
A Day at the Beach With Martha


Prior stories with Martha: Training My Dream Man. Training My Dream Man. PT.02.

Or just jump right in and start reading this story.

Perfect. Dan could not have been happier. He could not believe how great his life was going.

The last four month’s could not have been gone better for him. He had relocated from Rhode Island to the shore line of Connecticut. To a quiet town right on the shore. His job was the same. But in this time of COVID he could work virtually from anywhere.

Dan had just gone thru a divorce. Married for 5 years, it had just not worked out. He was 32 years old. He had plenty of time to try marriage again. And he would, when the time was right.

Over the last four months Dan had reset his life. He kept it simple. Moving to a new home. Concentrating on his work and working out. That was pretty much his last four months. That was his routine. That was all he wanted for now. Just to recharge. To rebuild himself physically and emotionally.

Dan had always been good looking. 6′ 2″ and 185lbs. He had used the last four months to get back in great shape. He was starting to feel like himself again. Things were going just as he wanted.

Being able to work virtually meant Dan could usually set his work day. Start early, finish early. Start late, finish late. Whatever fit for that day.

Now that it was the summer, he had been working out around lunch time. Then taking a quick trip to his local town beach. Time for a dip in the ocean. Sit on his towel, dry off and catch a few rays. Then back to home and work. Dan was a hard worker. Motivated to do well at work. He followed orders without questions.

The town beach was ideal for him. Good sized. Plenty of space. Quiet during the week. A little busier on the weekends. Dan usually went just during the week. A few times a week seemed to work for him. Wednesday thru Friday was his normal routine.

Wednesday. Arriving at the beach. Nice day. Sunny. Everything as usual. Just the way he like it. Quiet. As he put his towel down there wasn’t another person within 100 yards of him. The ocean felt extra refreshing today. Cold. He needed it. He was mentally tired from the mornings work. This was helping him for the rest of the day. He stayed in a little longer. As he slowly made his way back to his towel — he noticed a woman had set-up fairly close to him. About 15 yards or so away. With so much space and so few people at the beach during the week, it was unusual.

Dan gave her a look over as he approached his blanket. She seemed about the same age as him. In shape. On the shorter side. Attractive but not stunning. Brown hair. She wore a one piece black swim suit. It fit her well. She had on dark black sun glasses.

The woman sat in a beach chair. She positioned herself with the suns position. She faced the sun and was horizontal to the ocean. Dan always just laid straight out on his blanket, vertically, feet towards the ocean. He did not care where the sun was. The way she was facing gave her a perfect view of Dan as he laid out. She could see his whole body. Was she sitting this way on purpose? To watch him? Dan really did not care.

Dan had never seen her before at the beach. But maybe he had just not paid close enough attention.

Dan laid down on his blanket. Letting the sun warm and dry him. Enjoying these last few minutes out before returning to work.

As he laid there Dan sensed the woman looking at him. Watching him. Observing him.

Soon he had to go back to work. He packed his stuff up to go. He looked over at the lady. She seemed to return his stare. But with the dark sun glasses on, he could not really tell. He gave her a smile and nodded. There was no return acknowledgement.

Thursday. Dan’s morning had been really productive at work. He could not wait for his mid-day break at the beach. It was another great beach day. Warmer than yesterday. Dan dunked himself in the ocean, swam around and emerged soaking wet. As he made his way back to his towel, he noticed his friend back. The woman had returned. Except she was closer. This time about 5 yards away. If she got up and took a two giant steps she would be on his blanket. She was positioned in the same way as yesterday, with a perfect view of Dan.

For another quiet day at the beach, she was very close. She was in his “space”. Almost like they were together. Was she pushing it for some reason? Dan thought about all this as he walked to his blanket. Maybe she just wanted to talk today. Dan was fine with the thought. When he wanted to be he was very charming. Since his divorce and with working virtually he had not had a lot of social contact.

Dan introduced himself. His new friend was Martha. She made no comment on why she sat so close to him. Martha lived in the town, she had been local for some time. She enjoyed the beach. She came to this beach frequently. She also worked from home. Their conversation was mainly one sided. Dan felt he was doing most of the talking. He told her about his divorce, moving, his job. How hard şişli eskort he worked. Basically his whole past four months. Martha listening intently. But Martha did not seem to want to reveal much about herself.

