Lindsay looked at Mr. Phalen. She again felt like her mind had floated completely free of her body as she came back up to the light after getting the briefest of samplings of his cock. He had a smile on his face that seemed more like a compliment for the skill she displayed rather than a shit-eating grin or even a flushed look of dominant need. So unlike what she was used to. He extended both arms to help her up and even undid the handcuffs with a key.“Thank you, sweetie,” Mr. Phalen said as she reached her feet and stumbled, her head light and fluttery. “Careful. Take a moment before you go over to Mr. Vankirk. We don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself.”His words seemed so polite – so truly polite – as opposed to Sammy, who had his polite moments as well, but often followed them up with the crassest, cruelest words to describe her body and her place in his household. The taste of Mr. Phalen’s manhood lingered in Lindsay’s mouth after she struggled to take it all the way to the back of her throat. The way Sammy had trained her, keeping in mind his cock wasn’t as big as Mr. Phalen’s. The sheer force of Mr. Phalen’s body seemed to remain inside Lindsay now, too, despite the fact she hadn’t brought him to orgasm after the first two men having come in her mouth.“No, we can’t afford the bitch hurting herself,” Mr. Thomas agreed. “Not tonight.”Mr. Dier made a face. “That wouldn’t stop me from fucking her.”With his hands loosely bracketing her waist, Mr. Phalen turned Lindsay toward her destination. What would happen now? His dick was still rock hard and required its own happy ending. It would have to go inside her, in her other holes, as Sammy called them, wouldn’t it? The idea that she owed Mr. Phalen satisfaction swirled within her as she made the slow trek toward Mr. Vankirk. Fear and arousal bled together in Lindsay’s chest, her heart pounding as she again thought about what would happen next, and how it would feel to have Mr. Phalen take his pleasure in her pussy, or even her ass.He’s so … big.Sweetie. He called her sweetie, too, and helped her up. The endearment wasn’t that of a man looking to put a woman in her place, either harsh and degrading, but like Mr. Phalen actually thought she was sweet.Thank you for having a heart and some sympathy, sir.“Turn around and grab your ankles, slut,” Mr. Vankirk demanded once she reached him. “Spread your feet. I want to see your asshole, and especially how wet your cunt got from sucking all that dick.”Lindsay’s eyes bulged frantically at the unexpected demand, but she knew before Mr. Thomas had mentioned it that she must not have a bad report sent to Sammy. The thought of the caning she would likely receive if any of these Anadoluyakası Escort men said she had not pleased them properly made the fear grow until it almost blotted out the carnal desire.At the same time, a little voice inside of her – the source of all the thoughts responsible for choosing this new life as a prostitute, and a sugar baby, then an indentured concubine – cried out that she must be punished anyway for what she did. For sucking three dicks underneath a table, just like a porno slut would, for Mr. Vankirk’s inspection as she now bent before him, and for the unspeakable things these men would do to her as the evening progressed.You should beg Daddy for a caning!“How wet is she?” one of them asked, perhaps Mr. Dier. Lindsay couldn’t tell because her head was between her knees now, and she felt dizzy. She cried out as Mr. Vankirk probed her with one finger, then two.“She’s pretty wet,” he responded. “And you won’t believe how tight this smooth little cunt is. Mike must have her do those special exercises every day.”At those words, Lindsay began to tremble, and her pussy gave a spasm of need. Knowing that Mr. Vankirk noticed it – that he would understand she had gotten aroused by his degradation – made the problem much worse.Sure enough, the overweight millionaire chuckled. “Look at that. She’s gushing when she hears me talk about her cunt. She truly is something special like Mike keeps saying.” He worked the two fingers in deeper, and Lindsay moaned. “Let me show you something, whore,” he added, pressing at the place where Pamela used to.Lindsay gave a harrowing cry. She struggled to stay upright in the awkward, humiliating position.“G-spot?” Mr. Thomas asked.“Mmm-hmm,” Mr. Vankirk said. “Should she come?”“No,” Mr. Phalen immediately answered. Lindsay’s neck jerked as she did a double-take and glanced at him from her unique viewpoint. He hadn’t said anything since he sent her off to Mr. Vankirk. What did it mean that he would refuse her a climax? She felt the burning need to understand. Is he a cruel, harsh man, after all? Or did Mr. Phalen want to spare her the degradation of displaying her helpless, forced pleasure at Mr. Vankirk’s lewd command?Or… did he want to own that pleasure himself?Mr. Vankirk moved his fingers inside Lindsay once again, and she bucked her hips under the relentless stimulation. “Really? This whore seems like she’ll perform much better if we keep her gushing pussy satisfied.”“Mike did claim she is very orgasm-dependent,” Mr. Thomas said. “But not quite as dependent as she is when it comes to being given money.”“Well, she’s a whore,” Mr. Dier said. “She fucks for money.” His features flashed. Anadoluyakası Escort Bayan “I think that’s fucking hot.”Lindsay closed her eyes and bit her lip.