
An Innsmouth Halloween


I meant to write this for Halloween 2021, but I suppose it’s better late than never, lol. This story contains taboo, mild incest, and kink themes, reader discretion is advised.

This story is set in my impression of the Cthulhu mythos, but even those unfamiliar to the genre should be able to follow the story, just not recognize many of the settings and references.

To help avoid confusion, I’ll refer to the characters by their first names, rather than their titles, except when in a direct quote or description.

I wrote this as an attempt at a fun to read novella with elements of kink, cosmic horror, humor, and love.

Here’s hoping you enjoy it 😉


Part One; Introductions

Chapter 1

So, this story takes place during the week of Halloween in the late 1990s in Innsmouth, Massachusetts, USA. Its pronounced in-smuth, by the way, people from outside New England often pronounce it as inns-mouth, which never fails to induce a cringe from us natives. At its inception in the 17th century, it had been a simple fishing port. It experienced periods of growth and decline during the 18th and 19th centuries. Beginning in the mid 19th century, it had become somewhat famous for a gold and precious metal refinery, as well as the strange silver-gold artifacts imported there that were not found anywhere else in the known world. After the mysterious incident at the nearby Devil’s Reef in the 1920s, and the resulting quarantine of most of the townspeople, the gold and silver business had become bankrupt, sending the area into poverty and abandonment.

A creepy little seaport with a reputation for the incestuous clannishness of its natives simply didn’t attract transplants. Although this isn’t to say it became a ghost town, the low real estate values and seaside location had gradually attracted new families in search of a place to live. By the 1990s the influx of people had revitalized most of the town, bringing modern infrastructure and new businesses, leaving only pockets of the old Innsmouth intact.

Thats where my people are from; the old Innsmouth. Our roots here go back centuries, blended from outcasts of the first nations and various migrants fleeing religious persecution. In the case of our ancestors, they were escaping from witch hunters, rather than mere tax collectors.

My name is Mark Waite, and I was 21 years old at the time. I lived with my Mother, Ann Waite, in a decrepit old house in one of the old sections of town. My Aunt, Sara Marsh, is not actually my biological aunt, but she and my mother have been bonded since well before I was born. You see, my family are adherents to the ancient religion once common in the area; witches, to put it bluntly.

My mother and aunt, along with my cousins Heather and Chloe Marsh and I are the only living members of our family clan. My cousins and I had been raised to be full members of the coven when we came of age on the Halloween following our 19th birthday. While Heather and Chloe both always cherished our traditions, at that age I wasn’t interested. I had refused to take part in my coming of age ceremony two years before, much to the chagrin of the family. I was more concerned with cars, partying, and video games rather than tradition in those days.

Sara, Heather, and Chloe lived in an old hotel in one of the ungentrified sections. It had originally been a vast mansion and company headquarters built by an ancestor of ours who had been one of the most prosperous local sea captains of the 19th century. It had been converted into a hotel in the early 1900s The wholesale price of fish had dropped due to the development of more efficient industrial fishing methods, and the plan was to use the huge building as a hotel and rental space to generate extra income to make up for the loss.

It had an eclectic mix of the original victorian structure as well as art deco and art nouveau styling left over from the last real update it had undergone in the 1920s. The careful observer could discern some rather eldritch details hidden in both the decor and layout of the building itself. What first appeared to be rather conventional art nouveau stars, suns and moons were very carefully placed in relation to the heavens, and did the neoclassical stone busts in the lobby represent gorgons, or something more sinister..

It is called the Grand Old Hotel, and it was in the middle of an unrestored area almost like a dingy oasis of dilapidated brick and feral trees twisted by the sea wind. It was technically still in business, although it was run down and shabby enough that it rarely had guests. The only two reasons my aunt had been able to pay the taxes and skeleton crew of employees and keep it and the surrounding acreage from foreclosure was an ancestral investment trust dating back to the glory days of the gold refinery, and the massive, crumbling. ancient cemetery adjacent to the property that dampened the real estate developers’ covetousness for the land. As it was, the place was in rough tekirdağ escort shape, what was left of the family trust could cover the bills indefinitely, but didn’t leave room for renovations.

Chapter 2

“Oh, come on Mark! Would it kill you to not act like a brat for once?” “The Samhain ritual is extremely important this year, and the coven needs you!”

