
Three Friends in Vegas


It wasn’t so bad that Maria’s boyfriend Tim had announced that he wanted to break up, she had sort of expected it. It wasn’t even so bad that he had done it two days before her 25th birthday. The part that really made her upset was what he gave as the reason — that for the past year, he had just felt really unlucky about everything in his life, and he felt like making a change would fix that.

Maria tried to fight off the tears as she recounted the story to her best friend Teri. As was customary between the two, the minute after Tim broke up with her she had gone straight to Teri’s house, and Teri had sat her down on the couch and gave her the standard ex-boyfriend speech, about how he just wasn’t right for her anyway. She had just about gotten her calmed down when Teri’s husband Dan came in from work. He was smiling and had a hop to his step until he saw the two women on the couch.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Tim broke up with Maria,” said Teri. “She’s having a tough time.”

“I’m sorry Maria, but he never seemed quite right for you anyway,” said Dan.

The girls couldn’t help but smile and nod, they had both just said the same thing.

“He said he thought I was … unlucky,” said Maria, and she couldn’t help but start to cry again.

“Unlucky?” said Dan. He got an odd look in his eye. “Teri, can I talk to you a second in the kitchen?”

Teri nodded warily, hesitant to leave her friend on the couch, and she and Dan stepped into the kitchen out of earshot. Maria was just beginning to feel uncomfortable and wondering if she should leave when they walked back in the room. They both had goofy smiles now.

“Maria, I think that your luck is about to change,” said Dan.

Teri couldn’t wait to chime in. “Dan just landed a really big contract at work, and he was getting ready to surprise us — he had bought four airplane tickets to Vegas for this weekend!”

Maria’s mouth dropped open but she couldn’t think to speak.

“We were going to ask you and Tim to join us, but it looks like he’s out,” Dan said. “But we would really like for you to come with us, it will help get your mind off it.”

Maria looked at Teri. She really wanted to take the trip but she didn’t want to be a third wheel either. Teri walked over and gave her a hug.

“We really want you to come with us,” she said. “We’re not taking no for an answer.”

Maria smiled and thought to herself that even if her boyfriend was a turd, she had great friends.

“Count me in,” she said.

Maria thought it was great to be asked, but was reserved about being in the way. Teri thought it would be great to have a female along for shopping and other girl stuff. Dan thought it might be bad to have an emotional scene all weekend, but on the other hand Maria was a looker and generally fun to be around.

Two days after the fateful breakup, the trio was at the airport. Dan was having a long discussion at the ticket counter, and Maria began to get apprehensive that there might be a problem.

“Well girls, I have some bad news,” said Dan. “We’ve had a change of plan.”

Maria could feel her stomach churn. Maybe she was unlucky. But then Dan couldn’t hold back anymore and started grinning.

“We got bumped up to first class…” he said. “..because its Maria’s birthday!”

After a round of chastising Dan for making them nervous and high fives for their good fortune, they were off to Vegas—in first class. By the time they arrived at the hotel in Vegas, they were in high spirits from the complimentary champagne, but then they ran into another problem at the front desk. Dan had originally booked two rooms, and then tried to change one room to a single since Maria was going to be alone. Somehow the single room didn’t get registered and the hotel was completely booked.

Dan was in the midst of asking the hotel clerk for names of other hotels when another clerk came and whispered something into his ear. He nodded and smiled.

“Well, it seems that you are in luck,” he said. “We’ve had a cancellation in one of our top floor suites, and we’re going to upgrade you to that if its ok. It has a main bedroom and an additional private suite with a very comfortable couch. Why don’t we take you up and show you the room, and if its ok we’ll set you up there.”

Watching the smug attitude of the hotel clerk, it was easy to imagine that the top floor suite was going to be something special. He had every right to be smug.

The room was fabulous, huge and elegantly decorated, and just as he mentioned it had an adjoining room with a couch that suited Maria just fine. In the main part of the room there were marble steps leading up to a fabulous jacuzzi tub large enough for a half dozen people.

Dan smiled at the clerk.

“I think we’ll take it,” he said.

“I thought you would,” laughed the clerk.

