
24 Hours of July 14th Awesomeness


“Only one rule for you.” I said to the valet.

He looked at me quizzically, with tired eyes. Well, it was almost midnight.

“Huh?” he mumbled.

“No touching.” I said.

“Ummmm, okay.” he said.

So, here we are in New Orleans, July 13, and ready to roll onto our next adventure. I only promised my wife none of our rules would be violated. The ultimate destination was a secret until now. I was about to reveal my plans for July 14.

As directed, my wife walked down into and thru the empty lobby in her hotel bathrobe. Even after 26 years of marriage, this woman keeps me going. We keep the rules simple, and plan carefully together our adventures. We pick our spots, and most of all, I respect my wife, careful never to cross boundaries.

This summer, the spot I picked was New Orleans. Or, at least, that is all I told Debra. Using our rules, I carefully created an expanded plan to include an additional location. Deb knew New Orleans wasn’t our final destination. I only hope she is pleasantly surprised by my plan for the next 24 hours.

I smile at Deb as I walk up to the Black Yukon, our vehicle of choice for our road trips out of state. It is our most comfortable car for long drives, and the darkened windows allow us tons of privacy as we have no desire to offend families. However, plenty of truckers have thanked us over the years for the shows we have provided them.

The valet hops out of the car, and holds the door for me. I hand him a $50, and tell him to ensure our hotel robes are returned to the front desk so our room is not charged unnecessarily. Funny, I know, since I just handed him $50, but this amount is mostly for what he is about to experience. He thanks me, and heads to the other side of the Yukon.

I remove my robe, and hop in, closing my own door. Deb walks up to the passenger side, where the valet waits with the door open. I smile at Deb. She smiles back, stopping just before stepping up into the car. She removes her robe. Need I say more? She is magnificent. Deb hands her robe to the valet, and I then hand her mine, which she also gives to him.

Deb steps up into the Yukon. The door is closed behind her. I lower her window.

“Thanks.” I say to the valet.

“No sir, thank you!!!” he says, now wide awake.

Rolling up her window, I tell Deb we will definitely keep this hotel on our short list of New Orleans places to stay. I look at the clock as I put the Yukon in drive. The time: 12:01 AM. Now, that we have revealed ourselves to the hotel staff, it’s time to do the same about my plans for July 14.

“So, Deb.” I say. “You want to know about the rest of my plans for the next 24 hours?”

“Yep.” she says. “We missed a lot of the Big Easy by resting all day. What are you up to?”

“Well, we are headed to Key West. Totally naked, if you haven’t figured it out. It’s a 16 hour drive, so I’ll have you dipping your toes in the pool at Knowles House before 5pm today. After that, we’ll run over to The Garden of Eden for dinner and our favorite, the Naked Sunset.”

Deb nods her approval. “Okay, but what about the next 16 hours? Where do we eat? Where do we potty?”

“Well, that is the adventurous part. But, I am pretty sure we won’t have to break any of our rules to make it through the day completely naked.” I say.

“First, I made sure we have towels to cover up with in case of emergency. Second, there are specific rest stops along the way where we can conduct some of our favorite challenges.”

“So far, so good.” Deb says. “When can I sleep”

“Right after you cum for me as we drive out of New Orleans.” I say. “You’ll find any necessary toys under your seat.”

“Right, like I need those right now!” Deb exclaims, smiling. “I’m pretty wet right now, so this shouldn’t take too long.”

Turning right onto Common, Deb gets busy, without any toys. She fingers the top of her pussy, and her luscious nipples harden. All for me.

Now onto I-10, we pick up speed, and so does Deb. I know it won’t be long. Traffic is light, and I keep the Yukon at the speed limit. Naked speeding people is not good business. Anyway, Deb edges closer and closer.

“You can’t go yet.” I say. “Wait until we get to the top of the Twin Span.”

Deb bites her lip,issuing a long, “Ooookay.” She starts thrusting her hips ever so slightly.