Martha had on a bikini today. It showcased her breasts. They were good sized but still looked firm. Dan could see the outline of her nipples as they talked. Up closer today then yesterday, Dan could see Martha much better. Perfectly tanned. Well taken care of body. Nice hair. She had no sunglasses on today. Her eyes were blue. Deep blue and piercing. It was hard to look into her eyes without dropping your own.

But mainly it was her presence that Dan could sense. A seriousness. A sense of control seemed to radiate from Martha. Dan could feel it. No words were needed to know this.

He laid back on his beach blanket. He needed to get back to work soon. He liked to close his eyes and chill for few minutes each day before he left the beach. Martha did not seem to mind. She said nothing as Dan laid out. He could feel her watching him. Observing. Even more focused than yesterday. Dan occasionally looked over at Martha as he laid there. Her gaze was intent. She was scanned his body. Her focus was mainly on his crotch. She seemed to care less if he noticed her observing him.

Dan was amused by this. What a bold woman. So very different than most ladies. Dan did not mind. He was handsome and was used to women looking at him. He felt nice after the past four months to have an attractive lady watching him. Her attention on him. The thought of her openly looking at his cock. He could feel his cock stir in his swim suit.

The openness of Martha’s gazing was having an effect on him. Dan was slightly embarrassed. His swimsuit was not overly revealing. But still, Dan knew his cock was becoming noticeable. He could feel himself becoming aroused. It surprised him. It has been a quiet past four months since his divorce. But he was usually in better control of himself.

He had to get up. Enough of this. Get back to work. With great effort he stood up and gathered his stuff. He tried to get moving as quickly as possible. He would have a brief wrap-up good bye with Martha and leave.

But now Martha wanted to talk. She wanted to keep Dan right there, standing in front of her. All the while focusing on his penis. The piercing eyes. The powerful gaze. Dan could feel his cock hardening. Protruding from his suit. The slightest smile appearing on Martha.

She was telling him how nice it had been to talk. How she had noticed him on the beach for a few weeks. Holding him there with the conversation. She was enjoying having Dan stand there erect and hard in front of her.

Just like that she stopped their conversation. As if she had accomplished what she wanted for the day. She knew she had aroused Dan. She said she had to get going also. She reached over on to her blanket and produced a bag. She gave it to Dan. She said it was present. When he got home he was to look in the bag. Martha said she would see him at the beach tomorrow.

Friday. Dan was always good at organizing his thoughts and focusing on what he needed to do. Yesterday had been no exception. He was able to put the unusual beach experience with Martha out of his mind. He had worked late. Worked out. Had is usual rather ordinary quiet night.

He was curious about the present Martha had given him. Why? It was odd for her to do that. But he had not opened the bag. After all, what could it possibly be?

Now as he got ready to make his Friday trip to the beach, he needed to open the bag. He may see Martha again today and had to see what she gave him. It was a bathing suit.

The bathing suit was very unusual. Dan had never seem a suit like it before. Boxer shaped. But the material was different. Very stretchy. Yet still soft and comfortable. Obviously Martha wanted Dan to wear the bathing suit today. Dan had no problem with that. He was proud of the shape he was in and how he looked. Even though her attention was a bit unusual, he did not mind it.

When Dan tried on the suit he realized it was much more than it appeared when he was just looking at it. The fit was incredible, like a glove. He felt every part of his lower area was on display from his buns, to his testicles, to his cock. Separate sections for each part of him. The feel of the suit was sensuous. The material sheer, almost see thru. Should he wear it? He would be on display. Dan thoughts were swirling. He decided he would wear the bathing suit. After all, it was just a bathing suit.

Dan followed his usual beach routine. Heading right for the water. Dunking. Swimming around. He could feel the bathing suit become even more form fitting. Fitting a little tighter around his penis area. Yet still stretching enough so it could move. Dan had always been well endowed. As Dan slowly made his way out of the water, he could already feel the effect. Dan’s cock was swaying and moving as he came out the water. The feel and sheerness of the material escort fatih was even greater now that the suit was wet. He was becoming self-conscious. There was no way not to. His cock was responding by growing hard.

Of course Martha was there as Dan emerged from the ocean. She had set-up practically on his blanket today. With her legs stretched out covering Dan’s beach blanket.

