This story is about Jenny, a married mother of two, who is just starting work at a boys private school, as a full time nurse. The school has day pupils and boarders who live in during term time. The job was ideal for her as a working mother, allowing her to look after her own children in school holidays.
It was the beginning of term at St Athelstan’s and Jen arrived early for her first day. In fact she had already been at work for two days, sorting out the Sick Room and Sanatorium, a four bedded ward for the boarders. She was confident in handling the work, having been in charge of a children’s unit at the local hospital. This would be a breeze in comparison.
At her interview, the Headmaster had warned her, that as one of only a handful of women on the staff, she would be the centre of some keen interest from the boys. In fact, the only other young women around, was the new Art Teacher, Alice, also starting that day.
Jen parked in the staff car park and made her way into the main entrance. Numerous boys were milling around, bringing in cases, saying goodbye to parents. She smiled at the boys until a mother rushed up to her, anxious to discuss her son’s asthma and medication.
The boys nearby examined her, whilst she was engrossed in conversation. She was worth a second or third look, dark haired, of medium height and with a curvy, trim figure a uniform couldn’t hide. Typically, the dress was a shapeless dark blue sack, but with a tight belt round her waist, it showed off her large breasts. Jen didn’t know it, but she would start to figure in the boys nocturnal sexual fantasies that night.
When she finally managed to extricate herself from the mother, she walked over to Alice, on the other side of the hall. She had her own young fans, discreetly sizing her up. Taller with long brown hair and a similar, full figure, she was just as alluring in trousers and a thin sweater. One or two boys took discreet photos of the girls together and they would argue later, over which was their favourite.
Jen and Alice walked off to the Staff Common room, to meet a few of their colleagues. They were nice enough, one ran off to make tea for them, but they were an unimpressive bunch, mostly older, overweight, with thinning hair. Alice, who was single, was a bit crestfallen, no prospects here.
After tea, they went off to work. Jen had a morning surgery for minor ailments and another in the evening. The routine was to treat all the problems she could and with her experience, there wasn’t much she couldn’t handle. Anything else was booked in for the GP’s(family doctor’s) twice weekly visits. Being the first day of term, there wasn’t much to do, just a couple of wound assessments.
Jen liked to be informal and put her young patients at ease, while they discreetly admired the view. Wound dressing packs wee in a top cupboard and as she raised her arms to reach them, her skirt pulled up at the back to show a shapely pair of thighs. Blissfully unaware, she chatted away whilst the first boy crossed his legs to hide a slight swelling. The previous nurse had been nice enough, but being over 60, had not been the stuff of fantasies. Her surgeries were going to get crowded with imaginary ailments.
The rest of the day was uneventful and she got home just after 6 o’clock to make her two boys and husband’s supper. They chatted about her first day, as she described how easy it seemed, besides the responsibility of running a busy children’s hospital unit. It was a shame not to be using all that experience, but it would be so much easier for her to care for the family.
Over the following days, Alice and Jen grew closer, as the only young women amongst so many boys and men. Discovering a mutual love of sport, they arranged to play squash together the following day, when they were both free. The school had two courts and staff were able to use them, when the boys weren’t.
The girls met in the staff changing room and dressed into tee shirts and shorts before entering the square glass box with a concrete front wall, which made up the court. A pair of senior students were already playing in the other court and tried to continue their game. Jen and Alice ignored them, as they started to play, running up and down, hitting the ball off all four walls. They were soon sweating with exertion and their shirts and shorts clung to them as they bent and reached to strike the ball. Neither had sports bras and their large breasts swung extravagantly, as shorts rode up over damp thighs. Alice bent to the floor, facing the boys and it seemed like her breasts must fall out of the shirt.
The boys could only stand, dry mouthed at the glorious spectacle and gave up playing. Leaving the court, they stood in the shadows at the back of the hall to just watch, transfixed with lust. The boys were in fact, young men, nearly nineteen and in their last term before going up to University.
“I’ve died and gone to heaven, pinch me…ouch, no it’s actually happening. Those two are just gorgeous.” the bahis siteleri first finished.
“Shouldn’t we warn them, you know, to be more careful, in the school, dressed like that?… Nah, they should know better.