We start the ascent up the bridge over Lake Ponchartrain. Deb’s seat leans backward at her direction, and then her hand is back on her hard nipple, squeezing ever faster and harder. I see her thigh muscles spasm. Her feet rise up onto the dash, legs spreading, sex hikayeleri and then Deb plunges three fingers right into her delicious pussy. Up and down, back and forth. I can’t afford to stare.

Deb switches hands, right hand now into her cunt, and she turns ever so slightly, and grabs my dick with her left hand. Now almost to the top of the span, I use my right hand to pull her hair over her face, only her mouth showing now. Both hands now back on the steering wheel, I instruct Deb that it is time as we are at the summit of the bridge, and about to see the lights of Slidell.

Her legs straighten, her ass rises off the seat, and a visible shudder pulses thru Deb from head to toes. I use my fingers to get some of my tasty pre-cum off my dick and put it into Deb’s mouth. She bites my finger, and sucks it, leaving only her spit on. I grab a breast, and Deb orgasms again.

As we head down the bridge, Deb follows suit, putting her legs down, and curling into the towel-covered leather seat. I cover her with a towel, and Deb falls into a smiling slumber.

I love to drive this Yukon. It’s big, has comfy seats for long trips, and just cruises beautifully. It literally will not be a problem driving all the way to Tallahassee while Deb sleeps. From there, I’ll need her to take over and get us thru most of Central Florida.

Our challenges are pretty straightforward, time tested, fun games which keeps things exciting for both of us.

For example, as we drive past truckers, I will instruct Deb to roll down her window and flash the driver. Man, do truckers love this. I’m sure we are doing our part to keep them awake on their long hauls. My instructions are simple.

“Okay, standard issue rules this part of the trip.” I say to my bride. “Go to sleep. I’m going to uncover you every time we pass an 18 wheeler. Even if I awaken you, keep your eyes closed.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m going to enjoy my body coming down from those 2 orgasms for a few hours. Enjoy yourself.” she says. Deb is quickly asleep.

It’s not long before the first truck is in my sights. I start off just exposing one of Deb’s tits. She doesn’t even move. I ease up on the gas as we move alongside the truck. I turn on the cabin lights and the interior is fully lit. I know truckers see much more than just one breast, and we have certainly shown more than one, but each and every one of these guys waves, smiles, or gives us the simple thumbs up. Heck, I’ve even gotten lucky and gotten thumbs up from female drivers at times.

This particular driver smiles as I ease past him, and I turn off the cabin lights and hit ‘resume’ on the cruise.

Deb opens one eye, smiles, and says, “Well, that didn’t take long.” She turns a little more, lying straight on her back, and closes her eye again.

And sure enough, there’s another truck. This time, I uncover both tits. This time, a thumb up. And another truck, and this time fully uncovered, and this time a big blow of the truck horn.

This is all pretty standard-issue stuff for us. Going to Key West is another thing. We have been wanting to check this off our bucket list for some time. It’s a bit of a drive, so I need to keep the excitement level on an even keel. For the next few hours, I keep Deb covered up as we pass all the early morning drivers thru Mississippi and Alabama.

What I like about Mississippi is the location of I-10. With plenty of wooded areas along the way, it will be easy to stop for potty breaks. I pull over just on the other side of Gulfport. With no cars in sight, I get out, and run around the Yukon to pee. And of course, here come some cars and trucks. No problem, I think as I finish. I’ll just open the back passenger door, and….

Well, damn. I forgot to unlock it. So, I just kneel down by Deb’s door, and wait for the traffic to pass. It does so, and I stand up, and there is Deb just smiling thru the window at me. Funny.

Deb unlocks the doors, and gets out to take care of her own business. So, here we are, both naked, outside the car. I open the back passenger door and crawl in to get out some drinks and snacks for the next few hours. Deb finishes, and gets back in.

I get on my knees on the middle row seat behind her, and tell Deb to lean her seat back again.

“Spread your legs, and put your feet on the dash, just like earlier.” I instruct.

I then crawl over her, putting my knees on the leather seatback just outside her elbows, and, with my feet and lower legs behind her head, I am able to lick her stomach, thighs, and then eagerly eat her dripping pussy. It is salty seks hikayeleri from the pee, but still the most delicious thing I have ever licked in my life.

