
A Teacher’s True Self Pt. 02


All the characters in the story are 18 and above.

Note: The following story is a continuation of “A Teacher’s True Self Pt. 01” and it contains extreme humiliation, degradation, fetish and pet play. You’ll enjoy the story, if the listed categories aren’t an issue.

A big thank you to the editor younghrted2 for editing this story and making it more engaging and beautiful.

I know she has given me the pleasure that I couldn’t ask for. She awoke my true self. She is my owner and mistress, but the way she treats me as a naked maid is so demeaning.

“What are you waiting for, darling?” she questioned, gazing into the computer screen and ignoring my feelings, completely.

I want to resist her order. I want to stand up on my legs and show that I’m not her submissive pet, or her naked maid. I want to be treated respectfully, and I no longer wanted to be a naked slut. More-over, I want to remind her that I’m her teacher and she is my student. This bloody game should end, right now.

“Have you tasted my juices yet, rosy dog?” My owner teased.

A scene of my face buried in her pussy and her legs locked around my head popped into my mind. I wondered what it tasted like, and I wanted to smell it, very badly. The question melted my rage and anger. All the thoughts of resistance faded away. My idea of standing against her orders, ending the erotic game, disappeared into thin air. I want to be naked slut, again. I want to please my mistress and fulfill her orders. I am hers.

Now the disgusting task doesn’t sound as disgusting as before. I lowered my face into stinky, dirty carpet and started to lick the dirty jelly spit. I gulped the thick spit into my throat without much effort.

“Are you ready for a house tour, my pet?” She questioned, watching my disgusting act of gulping one’s own dirty spit.

I woofed in response, although I knew the house pretty well, by now. She got off the bed and came in front of me, while I looked at her giant self. With my two braids acting as a leash in her hands, I was crawled into living room.

My excitement for her pussy made me forget the humiliation. All the items in the living room looked much bigger than before, maybe it was because I was on all fours. Except for her mother’s room, I was given the tour pretty much everywhere.

Once in the backyard and on to the grass, I felt the need to pee, so bad. I felt shy to communicate the same to my student, and my cheeks turned to pink.

“Do you want to go pee, Mrs. Rose?” My student asked, embarrassing me with her questions.

The question itself is like a mother asking her five-year-old, but adding “Mrs.” to my name reminds me that I’m an adult, but at the mercy of her command.

“Yes ma’am, I want to pee, so bad,” I replied, bending my head down in shame.

A sudden pull on my braids lifted my head. I gasped with pain and my mouth opened wide with surprise.

“Don’t be ashamed of yourself, slut. Sluts should be shameless; and are free to do anything with their owner’s permission. All you need to do is ask for it, without hesitation,” my owner said, rolling her hand on to the braid and pulling it harder.

“Understood, ma’am, please let me pee,” I said, struggling to withstand the pain from her stronger hands.

Taking me near the palm tree, she ordered, “Empty your belly, like the good pet you are.”

Emptying my belly, I felt light and energetic. Taking me to living room, Mistress Katie brought out a plastic ball, and started to tease me by hovering it over my face. I think I was a dog in my previous life, because of the excitement I felt when I was treated like one.

“Catch it. Catch it, Rosy… Come on, girl, catch it,” Mistress teased, throwing the ball into the kitchen.

My pussy fire began, and I started to run, still being on all fours, into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Mistress was cheering for me, “Come on, girl. Come on, Rosy, …come fast.”

It boosted my energy. I caught the ball and hurried towards her.

Taking the ball, my mistress started to tickle me on my cheeks, neck and behind my ears.

“Good girl, good girl! Who is the good girl?” She talked crooningly to me, while her fingers were pampering all over my body.

“Awuu.., Awuooooo… Awuooooooooo” I started howling. The cheering and pampering made me a horny pet.

After a couple of throws, I became a natural at playing. The ball was thrown into the backyard, and it landed on my pee. I ran into backyard and turned back toward my teen mistress, while she was observing me. I broke the barrier of any shame in front of her sweet, teen pussy, and jumped into the grass with humiliation reaching greater heights, and ran into my own pee. Bending down, my teeth got hold of the pee-drenched ball. The golden drops started flowing down my throat. I didn’t care anymore about the degradation or humiliation, so I was free to do any disgusting task as a shameless slut.