Do you think, could we?
They must be going for a shower afterwards. We could try and slip into the staff changing room, there’s nobody else around. You know, watch over them, make sure they are safe, not molested. It’s our duty, we’re prefects after all.” The other finished, sniggering.
“If we’re caught, there’ll be hell to pay. Worth the risk, I’ve got my I Phone with me, a few photos?”
They waited there in the shadows, till the girls finished and walked passed them, chatting about the game, quite oblivious. They were followed, at a discrete distance, eyes fixed on their barely covered, firm swaying buttocks.
In the changing room, they both checked they were alone, then walked back to lock the door. Unfortunately the two boys had slipped in first and hidden themselves in a toilet. Creeping out, they followed Jen and Alice to where their clothes were on hooks.
“I’m sure you cheated, it’s a long time since a women’s beaten me.” Jen joked as she pulled the shirt off.
“Yuk, this bra is soaked, I should have brought a spare. Do you think I can go without the rest of the day?”
“No you tart, do you want to drive the boys mad with lust? Not they need much driving, this place is soaked in testosterone.” Alice finished, as Jen undid and dropped her bra.
The boys had no idea of size, but she was a 36D and they only sagged very slightly as they lost the support. They were beautifully shaped, with large brown areolae and nipples. They remembered to start taking photos, as Alice slipped off her bra too. They were a little bigger, high on her chest, only swaying a little as she moved.
“Jees Jen, they are magnificent and you’ve had two kids too. Your husband must have a permanent grin on his face.” Alice joked.
“Yes they do have their uses, when I need a new dress or something. Men are easily pleased aren’t they?
Yours are just as good, better.” Jen finished, admiring her friend.
“They’re going to be wasted here, no one to appreciate them. The other teachers are a pretty dismal bunch. The head’s OK, a real alpha male, but a bit too old.”
As she finished chatting, Alice pushed down her shorts and pants, back to the boys, who could clearly make out her labia, nestled in damp hair and continued the photos.
Oblivious, the two young women walked round the corner to the row of three open showers. Standing next to each other, they squealed as cold water splashed them. When it warmed, they stepped into the hot water, just standing under the reviving jets for the moment. The two boys were able to hide in the shadows in the changing room and still watch them. Alice faced them and Jen had her back to them, bathed in steam, water running off their perfect bodies.
They started washing themselves, bending twisting, washing between their legs, till the water was turned off. The watchers were fascinated how the water ran over their breasts like a small waterfall. When they started to dry, the two boys crept away and left the changing room, for their own. Both went into different toilets, to relieve the tension, before emerging, faces flushed and grinning.
Meanwhile the two women finished drying themselves and their hair, before dressing and leaving.
“Alice, didn’t you lock this door?”
“Yes, I’m sure I did.”
“Well it’s open now, thank goodness nobody came in and found us.
I want a rematch next week, same time?” Jen finished, as they walked passed the boys changing rooms.
The two lads heard and grinned at each other. That night, in the senior boarders residence. The photos were downloaded onto a PC and 10 boys sat round, spellbound and arguing over which of the women was the hottest. Then the conversation got round to next week and it was agreed the next match was an opportunity not to be missed. They had got away with it today, just, and following them was too risky to try again.
One of them was an electronics geek and suggested a small camera in the shower, with a WiFi connection, to make their own porn movie. It would have to be put up and taken down the same day, too risky to leave it permanently set up.
News of the photos didn’t leak out to the rest of the school, but that didn’t stop the two girls becoming more and more, the centre of attention. They couldn’t fail to notice the hard stares and to be honest, it was flattering. Jen started swaying her ass more than she strictly necessary, smiling to herself as she walked the corridors. In her surgery, with the older boys, she started to bend and stretch more provocatively. It was subtle, but it made her even more popular.
Before their next game, a small camera had been installed. In fact, it was more sophisticated than originally planned, under remote control it could pan between the canlı bahis siteleri changing room and shower. All the final year students who were free, huddled round the laptop next door, drinking in the free show. In fact, the girls conversation was becoming more uninhibited.
“Any more thoughts on the local talent Alice?”
“Well, they are all a pretty scruffy lot, the teachers that is. Some of the boys are pretty tasty mind.” Jen looked shocked.