“No,” Mr. Phalen said again, this time more slowly as if he felt he’d given the wrong impression with his initial quick reply. “I think she’ll do better if she doesn’t come until we’re through with her.” On the surface, his words sounded heinous, but something in his tone seemed to tell Lindsay that he meant them in a different way than how they were said.“I’m with Ben,” Mr. Dier said. “Let’s get her on the table and enjoy our steak too. She doesn’t get a reward until she’s taken our dicks everywhere they can go.”“Several times,” Mr. Thomas said.“Alright,” Mr. Vankirk agreed. His hand left her, and Lindsay gave a frustrated shriek. “Butler, could you help tonight’s entertainment get up on the table? Cumslut, take your panties off so we can see everything we want to see.”He spoke so matter-of-factly that the words didn’t fully register with Lindsay until a few seconds had elapsed. Henry had closed the distance by the time she understood that the seatless panties had to go, and she looked up at the man’s leer without knowing what to do first; lower her underwear or let him lift her onto the table.“Miss,” Henry said in a voice conveying the superiority of an employee of an exclusive BDSM club over young women who have clearly been brought there to be fucked six ways from Sunday. “Do you require assistance lowering your panties? Or shall I get the riding crop and watch Mr. Thomas beat them off you?”Lindsay swallowed over the lump in her throat and looked at the other four men in the room, all smiling. Mr. Thomas, Mr. Dier, Mr. Vankirk – their smiles were lustful, telling her how they thoroughly approved of the butler’s enforcing their wishes as to her panties and their desire of seeing the waxed pussy and tight rectum Sammy had loaned to them.But Mr. Phalen’s expression was different, just as it had been during her fellating of him under the table. He smiled, too, but his demeanor as a whole, and his warm eyes, seemed to tell her, reassuringly, that this was all a game. A very serious, shameful, grown-up game, but one Lindsay liked to play as much as these men did. Even if they had the right, and the intention, to jackhammer their dicks inside her without Lindsay having the option of resisting or withholding any part of her beautiful young body.She turned to the butler, cheeks scorching, and his look of arrogance made her spin back to Mr. Phalen one more time and make sure she had seen what she thought lay behind his eyes. The same reassuring expression remained, but Mr. Escort Anadoluyakası Phalen said, “Take down the panties, please, butler. The riding crop won’t be necessary… yet.”Lindsay squirmed as Henry’s cool, smooth, efficient hands swiftly lowered her panties to the floor and lay tangled in her black pumps.“Step out, please, miss.” Then, as he stood, with the wisp of black satin and lace that had imbued with her juices hanging from his forefinger, he said, “Which of you fine gentlemen will be taking the panties home?”Lindsay gulped at the sight of the garment dangling there and the idea that one of these men would have a trophy of her maiden gangbang from now on, perhaps in his desk drawer, to take out, finger, and hold to his face to sniff the lingering fragrance of her shame.“I will,” Mr. Phalen said.“Ben!” Mr. Dier laughed his way. “I didn’t think you were one to keep panties. I believe it’s Thomas’s turn this week … if I’m not mistaken.”“I definitely don’t have a collection like yours, Tony,” Mr. Phalen said. “But I like these very much. I like this girl. Will you consent, Marvin? May I please have them?”“Fine, I suppose,” he chuckled. “Though I like her too.”Mr. Phalen reached across the table, and Lindsay watched the butler extend his arm in its white jacket, too, and then her panties changed possession. She took a deep, involuntary breath when Mr. Phalen stuffed the wispy fabric into his suit pocket, an electric surge zinging outward from her clitoris.“As long as I get to give the spanking,” Mr. Dier said.The spanking? Lindsay’s pussy gave a terrible clench.“Yes, fine,” Mr. Thomas said. “After dinner. Henry?”She felt the man in the white coat’s hands around her waist. Startled, Lindsay turned to look at Henry. He glanced back with the same condescending eyes. “Put your hands on the table, miss, and climb on up. I’ll lift you.”Something about the idea of being on the dinner table suddenly seemed so perverse and disgusting that Lindsay almost tried to run away. But the opposite impulse, to clamber up willingly, with the butler’s help – to let him serve her feminine charms up to these wealthy men a la carte the same way he had the salad and the alcoholic beverages – rose as well.I have no choice. They will whip me, and Daddy will cane me if I don’t get on the table and let them do as they wish. Daddy will probably punish me for several days, too – even when we’re on vacation in Hawaii.Lindsay put her hands on the linen tablecloth, and she came to the sudden realization that the table was better dressed – more dressed, anyway – than she herself was, and it resulted in a deep shudder. Henry lifted her, and though she felt worried because of how evident the burn in his eyes was that he might try to take liberties with her as well. He remained professional, and Lindsay found herself on her hands and knees among the silverware and the wine glasses, like an object, a table piece, an entrée, and rather disoriented by the entirely unfamiliar perspective of a dining room.