is how we take care of each other.”
The words filled Nellie with warmth. This was a safe space, where the cows and bulls provided for each other’s needs, be it with help around the farm or milk and cum for everyone to stay in peak condition.
Nellie got to her feet and pulled her shirt down the rest of the way, hardly noticing when it seemed a little snug over her tits.
She’d found a home here, she realised as she left the training room on unsteady legs.
And she couldn’t wait for her next training session.