I crawled to my mistress with a slow cat walk. Her warm hands petting me with love made me so illegal bahis happy. I stuck my tongue out, looking at her with a heartful smile. She kicked the ball on to the other side of the living room. By the time I brought it back, she was nowhere to be found.

Starting my way into the kitchen to find her, I saw a boy delivering pizza boxes to her. I didn’t realize It was seven at night. The delivery boy was shocked to see me naked, on my fours, with my braids and boobs dangling. The ball dropped from my mouth in astonishment. His looks were pretty close to those of my son, and I stared at him, unable to digest the whole situation.

“Come here, Rosy. Come on, girl. Come on, come on, scwescwesce,” Mistress calling me, adding a whistle at the end.

I broke the stare and started crawling to her. This kid was enjoying the humiliation action taking place, with a naughty smile. I felt ashamed of myself, kneeling next to her. I found myself at a place where I was enjoying being a submissive pet to my student. I was also proud at the same time, for breaking the traditional barriers. Playing ‘catch the ball’ is the only fun and physical game I’ve played in my entire life. But a stranger looking at me, naked, in a position that I never thought I would be in, felt embarrassing.

Taking the pizza box into her hands, Mistress introduced me. “Meet my slutty pet, Rosy.”

I was in deep shame with my eyes lowered, trying hard not to make an eye contact. A braid pull made my head tilt up and eyes open, forcing me to look up to him. He was maybe twenty years old, white, and an inch taller than my owner; his body was well built with broad shoulders. He was looking down at me, trying hard to withhold his laughter.

“You want to pet her?” asked Katie.

“Here you go,” said mistress, with a push on my head to his crotch.

My head was two inches from his bulging rod. He started moving his hand to my face, while I started sniffing.

“Don’t worry, she won’t bite,” assured my owner, Katie.

Taking his hand into hers, she placed it on my crown area. The kid was smiling at the weird act. He started moving it back and forth, petting me. I’m sure he was completely aroused by the awkward feeling. The cock inside was bulging harder, eager to break out of his pants. His hands started moving to my cheeks, and then slowly to my boobs.

Exposing my teeth, I growled, “Grrrrruuuurrrrr, gruuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr.”

He withdrew his hands, out of fear.

I was comforted by my owner and cooled down.

“By any chance, could I pay you with a blow job?” mistress asked.

His face was glowing with excitement on hearing the question.

“Sure, miss, blowjob payment accepted,” replied the delivery boy, with a smirk on his face while unzipping his pants.

A six-inch, rock hard cock poked out, pointing to my mouth.

“What are you waiting for, slutty?” she questioned, smiling at my confused face.

The kid was confident enough to caress any part of my body. One hand moved to my boob, while the other rested on my shoulder. He started massaging my boob in a circular motion, then slowly increased the pace. The erotic massage was activating all the muscles and was sending code red, horny signals to my brain, while the other boob was dying for his touch. I was seated in a Japanese position with my hands resting on my thighs, and enjoying his actions over my naked body.

The other hand took over the untouched boob, gently massaging it clockwise. His fingers moved to my areola and were playing with my nipples. The erotic action turned painful when he plucked out a hair strand from the nipple. The pain raced through entire boob, and my lustful face turned to anger.

“How does that feel, submissive history pet teacher?” he questioned, looking at me in the eye with an evil smile.

I’m in a shock, hearing the word history and teacher. How did he know that I’m a history teacher? I thought to myself.

I opened my mouth to ask him, but it got filled with his left hand. My eyes turned big, while his other hand moved to my pussy. The magic in his hands made me hornier than before. In spite of moving my hands to block his actions, they moved to my burning boobs and started playing.

“Who are you?” I questioned, struggling to let out the words from gagging.

“I’m your old student. I graduated two years back,” the kid revealed.

The thought of blowing my student’s rod was driving me crazy. Seeing the relief on my face, he stopped gagging me.

“Do you want your student’s cock?” the kid asked, with a proud smile.

I moved my head front and back like a horny bitch, and stuck my tongue out, desperately waiting to get my mouth filled.

“Lick it, bitch!” he ordered.

I started licking the head, with him trembling with each lick. I looked up to him with lustful eyes and he pushed my head towards his rod, filling my mouth with his giant. Starting his way in and out of my mouth, my student face-fucked me for five more minutes. My mouth pushed casino siteleri his cock, unable to withstand the deepthroating. He took me to my fours and gave smacks on my butt for the disobedience. It reminded me of the punishment I’ve given to my students.