“Alright, alright, I can dream can’t I. All those sexy bodies, locked away with no women but us. A lot are over 18, that’s not illegal you know. Yes, immoral I know, but I wouldn’t go to prison. It’s OK, only a fantasy. But don’t you find a lot of the boys, really sexy?” Alice finished.
“Yes, but I’m married, remember? But yes, OK, there are some tasty young men. On safer ground, any of the teachers caught your eye? How about Jim, the sports coach? He looks like he’s been hit in the face by a piece of wood a few too many times, but the body and the swelling in his shorts, impressive?”
“Indeed I have. I’m gasping for some attention, perhaps I’ll have to flutter my eyelashes at him.”
The boys next door were enthralled by this. So girls needed it as much as they did, somehow they had never imagined that. Over the next week, a nasty, sneaky little plan hatched in Charles’s brain, he was one of the voyeurs.
The girls had agreed to play the following week and Charles booked the other court at the same time. The rest of his class were doing rugby drills with Jim. Charles and his partner joined them fifteen minutes late.
“We were going to play squash Sir, but Miss Collis and Sister Manners are playing and we thought they might want some privacy.”
Jim looked suspicious, “Unusually chivalrous of you Brown, join in with the others.
Will you take the practice, I’ve got to see what the fourth form are doing in the Gym.”
“Of course Sir,” Charles said, grinning at the others.
Jim headed over to the Gym and when he was out of site, doubled back to the squash court. Creeping into the back of the hall, he enjoyed the same view as the boys had, two weeks ago. Alice and Jen were throwing themselves around the court in the same skimpy. sweat drenched kit. The outline of their underwear even prominent nipples, were clear to see. As they bent towards him, large breasts swelled against the thin cloth. He put his hand down his shorts, rubbing himself, could he, did he have a chance to take advantage of them?
Just then, the girls finished and walked past him chatting salaciously.
“What if someone burst in whilst we were having a shower, what could we do if they wanted to take advantage of us, even rape us, we’d be helpless?” Alice said giggling.
“Stop it you slut,” Jen replied laughing.
“Still Jen, it would be so easy to forget to lock the door, you know how forgetful I am.”
The girls went out of earshot and entered the changing room. Jim had decided to let fate decide, if the door was unlocked? Taking off his boots which clattered on the tiles, he tried the door, it opened. The camera panned from side to side, from the two women stripping off, chatting and back to Jim, as he quietly removed his kit. He was already erect, an impressive sight. Over eight inches and very thick, they’d drop to their knees if they saw him.
He heard the sound of the showers starting then opened and slammed the door. The chatting stopped in the shower room and the water was turned off. Whistling, Jim dropped his boots as if he was undressing and stepped round the corner, into the shower. The girls were standing, facing him with horrified expressions, trying to cover themselves with small towels.
“Room for a small one?” He said, ironically, nothing about his physique, or cock, was small.
“Don’t mind me, you carry on,” And he went over, turned his back to them and started to wash.
The watching boys were enthralled by this, silently praying that there was going to be some real action. Perhaps they could upload it all to the web.
Back in the showers, Alice looked at Jen, shrugged, dropped her towel and went back under the water. Jen mouthed no at her and stood, completely at a loss what to do, still clutching her towel. It occurred to her that anyone could come in at an minute and left to lock the door. Standing, naked by her clothes, she didn’t know what to do. There was a clearly audible woman’s moan from next door. Jen crept back round to see, worried about her friend.
Alice’s chest was being pushed against the tiles, still under the shower, letting Jim’s hands roam over her body. His fingers ran between buttocks, then between her legs, she spread her thighs to help him and groaned as his thick fingers pushed inside, then again as he pushed his massive erection against her ass.
Turning her round, he kissed her hard, greedy hands reaching to maul her tits, hard. She responded to his kiss and reached to grip his erection. The camera caught güvenilir bahis the tableau, Alice and Jim groping each other under the water, kissing passionately. Jen watching them, stock still, holding the towel in front, with her naked body clear to the camera behind.