Deb willingly takes my cock in her mouth, and the Yukon 69 as we call it, is fully underway.

“Uh, uh.” Deb says. “Not so fast, mister. We have a way to go, yet.”

She is right. I need to wait. One last lick, and I pull out of her mouth, and back to the middle row. “Tell you what. Right before my turn to drive, I’ll suck you off so you can get some quality shuteye.” Deb promises.

“Damn straight.” I say. I get out of the car, walk around, letting the cool night air shrink my hardness. And away we go.

We fly through Alabama, and the Florida panhandle is no problem. We reach Tallahassee in no time. It’s 6:30 am, and I’m hungry for something more than the snacks I just consumed a few hours ago. Time for another favorite challenge.

I pull into the drive-thru of a famous fast food chain, and order some breakfast sandwiches and coffee. The challenge here is fun, because we often get free food. As I pull around the driveway to the cashier window, I am happy to see a male manager ready to take our money.

This is the easy part. I cover myself from the waist down. I uncover my wife. Completely. We pull up. I don’t say word. The manager holds my coffee out the window, does a double take, and on cue, his mouth drops wide open.

And on cue, he hands me the food, smiles, and waves me on.

Fast food managers crack me up.

I can’t wait to see what my wife wants me to do for her. That’s the remaining part of the challenge. No time limit. It might happen today. It might happen on the beach on Boca Chica Key.

“Hey, it’s your turn.” I say to Deb. “By the way, you got me a free breakfast earlier, so I owe you. We are just past Alachua, and I need you to drive down to Coral Springs, or so.”

“Alright. Now about what I promised earlier.” Deb says with a big grin.

And before I know it, Deb is up on her knees, ass to the window, and begins licking the end of my dick. I come to life quickly, and she begins to suck on my balls. Wowzers, as usual.

“There are a few trucks ahead. May I open your window? Do you accept my challenge to spread your pussy in the open window while sucking me?” I ask in my deepest voice.

Without answering, Deb lifts her right hand from under my ass, and rolls down her own window. She then places her hand back under my ass, and angles a finger for my asshole. This is going to be big. At the same time, her ass lifts up, her knees spread as far apart as the seat will allow, and her head begins my favorite rhythm.

It’s two trucks. Our dance begins. I ease up to the first truck. Thumbs up. His partner leans over from the passenger side, and I see the flash of a camera. I smile. The driver motions to hold on. He rolls down his window, and the partner, a woman, is able to take a better picture with no flash reflection in the window. Smiles from both as I accelerate to the next truck.

The next truck takes some concentration as I am edging closely to cumming. I decide this time to finger Deb. So, with my left hand firmly on the wheel, I use the fingers on my right hand to spread her ass even more, and put two fingers into her.

THAT is all I could stand. Boom!!! I fill her mouth. Deb swallows furiously, then sits up. Meanwhile, I have been cruising alongside the trucker. Deb looks up, grabs one of her breasts with her left hand, and spits some cum onto her right hand to show the driver. And to think I thought she had swallowed everything. I should have known, because she often spits some into my mouth after sucking me off. I don’t mind because her resulting orgasms are always off the charts. The driver gives a very approving long honk of his horn as we pull away.

Outside Gainesville, we pull over to switch drivers. I could probably keep going, but I really want to be fresh for the Key West beach at sunset. Deb gets situated in the driver’s seat, and keeps a fresh towel on the console just in case. I cover up and fall asleep pretty quickly.

The rest of the trip happened quickly. I was awakened twice, although I merely pretended to sleep. The first time, I caught Deb passing a truck on the right side. Not the best idea, but she had her right leg up next to the steering wheel, and was squeezing her left tit, really hard I might add, for the truck passenger. The second time, the opening of my window woke me up, and I caught a glimpse of a woman driving another Yukon smiling at me and my wife. Nothing like showing off erotik hikayeler a little morning wood to our neighbors on the highway.

Before I knew it, we were well past Coral Gables, and ready to hit the Overseas Highway. With a mere 3 hours or so, we change drivers again, and the afternoon sun beckons us to drive on.