“Never disrespect your student’s cock, slutty teacha,” he shouted with anger.

Catching both of my braids in his hands, he started bobbing my head. I felt like, no-one is able to resist my beautiful braids.

In a matter of seconds, I was slobbering.

“blug, bluck, glup, glock, guuuuuuu, glup,” were the sounds I made, taking his rod in and out.

“Agh, agh, agh,agh, aaagh,” kid moaned in pleasure.

Hearing the moans, Mistress called out from the living room, “Rosy, darling, hold his cum in your mouth. Don’t drink it.”

My eyes turned towards the living room, with my hands on my boobs and a twenty-year-old cock stuffed in my mouth.

“Ugh, ugh, block, glup, glukey Glistess,” I replied, with an unclear voice, assuring her I heard her command.

The kid increased the pace, and my scalp was burning with the rapid braid pulling.

“Aaaaaaagh aaaaa,” the kid shouted, as if he won a lottery, and deposited his load in my mouth.

My mouth was free of cock, but filled with cum. I felt disappointed for not caring for my orgasm.

“Next time, teach!” the kid said, scurrying out of the house.

Mistress came near me and gave a smile to my shameless face. I was directed towards the kitchen.

“Drop your student’s cum in your bowl,” she commanded.

I did as ordered.

“Are you hungry, Bitch Rose?” She asked.

I howled in response. She took a pizza slice, made it into small pieces and started throwing them on the floor.

I ate them like a hungry pet. After a couple of throws, she dumped all the pieces into the cum-filled dog bowl. I looked at her with surprised face. To my astonishment, she added a huge wad of spit on the bowl.

The degradation acts were testing me mentally and physically. The humiliation treatments awoke my inner self. It was too much for someone like me, who was reserved all my life.

She took a chop stick and mixed all the items in my bowl well enough together.

“Here you go, dig in,” was her next command.

With three orgasms in a day, a pussy haircut, the humiliation of being naked, a pet play in the evening and a blow job few minutes earlier, my hunger for food is unspeakable. I buried my face without any hesitation. To my surprise, the food served was delicious.

I felt a lube gel flow inside my anal hole. I didn’t stop gulping my dinner, but within a minute a dildo was rubbing on my anal opening. It was massaging in a circular motion around the hole, and slowly finding its way deeper. My anal walls were burning with the stretch, but swallowed the dildo without much effort. I groaned, turning to my mistress with food in my mouth.

“It is a butt plug. Never remove the butt plug,” she said, in a firm tone.

I sighed in agreement and resumed my dinner.

A ball started to rub my pussy lips. I started to moan while eating.

Is it a ball? I wondered, as it was so cool. My pussy opened to take it without much thought.

I looked back and saw an orange slowly disappearing inside. At some point, my pussy couldn’t hold the big orange, and started to push it out. With a couple of smacks on my ass cheeks the pussy obeyed. My face fell into my bowl with the cold shivers. I completed the rest of the dinner with all the holes filled.

Impressed with my efforts in holding a butt plug and an orange, a complimentary milk was added to my bowl. I looked at her with gratitude and tears filled my eyes. She comforted me by petting.

Finishing the milk withing seconds, I was directed to living room and to a dog bed that I had never noticed before. I got into the bed and howled in happiness.

“Don’t drop the orange or the butt plug, till morning,” she ordered, before leaving for her room.

“Woof, Woof,” I replied.

I was alone in my comfy dog bed, staring into the dark, with all the lights turned off. My horny levels reaching all time low throughout the day, hit me with harsh reality.

Feeling embarrassed by my actions, I questioned myself, “What am I doing? What have I become? Why am I not able to resist the offer in the first place?”

“Why did I obey Katie’s commands, without a question? Am I really a submissive? Is this what I really was, throughout my life?”

“Why did I allow an 18-year-old to cut my pussy hair? What is wrong with me and why does It feel so good? Why did I like to be a pet to my student? Especially, why am I barking and howling to express my feelings?”

“Why am I so excited to play the catch-ball, with my owner? Why am I calling her owner, even in my head? Is this the purpose of my life, to be a pet to my mistress?”

“Again, I’m referring to her as mistress, even in my thoughts, what happened to me?”