Dan had no place to sit. Martha also held his towel. Dan immediately realized until Martha moved he would need to stand. He was under Martha’s viewing control. On display. On exhibit. It was just what Martha wanted. She had planned this perfectly.

Martha welcomed Dan back to their area. “How was the ocean? How is the suit I got you? Let me see you. You seem to enjoy the fit and feel of it”.

Martha continued to talk. Keeping Dan in place standing right in front of her. No way to sit down or dry himself. He was at her mercy. Martha was in command. Dan could feel her gaze on him. The focus. Any time he moved his cock swayed in the suit. Martha saw it. His hardness. Dan felt so overwhelmed. But he also felt a growing sense of excitement under Martha’s eye. Who was this lady? He had never met a woman like her.

Martha moved her legs but kept Dan’s towel. Dan finally was allowed to sit down. After a little more conversation, Martha said “Lay back now. Relax. Enjoy the sun.” Dan could not decide if this was more a statement or a command. Dan was becoming dazed. He was so aroused, he could not think. Martha was so aggressive. But also calm and in control at the same time. She seemed to have everything planned out for him. Dan laid back on the blanket.

Today Martha was not content to sit in her chair and watch Dan. She slipped down right next to Dan on the towel. Taking a few seconds to let her close presence sink in. “Close your eyes”. Dan could feel Martha’s gaze on him.

Martha leaned in close to Dan. Her lips right next to his ear. She talked to him in a slow, sensuous, quiet whisper. “You have had a stressful few months. Your divorce. Moving. Work. So much seriousness. So little fun. I want you to just lay back and listen to me. Then you can get back to your job. But first you must listen to me. Do you understand?” Dan nodded.

“I am going to help you get in touch with your senses. Close your eyes. Just focus on me. On my voice. On my instructions.”

“Take a deep breath. Release. Again. Relax. Now let your mind open up to me. Clear out all the thoughts in it. Start letting yourself go. Do you understand?” Dan nodded.

“I see how you have reacted to my watching you, to your swimsuit, to being on display to me. You have been enjoying it. Your bodies reaction gives you away. You are responding to me. You need this. Start letting yourself go even more.”

Martha continued: “I am watching your penis right now, stretching against the fabric, straining, so engorged. A beautiful cock. It looks so full. I am imagining my hand on it. Fondling it. Enjoying how it feels.”

“I am in charge of it today. Of you. Do you understand?” Dan nodded again.

“Take your hand and place it on top of your swimsuit. Gently rest it there. On top of your penis. Now slowly trace up and down from your cock head to your testicles.”

Dan did as he was instructed. He was breathing deeply, he felt himself relaxing. Opening up himself to Martha. He put all other thoughts away. It was just him and Martha. He would follow her instructions. He let his fingers gently rest on his cock head and trace down, back and forth. His touch thru the soft sheerness of the swim suit felt incredible. He did not release how hard he had become until he touched his penis. How long had it been since he had ejaculated. I slight groan escaped him. At that moment he felt his hand being lifted by Martha.

Martha paused Dan. She never could have imagined Dan would respond so well today. Such a handsome man. In such good shape. With the perfect physiological makeup for her to train. She had sensed that almost immediately. She had made an excellent selection in choosing Dan.

She took a moment and looked at Dan. She could see the small yet obvious wet stain on his swim suit. He was slowly starting to leak pre-cum semen. She doubted he was even aware of it.

She was feeling the effects as well. She could feel her large nipples hardening. Her pussy becoming wet. Her arousal was always a combination of the sexual part and the pleasure of taking control over a person. From slowly taking command. This time was no exception. She had spotted Dan on her quiet beach for weeks. He had been totally unaware of her observation. Now it was too late for him. She was going to train him until he was under her power.

But Martha would stay in control of herself. She had to think clearly. Later when she was home she would replay the day’s events. It would be her turn to have her personal pleasure.

Martha leaned in again to Dan’s ear. “You are doing so well. Now place your hand inside your swim suit. In between the mecidiyeköy eskort top of your left leg and your groin”. Martha watched Dan. His breath was ragged. His thumb was slightly moving, trying to make contact with his cock. His leg twitched. Martha whispered: “Keep your hand still. Keep breathing deeply, relax. You are very aroused. Think of your own arousal. Focus on your pleasure. You need so badly to orgasm.”

