
Spotlights Ch. 06


Chapter Six: Pillow talk

Author’s Note:

This story is complete fantasy. Any resemblance to people, living or dead, companies or inventions is purely accidental.

The story will make more sense if chapters 1 to 5 are read first.


On Saturday night, Peter first made love to Jenny standing up against the bedroom wall because she would not leave him alone long enough to undress. He had thrown her down onto the bed twice but each time she immediately jumped back on him, wrapping her arms and legs around him, gluing her mouth to his; so Peter simply unzipped his fly, released his stiff penis and thrust into her where they stood. They both came quickly.

The second time was less frenetic. Peter took Jenny from behind as she lay forward on the bed, leaning on her elbows and arching her back, relishing the depth of his penetration and the firm grip of his hands on her waist.

The third time, she was on top and riding him. At one point, Peter stretched out his hands to grasp her breasts and began to groan, saying “Oh God! Oh God! I am going to cum. You are so beautiful, Sam….” Jenny screamed “Oh!” and pummelled his chest until Peter, laughing, grabbed hold of her wrists to prevent her.

“That’s not funny,” she said.

“I thought it was.”

He noticed that she had not slowed her movements, however, and pretty soon he did cum for real, pulling Jenny down to him and kissing her deeply as she shuddered with her own climax.

Meanwhile, Samantha herself had been tenderly nursed by David, who helped her luxuriate in a warm bath for half an hour, then lay her on their bed and applied soothing lotion to all her marks and bruises. Samantha was strong and recovered quickly but had no further desire for sex herself that night. She could see, however, that David was as taut as a bow-string and overcame his reluctance saying,

“You’ve punished me worse than this before, Sir, and used me straight afterwards. You don’t have to be so considerate.”

“True enough: open up then, Slut.”

Samantha knelt on a cushion in front of David and happily took his hard penis into her mouth, licking and sucking its head and stroking its shaft. After a few minutes, she removed her hand and David pushed himself as far as he could into her throat. He withdrew for her to breathe and pushed in again. They soon found their rhythm and in a few minutes, David was close to cumming. He pulled out and rested a second.

Samantha started again with a good lick all around followed by flicks of her tongue on his cockhead and strokes of her hand. Then she began bobbing her head, taking a mouthful of his rod at a time and sucking insistently. Soon David was running his hands through her hair and urging her on, saying

“That’s perfect, Slut. Keep going. I’m close, Slut, I’m close. Oh, God!”

and with groans of ecstasy, David ejaculated in Samantha’s throat.

Lying in bed together later, David said to Samantha:

“What are we going to do about Peter nilüfer escort and Jenny, Slut?”

“Do we have to do anything, Sir?”

“I think so. They’ve never been on the scene and don’t seem much interested in it. Or maybe Jenny might be; but her submission just seems to be a private thing between them. I don’t want them to think that friendship with us will mean going to bondage clubs, swingers’ parties and making private movies of ourselves and friends.”

“But we do all those things, Sir.”

“Not around here we don’t and I don’t want Peter and Jenny to be put off being friends with us because of it. They might feel a strain knowing us if they think they must keep up with our lifestyle.”

“I understand, Sir. What shall we do?”

“Well, Jenny said she usually wants to go further than Peter, so could you talk to her tomorrow, and sort of probe her limits, please? You two will be spending a lot of time together in the future and you will talk about everything, I am sure. Just find out discretely what she thinks we get up to and let her know it is not obligatory in order to be our friend. Meanwhile, I’ll try to reassure Peter that dinner with us will not always end in a bondage orgy.”

“Their friendship is important to you, Sir.”

“I believe it will be very important, Slut. I like them both very much.”

“So do I.”

As David seemed to have nothing more to say, Samantha crawled around him until she was on all fours by his legs. “Have you recovered, Sir: are you ready to go again?” she asked.

“I am amazed at your stamina, Slut. Yes, I am ready.”

She took him in her mouth again and, more slowly this time, gave him that satisfaction which is next best to the real thing.

It was late, but Jenny and Peter were still awake. As Jenny lay contented beside him, Peter absently ran a thumbnail up and down her spine.

“Can we talk, Master?”

“Of course, Jenny.”

“You first, Master.”

“Funny, Jenny; though actually I do have two things to say to you, but they can wait. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“You tricked me, Master. I thought you were lending me to David for sex.”

“Yes, I enjoyed doing that. So what would you have done if I had not made the ground-rules?”

“I don’t know. I would certainly have refused to have sex with David but I am not sure where I would have drawn the line. That’s why I would like to make a request of you, please Master. Can we add something to our relationship rules?”

“The rules belong to both of us, Jenny. You need not request. You can make rules yourself. I am listening.”

“Peter, I don’t want you to lend me to anyone ever again.”

“You didn’t like how David treated you?”

“I liked it very much, he would make a wonderful lover; but I don’t want to enjoy it ever again.”

“Why not?” he asked, genuinely interested.

“Because I went to my Ocean Place with him and I want to go there only with you. I think of it as a sacred altıparmak escort for us and not for others.”

“So that’s what it was.”

“What ‘what’ was?”