With infinite questions banging around my head, I poker siteleri melted into deep sleep. I woke up to the sunshine and started getting onto my legs. I didn’t know what had happened, but my legs were refusing to stand up. I was surprised that my pussy was able to hold the orange for one whole night, and the butt plug was still in its place. I knelt beside my pet bed and saw mistress Katie walk down, eating an apple.

“How was your night, doggy?” Mistress questioned, petting me on my head.

“Bow,” I replied, with my tongue stuck out, drooling, expressing it the most comfortable way.

“You’ve held the orange and butt plug in its place nice and good,” Katie complemented me.

I was overwhelmed with her compliments, and started to squeal, in order to express that I wanted to go pee.

I was directed to the backyard and I looked at her with a confused face.

“Don’t remove the orange, hold it with your hand while you pee,” my neighbor’s daughter commanded.

I moved it sideways, in order to ease the peeing task. I pushed the orange inside after peeing and moved to the kitchen.

Teen mistress ordered, “Make some breakfast, and clean the kitchen and living room, after that. I will return in half an hour.”

I was confused at her order; not knowing whether I’d be allowed to stand up from my position.

“You can stand up and complete the tasks,” she said, understanding my confusion.

“Also, use the black apron on the kitchen counter while doing these tasks,” she added.

I failed twice in my attempt to stand up. Using the kitchen counter, I finally stood up and heard cracking sounds from my knees. The feeling of getting on to my legs are inexplicable. Taking the apron, I fastened it over my waist and started cleaning the kitchen. I made the breakfast, before I moved to the living room for cleaning.

I completed the tasks with special care, to get compliments from my mistress. She came down into kitchen for having breakfast, and I stood beside her, with only the apron being my cover for my entire body. I served her food and awaited her response.

Instead of the compliment I expected, she stood up and slapped me very hard on my cheek. Tears build up in my eyes with her sudden anger, and I stood there without a word.

“Do you know why I slapped you?” she questioned, in a harsh tone.

“No ma’am,” I replied, meekly.

She took out a lengthy hair strand from her breakfast and showed it to me.

“I’m sorry, mistress, please forgive me,” I pleaded.

“You will be punished for this, but not now,” she said, in a firm tone.

She completed the rest of her breakfast, dumped mine into my bowl and left, to the porch at the backyard.

I removed the apron and ate my breakfast with tear drops falling onto my food.

I was crying inside, not for the slap, but for my mistake that angered her. I crawled into the backyard and knelt in front of her chair.

Kissing her feet I murmured, “I’m sorry ma’am, I will be careful, next time. Please, ma’am, punish me for my mistake,” I pleaded to her, with teary eyes.

She looked at me and moved her hand towards my face. I couldn’t be much happier and my whole body was dying for her touch.

“Do you want to make up for your mistake?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am. Please, give me one chance,” I pleaded.

“I’m giving you five minutes. Make the best tea you can and bring it to me,” she said.

I was excited to get a chance to please her. I crawled into the kitchen, tucked on my apron, and started making tea. With a minute still remaining, I brought the tea on a tray and bent down, to hand her the teacup.

Taking a sip of the tea, she looked straight into my eyes.

I remembered this look; I did, yes. It was the look that she gave me in my dream, two days back. It was like Natalie, handing the teacup to her boss daughter. I didn’t know that my dream would come true this early.

This time, it is me in her mother’s place. I was so proud that I accomplished the task in time. I received a smack, as a love byte, on my naked, bubbly butt, on my way back to the kitchen.

A doorbell rang, and Mistress called out from living room, “Mrs. Slutty Rosy, answer the door.”

The combination of respect and humiliation to my name, ignited the erotic fire. I walked to the door to answer it, with only the apron covering my naked body. A fear started in me before opening the door, wondering who might be on the other side.

My transformation from a history teacher to a submissive pet is only known to my mistress and the delivery boy that I paid with a blowjob. I hope not to reveal this darker identity to any other people in the neighborhood. With fear-filled mind and lit body, I opened the door.

It was the client who visited for yesterday’s session, and I was a bit relieved. She looked at me, top to bottom, and blushed, with a hand over her mouth. The apron was too small, and exposed half of my breast and barely covered my pussy. She tried so hard not to laugh at my braids.

“Who is that bitch?” the teen questioned from the living room.

“Hello, ma’am,” the client said, walking past me into the living area.

“I forgot my necklace here, yesterday. I came back to pick it up,” said the client to Mistress.

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