By the time they had settled into their fabulous new digs it was getting late into the afternoon, so the trio got dressed up to hit the casinos. The three were such good friends that it wasn’t Escort bayan at all uncomfortable to be sharing a room, though Maria worried that her presence might be weird for them should they decide to get a little wild. Teri was glad that her friend was with her in the room, it would have been tough for Maria to be by herself. Dan couldn’t help but notice that when they got ready to go out, both ladies went with a much sexier look than was normal for them. He couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride that he would be walking around in Vegas with a pair of lovely ladies on his arm.

The casino was hopping by the time they got there, and they spent some time playing slots, at the black jack table, and then craps. Amazingly, they were all on incredible winning streaks—especially Maria. She hit a $1,000 jackpot in the slots, got on a ridiculous run of good luck scoring black jacks, and then became everybody’s favorite roller at the craps table. The drinks were flowing and the three were having a huge time. Maria had long since forgotten about Tim by the time they called it a night. They were walking toward the exit when Maria put down $100 on a whim at the Roulette Table. On the number “3” in honor of her group. A $100 bet on a single number at the Roulette Wheel is a 35-1 payout. It never happens. But it did. All told, Maria walked out of the casino with over $5,000 in winnings in one night!

They stumbled into the massive suite, laughing and shouting about their good fortune. If you’ve ever had a hot night at the casino, you know that you tend to drink too much when you do, and all three were blistered. When Teri came into the room her eyes fell immediately on the jacuzzi tub.

“We have got to try that out tonight,” she blurted out, before realizing that it wasn’t just her and Dan in the room.

“You guys go ahead,” said Maria. “I think I’ll turn in.”

Maria thought it would’ve been great to join her friends, but she didn’t want to be in the way. Teri felt bad about excluding her friend. Dan thought about how awesome it would be to have two lovely ladies with him in the hot tub. And it was Dan who spoke up.

“No way are you ditching us, you probably want to go back down to the casino and make more money,” he laughed. “Throw on your bathing suit, we’re going swimming.”

Maria looked at Teri for approval and she got a wink and a whoop. “We’ll see you in five minutes,” she said.

Five minutes later the tub was ready, warmly lit with candles, and Dan and Teri were already enjoyed a warm water massage when Maria opened her door and walked over to the tub. Dan had seen Maria in a bathing suit many times before, but he had never realized just how sexy she looked. She was wearing a black two piece that showed off her tanned athletic legs, and as he watched her step into the tub he made notice of her toned abdomen and the elegant curve of her breasts. Teri and Maria had always been about the same size and shape, but Teri was a light skinned blonde and Maria had a dark complexion and jet black hair.

As Dan watched the two girls laughing and pouring champagne, he suddenly became aware that he was in a hot tub in Vegas with two beautiful women, and despite the fact that he had always looked at Maria as nothing more than a great friend, there was an unavoidable sexual tension in the air. He silently told his cock to settle down, that Teri would never go for it. He was on one side of the tub leaning back against the side, and the two girls were on the other, and he resigned himself to just enjoy the view. The champagne and the hot water were combining to steam his brain and he could hardly keep up with what the girls were talking about, but above the bubbling noise he could sense that they were laughing about how it was more fun without Tim being there. Then they were looking at him and whispering to each other. He couldn’t tell what they were saying so he just looked at them with a goofy smile.

Then the two girls moved over to his side of the tub, on either side of him. He felt dizzy being sandwiched between two hotties.

“Dan, Maria and I were just talking about men, and we wanted you to know something,” said Teri. “We think it is really terrific of you to take us to Vegas.”

“I really can’t tell you how much this means to me,” added Maria. “If I weren’t here I’d probably be at home watching a marathon of sad movies on the Lifetime channel.”

It may have been the alcohol, or the fact that Maria had a sudden swelling of emotion, but instinctively, Maria leaned in a kissed Dan warmly on the cheek. As she pulled away she had another surge of emotion, mostly due to the realization of where they were and what had just happened, and she felt her face go flush.

Dan’s goofy grin never really wavered, and Teri, realizing that her friend was blushing, came to the rescue.

“He’s definitely a great guy,” she said laughing and she leaned in and gave him a warm kiss on the other cheek.

That gave Maria a chance to recover her emotions a bit, and she smiled at them both. “I Bayan escort love you guys, you’re the best.”