“When you started making a noise like a chipmunk on speed.”

This earned him a dig in the ribs.

“No. That was afterwards. And I was faking it. I had slipped into the Ocean Place without realising it and, luckily, David was distracted by something and let the pressure off. When he started again, I was in control and put on a performance to mislead him.”

“It convinced me,” Peter admitted, “but do you think David was taken in?” he asked seriously.

“I thought so at the time. Why do you ask?”

“Because they are both very clued up people with lots of experience. I think David has lent Sam out many times like this to see how much she can take. It would explain why she held out for just the amount of time to make me think I won.”

“She let you win!” Jenny exclaimed in wonderment, sitting up. “Sam Harding let you win? You beat her arse black and blue, Peter. She was shrieking in pain, streaming with tears! You don’t believe she faked her tears, do you?”

“No, I believe she genuinely felt the pain, and also genuinely enjoyed it. She’s a very tough woman and I really hurt her; but my guess is that she regularly takes even more from David.”

“Gosh! Really? Does that mean the Culpepper’s deal is off?”

“No, Jenny. I assume she was for your compromise ever since you suggested it but, as you said, she wanted to push me. Notice that she did not forgive me for calling her a ‘bitch’ until I supported her deal against you and David.”

“I remember. I did wonder a little about it at the time.”

“She wanted to see what kind of man I was. I apparently showed it by saying I was willing to work for you both.”

“Explain, please, Peter.”

“It may be that Sam early on realised the nature of our relationship. David had already guessed before you admitted it …”

“He did?” Jenny interjected.

“Yes, he did … so Sam might also have worked it out. Then she may have thought I was like those men we’ve read about who dominate women to cover up their own weakness. When she saw that I did not care about my ego in that way but could take orders from women in business, she began to like me. That’s my guess.”

Jenny remained silent, thinking. Then:

“So you think David let me win as well?”

“Possibly, though I think you are far stronger than you imagine you are. It’s one reason I love you. I expect it’s also why David fancies you.”

“He has good taste, …” Jenny conceded, happily “but if it’s true he fancies me, then it’s another reason to make the rule. What do you say, Peter?”

“I agree. You are strictly mine from now on. I will not lend you to another man, not even one I like as much as David.”



“Thank you, Peter; … but I wonder why have you conceded so easily? What about bursa otele gelen escort Sam?”

“Jealous, Jenny?”

“I wouldn’t be a woman if I wasn’t jealous, Peter. I know it’s not a slave’s place to make demands of her master but the idea of you with someone else makes me ill to my stomach. Can there be a rule restricting you as well?”

“Do slaves legitimately expect fidelity, Jenny?”

“I think so, Master. We don’t have to go by what other people do. I have been your slave and yours alone; I don’t ever want to be slave to anyone else; and I want you to be Master to me and to no one else.”

“So what would you do if I decided I wanted another slave?”

“I don’t know. I would not want to accept it but maybe I would have to … but I think it would destroy me….”

“Don’t worry, Jenny,” Peter said, sitting up and hugging her to him, “it’s not going to happen. I don’t want another slave, ever. You are irreplaceable; … and more than enough trouble for any one man.”

She relaxed. They lay down and she snuggled contentedly against him.

“Yesterday was a one-off,” he continued. “In fact, what I wanted to say to you was that I would never lend you to David again.”

“So why did you, Master?”

“I wanted to distract him.”

“To distract David? Why did you need to distract him?”

“Because I didn’t know that Sam was going to let me win and I thought David might intervene if I was too rough with her.”

“You enjoyed being rough with her, though, Master.”

“Oh, yes, very much; and David enjoyed watching.”

You also enjoyed messing with my mind, Jenny thought to herself and wondered, a little more anxiously than she had before, if she had not created a monster. She felt good when Peter held her now, however, and she knew she had a greater reason to be content: Peter was her Master alone and she was Slave only to him. What had he called her last night? “My most precious possession.” It lifted Jenny’s heart to remember that.

They were suddenly both very tired, the exertions of the day catching up with them, and Jenny was close to drifting off when she remembered something.

“Peter, what was the other thing you had to say to me?”

“What other thing?” Peter asked, stifling a yawn.

“You said you have two things to say to me: one was about not lending me to David again. What was the other?”

“Don’t worry about it now, Jenny, it will keep to the morning. Let’s go to sleep.”

“Okay. Goodnight, Peter.”

“Goodnight, Jenny. I love you.”

“I love you, Peter.”

Jenny was warm, sexually sated and held in the arms of the man she loved; but she was still awake. So was Peter, she could tell by his breathing.

“Peter, I can’t sleep without knowing. Please tell me?”

“It can wait, Slave.”

“Master, please?”

“If you insist, Slave. … You ignored a major principle of our relationship today and deserve a punishment. Now go to sleep, Slave, and don’t disturb me again. Good night.”

“Oh, God!” she thought. “What did I do? How can I sleep now? How can I ask him what I did? Oh, God! Is he messing with my head again?”

Jenny started thinking over what they had done that day, from the early morning blow-job onward; and the good girl was fast asleep before she had finished reminiscing about the anal sex.

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