It was no good, Alice had to taste him. Pushing away, she dropped into a squat, staring hungrily. Opening her mouth, she tried swallowing as much of him as she could, which was barely half. Still under the shower, Alice was at risk of drowning, her mouth full to bursting and water in her nose. Finally she gave up, choking and laughing.
Jim pulled her to her feet and pushed her back against the tiles. Squatting himself, he roughly spread her thighs and pushed his tongue into her. Alice’s head rocked from side to side and she squealed, staring at Jen, lost in lust. She spread her thighs as much as she could and dropped her hand to rub her clit. Quite soon, she shuddered to an orgasm and slumped to the floor as her legs collapsed.
Jim and Alice sat on the floor, still under the water, laughing and turned to stare at Jen. She in turn, shook her head and started to back out of the showers. Alice held up a hand and beckoned to her.
“Come on Jen, you know you want to. Besides, how can you let me try and cope with this monster alone.” Alice entreated.
Jen was still transfixed, she really wanted to, but her husband, her family. They were in the middle of a school for goodness sake, it was total madness. She looked at Alice, lying on the floor, her thighs spread, hand still raised, beckoning. Oh to hell with it, she finally dropped her towel and walked over to join the others.
The boys huddled round the computer screen high fived each other, it just couldn’t get any better.
Jen squatted down by Alice, who grabbed her by the neck and pulled her into a passionate kiss, water streaming over them. They sucked on each others mouth, enjoying the strangeness of kissing another women, till Alice pulled free and pushed Jen down onto the man’s glistening cock. It really was huge this close up. Opening wide, she let most of it slide straight in. Stopping for the moment at the entrance to her throat, she controlled the gagging and took in two more inches. Resting for the moment to get accustomed, she started bobbing up and down, licking, sucking and nipping him with her teeth. Jen knew she was good, really good, but he was a challenge, even for her. Each time she buried him in her mouth, she sank a little lower, till he was nearly swallowed, but it was too much for him and with a groan he roughly pulled away, to a mew of protest, she was enjoying the challenge.
Jim pulled her to her feet and hard against the tiles, staring into her eyes. Looking up he pulled her hand up to a pipe running above them both. Understanding, she gripped it with both hands, hoping it would take her weight. Pushing hard between her thighs, she tried to help, by lifting her legs to grip round his back. Finding her gaping sex, he dropped her down whilst driving in with all his strength. Her mouth dropped open and she screamed, crashing the back of her head against the tiles, as he drove her nearly a foot up the wall.
Alice gripped her hand and shouted, “Quiet you silly bitch, do you want the whole school to hear.”
Jen whispered, “Sorry, sorry, but Jees, wait till you have this monster buried in you, you’ll scream to.”
She grinned encouragement to him and he lifted her thighs with his hands and drove in just as hard, sliding her up the wall again. Still he wasn’t fully buried in her, but he went deeper with each thrust. Jim sank his head into her tits, sucking and biting them, worrying them, like a dog with a bone. It hurt, really hurt and she gritted her teeth with the pain, as he went on pounding her. She was being abused and ravished like an animal and nothing she could remember, had felt so good. In fact she came quickly and hard, moaning through her clenched teeth, trying to keep quiet.
The boys had zoomed on her face, then her breasts, finally trying to catch the cock inside her, but the camera was too high. Her legs lost their grip on Jim’s back and he had to bear all her weight as she almost lost consciousness. He let her slide to the floor and pulled Alice up by one arm. This man had stamina, he still hadn’t come, still fully erect. He seemed to be snarling and incoherent, lost in the moment, but Alice wasn’t frightened. She gladly pulled herself up by the pipe and spread her thighs for him, then drew her legs up and gripped him tight, as Jen had done.
For a moment, she stared into him wide eyed with fear now, but desperate to be fucked and she didn’t have to wait as he piled into her cunt with all his strength and started mauling her tits. He seemed to want to hurt her badly, but it only made it more exciting, as she struggled to stifle shrieks and pleas for mercy, that only seemed to make him want to hurt her more.
Alice climaxed quickly too, she really needed to stop the pain. Sliding down the wall as he withdrew, she ended kneeling and on all fours, panting.
Jim looked down at them both, bruised and ravaged, panting like landed fish. He grinned with pride, with these two beautiful young women at his feet. He gave a theatrical cough to get their attention.