She leaned over Dan and gave Teri a hug and a kiss, and for an instant Dan thought he might be dreaming. Then Maria stood up and announced, “Now it is time for me to go to bed.”

Maria thought she might be in the way. Teri felt bad that her friend had to be alone. Dan could only think about the image of Maria standing beside him, watching the water drip off her in the glow of the candlelight, and seeing that her nipples were showing through her suit.

Maria walked through the adjoining room door and had to stop to collect herself. The hot tub, the alcohol, the undeniable sexual tension, and the emotional state she was in had her weak in the knees. She had also realized out of the blue that she was incredibly horny, and as she changed out of her suit she couldn’t help but admire herself in front of the full length mirror, and as gently massaged herself with her fingers she imagined she was doing it in front of Dan and Teri.

But no, they were friends, she thought as she shook off the thought. She pulled on a t-shirt coverup and was about to climb into bed when she stopped. She walked over to the door and cracked it open just enough to look through. What she saw took her breath away.

Both Teri and Dan were in the tub facing her, fully nude. Dan was sitting on the side of the tub and Teri was leaned with her back against him, and she could tell by the look on Teri’s face that Dan’s cock was buried deep inside her. They moved together in the candlelight, beautiful and slow, and occasionally Teri would lean back and they would kiss. Maria could feel her mouth water as she watched their tongues move together. Though they were good friends, Maria could not remember a time when she had seen Teri nude, and she could hardly believe how perfectly shaped the breasts were that Dan caressed. She had never seen Dan nude either, and when Teri stood up to turn around, she could not help but look at his long, lean, tanned body. She also couldn’t stop herself from taking a long look at his beautiful hard cock, and when he leaned back and closed his eyes and Teri got on her knees and took him in her mouth, Maria suddenly realized that one of her fingers had found its way into her mouth. She stood at the door, completely mesmerized by the scene, unable to look away but feeling a building guilt for her invasion of privacy. Her eyes were fixed on Teri’s mouth as it slid slowly up and down on Dan’s long hard cock. She became so hypnotized by the scene that she didn’t notice when Dan opened his eyes. When she did look up at his smiling face she realized with a shudder that his eyes were no longer closed, and she couldn’t tell for sure in the dim candlelight, but it appeared that he was looking directly at her. For the second time that night she felt a rush of blood fill her face. She resisted the urge to jump and slowly and quietly closed the door. She was struggling to convince herself that he hadn’t seen her watching, embarrassed at herself for watching her friends have sex, and incredibly turned on. She lay quietly on the couch, her ear to the wall, listening to the soft moans in the other room, and she did not go to sleep for a long, long time.

Which was unfortunate, because Teri was ready to roll by 9 am the next morning, banging on the door and insisting that Maria get her ass in gear. Teri had set the two up for a few hours in the spa in the morning and then planned an afternoon of shopping, or, as Dan put it, “a winnings tax.” Dan was a bit hungover, or at least pretended to be, because the last two things he wanted to do in Vegas was go to a spa and go shopping. All three pretended like nothing awkward had happened the night before, and Maria felt relieved that maybe Dan had not seen her watching after all.

By the time they had gone through a facial, pedicure and massage, the girls were feeling relaxed and happy, and with Maria’s big casino score they were ready for a shopping spree. Maria insisted on paying for everything, pointing out that if it weren’t for her friends she wouldn’t even be there. Something about being in Vegas had affected their shopping decisions, and it seemed like every time they made a purchase, the outfit was a little bit sexier than the last one. They even stopped into a lingerie store and got some very sexy outfits, though Maria got a bit down when she realized that there would really be no one to show it off too.

It was late in the afternoon before they made it back to the hotel room, so they stopped to get a few bottles of wine. When they walked in the hotel room, Dan was stretched out on the couch napping. During the girl’s outing he had gotten some sun at the pool, had a leisurely lunch, played some blackjack and just generally chilled out at the room, so he was well rested. He laughed out loud when he saw the girls holding a dozen shopping bags each, and insisted on taking a look at what they had bought.

“Man, I can’t wait to see how these look,” he said with Escort a smile. “I think maybe we need a little fashion show here.”