Martha: “Open your mind to me. Keep your thoughts focused. You can now move your hand over. Place it on your cock. Always remember I am watching. You must think of me as being in control of your cock. Pleasuring yourself.”

Dan moved his hand over. His mind was so clear. It was totally in sync with his sense of arousal. With Martha watching. She had guided him to this moment. He accepted her instruction. Her control. He felt he was on exhibit for her pleasure.

Dan grasped him cock his hand. He could not remember the last time it felt this good to touch himself. His cock seemed to fit perfectly in his hand. His cock felt so full. There was already the slightest trail of semen on his shaft. He had been leaking semen. He was sure Martha had seen this and enjoyed it. He needed to release himself. He was built up. His organ so clogged. He felt himself drifting off into his own space.

Even Martha was surprised by what she was seeing. She was watching as Dan went into a state of pure pleasure. His eyes closed, his breathing deep, all his senses engaged. Dan seemed to become unaware of his surroundings. He was soon rhythmically stroking himself, his body moving in unison with his hand. The sounds coming from him growing louder. He was lost in pleasuring himself. He climaxed with a thunderous orgasm. Staining himself in a flood of semen.

Dan sat up with a jolt. Startled. What had just happened? His hand, his leg, his crotch all covered in his semen. His swimsuit was soaked thru with his cum. At the beach. With Martha watching him.

Martha stood up from the beach blanket. She gazed down at Dan. She had never seen anything like that in her life. She could not have been more turned on by what she had just seen. She wished her hand had been pleasuring Dan to the massive orgasm. But what she did today built her control over Dan. That was what she wanted. Control over this man.

A widening look of satisfaction spread on her face. “You did well today. I pleased with how you responded. How you followed my instructions to total completion. I am very pleased with you. I will see you Wednesday next week.”

Dan had all weekend to think about what had happened to him at the beach with Martha. He had never had a sexual experience like that before. It was hard to make sense out of it. How did that happen to him? But there was one thought in his mind he could not stopping thinking, how much he had enjoyed it.

Dan had a choice to make. He could just not go back to the beach next week. Or he could find another beach to go to. But somehow he knew he could not resist going back to his beach. He would see Martha again.

Wednesday. Dan followed his usual routine. Putting his stuff down on the beach and heading to the water. The ocean felt great. He swam, dunked himself under the water, floated on his back. As he came out his suit was the same as last week. Fitting him like a glove. So comfortable. So sheer when wet. The effect of the ocean and the suit made his cock hard. It was on full display. Swaying as he walked towards the blanket.

As he expected Martha was waiting for him. But there was a surprise. Martha was sitting on his blanket. In addition, sitting in a chair about five feet away was an Asian woman that Dan had never seen before.

Martha greeted Dan as he approached the blanket. Martha kept her legs briefly stretched out on the full blanket. Just for a moment. Keeping Dan standing. Putting Dan and his cock on display for the two women. “Dan meet an acquaintance of mine. Lilly. I meet her on the beach last summer. I requested her to join us today”

Dan looked over at Lilly. She was slightly younger than Dan and Martha. Dan guessed around 28-30. Tall. Lean. She wore a very small white bikini. The bottoms were tied on the sides. A very small patch of thin cloth covered her pussy. She was obviously clean shaved. If Dan looked close enough he believed he could see the outline of her pussy lips thru the bikini. Her breasts were small but firm. She was a beautiful woman.

Lilly did not say much. Dan got the distinct feeling she was a little uncomfortable being there. He wondered why he was getting that feeling. Was it Martha?

One thing was clear to Dan. Today was a new day for Martha. She was in a great mood. There was no mention of what happened on the beach last week.

Martha was more talkative than the previous week. As usual when they talked, the conversation seemed to completely center on Dan. Martha wanting to know more and more about him. She was so interested in him. Dan enjoyed her attention. Lilly just sat quietly, not participating at all.

Martha was a “hands talker”. Her hands moved as she talked. They seemed to move in unison with their conversation. Reaching out. Touching Dan. Resting her hands briefly on him. Here and there. Arms. Shoulders. Leg. The feel of her hands so soothing.

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