This was my mother scolding me exasperatedly, as I was on the phone with my best friend Jeff discussing our plans for Halloween. She had been standing in the hall just outside my room listening, and stormed in when she heard about the party my buddy and I were discussing. I could tell that Ann was serious, she had been nagging me not to make plans on Halloween for months in advance. It was weird, because she usually let me do whatever I wanted, and never listened to my phone calls.

I could tell that my mom wasn’t going to let this go, so I finally admitted: “Dude, sorry, I really need to spend this Halloween with the family, for some reason my mom is going totally crazy about it.” I said this while pointedly glaring at her with an exasperated eye roll.

“Its cool nerdman, you won’t be missing much, just a once in a lifetime party with tons of beer, live music, and all the girls dressed as sexy monsters.” Jeff said, trying to cover his disappointment with a sarcastic laugh.

After hanging up with my friend, my mom asked if that meant I was promising to spend Halloween with family. I told her yes, that I would be there if it meant that much to her. She looked incredibly relived, and sat down on the bed next to where I was laying.

“Thank you, Mark” she said seriously while patting my thigh. She looked like she wanted to hug me, but since I was laying on my back she settled for a pat. “I know you are going to miss the big party, but it’s very important that you come to the Samhain ritual this year, you have a major role in the celebration.”

“What is the big deal about this year?” I asked irritatedly. “I mean, most Halloweens all we do is sing and dance around in weird circles and you and Aunt Sara read from the Necronomicon, and then we eat.” I was pretty miffed at missing Jeff’s party, after all it was the first year we were over 21, and able to buy alcohol.

“This year is special, Chloe has just had her 19th birthday, and will be fully accepted into the coven.”

“That’s awesome, I’m happy for her, its great she is into all the stuff you and Aunt Sara and Heather are, but I don’t get why its so important for me to be there, I honestly don’t give a crap about any of it.” I said in sullen resentment.

“As I’ve told you, you have a vital role to play in Chloe’s initiation. You may not take our traditions seriously, but you are a part of them, like it or not.”

“Yeah, fine, what do you want me to do?” I asked, resigning myself to my duty.

“Well, Samhain is still three days away, so nothing much for today, except that starting right now, you are not to eat any fast food or prepackaged junk, is that clear?”

“Not even Halloween candy?”

“Not till after the ritual, then you can have as much as you want.” “Other than that; don’t make any plans, and get plenty of rest. We’ll start the preparations tomorrow.”

Mom leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the forehead, “Thanks Mark, this won’t be easy for you, but you may have some fun too.”

As she got up and left my room, I was a little concerned about what wasn’t going to be easy for me, but I assumed she just meant about missing the party, and let it go without question.

Chapter 3

I woke up the next morning to Ann raising the blinds in my room. “What the hell, Mom?” I said groggily as I sat up in bed, blinking in the sudden brightness.

“Morning Marky!” “Come have breakfast!”

“Ive got a class today, and you know Mr. Sargent needs my help straightening out that crashed Mustang,” I said, rubbing my eyes. Miskatonic University ran a small satellite campus in town where I went to school, and Mr. Joe Sargent was my boss at the garage where I worked part time.

“I know, that’s why I got you up early, you need to eat what I prepare, we can’t have you getting hungry and eating junk while you are out.”

I sighed, but didn’t bother arguing. Ann had cooked an exceptionally bland breakfast of unseasoned fish and steamed seaweed. I raised an eyebrow at her skeptically, to which she replied that healthy eating was important for the ritual. As I sat at the table she brought me some kind of smoothie. I jokingly asked if it was a magic potion. To my surprise, she said it was, in a way. She explained that it was mostly vitamins and minerals, and a few other supplements. “It will build your strength and cleanse you.”

I decided not to argue and just drank it. As we ate, Ann mentioned that we were going to Sara’s the next afternoon. She also talked about how exited she was that Heather was back home. And also that she would appreciate if I came home directly escort tekirdağ after school or work every day this week. I thought that this was getting a little ridiculous, after all I was missing out on the Halloween party, it would be nice to spend at least some of the holiday with my friends, but my mother said it was important. I didn’t understand all the mystery, but just let it go and went to class.

When I got home, my mother was acting strangely. She was in the calm, mystical mood she sometimes has after one of her meditation and prayer sessions. She was wearing a white robe with a red belt, and I could see a red cord on the exposed part of her chest that seemed to be tied around her somehow. I was horny, and the hint of that red cord binding her, along with the clinging cut of the robe, made me notice how pretty and sexy she was. She had let her hair down from its usual utilitarian bun, and the black and silver strands cascaded over her shoulders. She had been very athletic when she was young, and was still quite fit in her 40s. It was always a source of irritation when guys would say how “hot” she was, but I had to admit they had a point.