The girls could hardly wait to show off the new clothes, so they slipped into Maria’s room with a bottle of wine for courage and tried on one of their new outfits. Dan was quite appreciative when they came out and sauntered around the room in their sexy new clothes, and he clapped and hooted and called for more.

Each time the girls went into the adjacent room, Maria would watch Teri out of the corner of her eye, remembering how hot she had looked in the tub the night before. She couldn’t help but sense that Teri was watching her undressing too, and they both seemed to be in a touchy-feely mood when they would help each other get dressed. The wine was flowing.

Dan was drinking his share as well, and every time the girls came out his eyes were getting bigger. Both girls could see his increasing appreciation, and they were really enjoying giving him a show. Each showing involved a little more swirl, a little more interaction with each other, a little more teasing of him.

Dan had started losing count of the outfits, but he immediately realized his favorite outfits so far when Maria came out with a short silky red dress and Teri came out with a similar black dress. They were truly a vision to behold, and they knew it. Both dresses showed off their long lean legs, and the silky fabric made their shapely breasts look utterly fabulous. Making the show even better was the way the girls mercilessly teased Dan, standing close together and posing with their hands touching each other in a variety of fun, but very provocative poses.

“This…” said Dan unsteadily, “is the greatest fashion show I’ve ever seen.”

The girls laughed and then Maria remembered something.

“Say, you got Dan something, maybe he should give us a fashion show too,” she said. She had no sooner gotten the words out when she wished she could have them back. The wine had gone to her head, and she had gone overboard.

But Teri thought the idea was splendid, and she reached into one of the bags and tossed a pair of silky boxer shorts to Dan.

“Now its your turn sport, we want you to give us a show,” she said.

Both Teri and Maria burst out laughing knowing that Dan would never model sexy boxer shorts in front of them. They were wrong.

Dan stepped into the bathroom, and minutes later the door came open and there he was, giving a macho pose. The girls had sat down on the couch, and they howled and hooted at Teri’s half naked husband. He was a good sport, sashaying back and forth in front of them on the couch, making them giggle so hard they had to hold onto each other to keep from falling off the couch.

“You girls are crazy,” he said. “Where did you get these anyway?”

He picked up the bag from the lingerie store and pulled out a handful of silk and lace that he wasn’t even sure was designed to be clothes. He held them up and looked at the girls.

“Now this, I’ve got to see,” he said.

The girls looked at each other and their eyes got big, and then they burst out laughing. They jumped up in glee and grabbed the outfits out of his hand and ran for the changing room.

Maria thought it was wonderful that Dan was admiring her body, it made her feel special. Teri thought it was wonderful that Maria was having fun and Dan was too. Dan thought that if they came out of that room dressed in that lingerie he was probably going to have a heart attack.

Both girls had gotten the giggles as they changed into their outfits. They had to help each other put them on, and they had almost reached the point where they had stopped pretending that they didn’t enjoy having their hands on each other. Teri had selected a shear black teddy with garters and panty hose. Maria had chosen a lacy off white bra and panty set, and because she wasn’t quite ready to be that naked in front of her friend’s husband, a short, silky white kimono that showed off her legs.

During the wait, Dan had turned down the lights and turned on some candles, but he honestly did not expect they would have the nerve to give him a lingerie fashion show. Still, a man can dream.

And then the door opened slowly. The changing room was dark, so Dan couldn’t see inside from his vantage point on the couch, but slowly he saw two shapes emerge, and the shapes were unspeakably awesome. His wife’s shear black teddy was see through except for the lace around the chest and groin, and the garters and hose were completely stunning. But though he tried not to be, he was much more captivated by the vision of Maria. Her silky kimono was loosely tied, and as she moved he could see the frilly lace of her bra and panties against her tan skin. Both the bra and panty had a lacey bow tie on the front, and Dan was mesmerized watching the lace drift back and forth as she walked.

At first Maria kept her head down and seemed a little nervous, but as she grew more comfortable that Dan and Teri were enjoying it she got into it more. She and Teri walked back and forth in front of Dan on an imaginary runway, and each time they passed one another Maria would gain confidence from Teri’s smile. Teri didn’t mind one bit that her husband was enjoying watching Maria’s body.

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