However, there is one last detail. We need gas. The first fill-ups were easy and uneventful. This one will be tricky. Never having been this far South into Florida, I wasn’t sure about where we would find gas. Then, our last bit of luck happened. A Murphy gas station appears on the right, just off the road. And, it has a retaining wall around it.

“Thank God.” I say.

“What?” Deb asks.

“Well we need gas, and there is a good station right here. Do you want to cash in on my free breakfast from this morning, or wait?” I ask.

“Hmmm. If you walk around the car and start filling it up, I’ll finish it.” Deb says.

“Okay, I can do that…” I say.

“But,” Deb interrupts, “you have to clean the windshield while I finish the gas.”

“Both sides?” I ask.

“Yep!” she exclaims.

I pull into the station.

“Wait, here’s another option.” Deb smirks at me.


“You gas up the car, AND clean the windshield, and I will walk to the bathroom without having you drive up to the door as usual.” Deb challenges.

I see what she is talking about. This Murphy has outside restrooms. Cool.

With no hesitation, “I accept”. I begin sizing up the situation.

Of course, the gas cap side of the Yukon goes next to the pump. Luckily, the size of the pump blocks a clean view of us from the station itself. Since it is on the driver’s side, the gas part will be easily accomplished. Now, about the windshield. I decide upon my plan, and park.

I get out, leaving the driver’s door open. So far so good, no customers on this side of the station. I begin filling the tank, and Deb walks around behind the me, hugs me, and heads off the restroom. I watch her ass jiggle ever so slightly, her pace quickening as she gets halfway between the pump and the bathroom door. I guess we picked a good part of town as the door was unlocked. Deb turns around, and blows me a kiss.

“Hey!” she says. “You can’t do the windshield yet. I want to watch!”

I give a thumbs up. My heart races. More time outside. More chances of being caught. And 35 gallon tanks take time to fill.

Deb walks back, almost too calmly, and gets in the passenger seat. Then, she looks at me, and points at the windshield.

Alright, here we go.

I get the squeegee from the rack, and walk around to the passenger side of the Yukon. My plan is thus. I can reach both sides of the windshield if I stand on the running board. So, I am able to somewhat quickly clean both sides of the glass.

Gassing done, windshield shining brightly, I climb back into the driver’s seat.

“Hey! Not fair!” Deb kinda yells at me.

“I did both sides!” I kinda yell back. I knew she wouldn’t like my plan.

“That’s alright.” she playfully says. “There was a couple in that car over there, watching us the entire time.”

I look out. Sure enough, there’s a car with two smiling faces in its front seat looking directly at us. I hate to admit it, but I became turned on almost instantly. Deb noticed, and grabbed my cock as we pulled away. Challenges accepted; debt paid. More friends made in Florida.

Now onto Key West. This is the longest causeway I have ever driven. Somehow, we had a few other cars join behind us, so we had a small caravan. Not coincidentally, two of the cars were together; another had a couple by themselves, but in a car with state plates the same as ours.

We pulled into Big Pine Key, and were able to relieve ourselves outside with no challenges necessary. With mere minutes to Key West, we caught up to our little caravan. And damn, if the couple in the car by themselves didn’t flash us. Well, at least she did. It was pretty evident they weren’t wearing clothes.

Key West was looking very promising indeed.

How to describe this place? Amazing. Laid back. A bucket list place for sure.

We pulled into Knowles House right at 6pm. And we fit right in. It’s a beautiful summer, clothing optional kind of day, and we enjoy a relaxed dinner. From there, we unload the Yukon, and head up to the Garden of Eden Sunset Party on the rooftop deck.

Afterward, we take a walk in the dark down to the beach just a few blocks away. It is a magical end to our trip as we dip our feet, then our bodies together into the dark waters of the Atlantic.

No doubt we will sleep most of tomorrow, July 15, away. No doubt. But with just a few hours remaining, we head back to our room to finish the day exactly the way I planned: in bed, in a wild, passionate, lovemaking embrace.

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