I normally go to the bathroom and take a shower and change into comfortable clothes when I get home for the day, so I headed straight there after greeting my mom. I was planning to masturbate in the shower to get rid of the awkward feeling of being turned on by my mother. Just as I had undressed, there was a perfunctory knock and the door opened. I scrambled for a towel, and quickly wrapped it around my waist as Ann entered.

“Jeez Mom, I’m in the bathroom.”

“As you probably know, Mark, many of our rituals are performed skyclad, you and the girls were too young to take part, but with Chloe being 19 now, it’s time for you to participate fully. This is part of the preparation for Samhain.”

She removed a couple objects from the pockets of her robe and set them on the counter. She started humming one of her hymns, and gracefully strode towards me, and gently but inexorably took my towel, leaving me naked before her.

With a practiced flourish, she slipped from her robe and hung it from the hook on the door in one graceful movement. I was quite literally speechless as I went through a deluge of emotion; shock, embarrassment, amusement, guilt, and a slight, but uncomfortable lust. My mother was a vision of beauty, her fair complexion contrasting with the black and silver waterfall of her hair, the smooth curves of her breasts, hips, and buttocks accentuated by the intricately knotted red rope bound around her. I didn’t mean to look, but my eyes followed the rope down her belly, where a knotted section pressed against her vulva, nestled in her dark, neat pubic hair. I took in the vision like it was in slow motion, I noticed the wetness of her pink labia, stimulated by the taut rope. At this secret glimpse, my brain gave up any hope of rational thought or propriety, and my penis leapt up in a ferocious erection, spraying her with a small burst of transparent pre-cum. She paid no attention to this, and calmly finished with a slow pirouette, when she stopped her hypnotic humming and spoke:


Without a word I did as she said. She took another step towards me, staring into my eyes and smiling serenely. As I knelt, she had dropped her mystical, solemn bearing somewhat. “Your ol’ Mama still has it, judging by this,” she said as she reached down and playfully pinched the head of my erect penis. She gave me a hug, pulling my face between her breasts, the contrast of her soft skin and the coarse ropes that bound her in a sort of harness furthering my sensory overload and confusion. She ran her fingers through my already thinning, buzz cut hair playfully for a moment before gently lifting my head until she was staring into my eyes again and said that we needed to get back to the ritual.

“This is a ritual?” I asked. I was able to speak again, my arousal was quickly wearing off as Ann and I made eye contact and conversation until I just felt kind of embarrassed.

“Of course, dork” she said playfully. “As I’ve been trying to explain to you your entire life, one of the most powerful ways to gain the attention of the Great Old Ones is to connect to each other; the shared primal emotion helps us hear the call of Dead Cthulhu. The ritual aspect makes it easier to let go of our self-consciousness.”

“For example, it can be very difficult to experience being unclothed, and having our bodies explored, or to submit and be disciplined, or to dominate, or any of the other basic needs that can be taboo.” “If you block your emotions, and don’t consciously experience what you are going through, the spell won’t work.” When it’s done as part of a ritual, it is easier to surrender without feeling guilty.” “Also, when the stars are right, like on Samhain, the Great Old Ones are able to perceive our dimension more clearly, and they are drawn to these emotions like flies tekirdağ escort bayan to honey.”

“You have never taken any of our rituals seriously, so we don’t have to be too formal when it’s just you and me.” She said this last line with a wink.

“Yeah, ok.” I said.

“Let’s begin,” my mother said, smiling, and stepped over to the counter where she had put the items from her pocket.

She entered a trancelike state again and began her hypnotic humming, and approached me with a section of rope like the one knotted around her. Still humming and chanting, she quickly bound my arms behind my back so that the insides of my wrists were touching. She walked back to the counter in that slow, sinuous, dance like gait.

“Breathe, Mark, slow, deep breaths in time with my voice.” She began singing, it was not quite a lullaby, but still a very gentle, rhythmic, soothing song. The lyrics were something about black stars and a place called Carcosa, but I was too mentally overloaded to really process the words, but just allowed myself to be lost in the sound of my mother’s voice.

As I relaxed she wound a soft cloth around my head gently, blindfolding me. She guided me into position with my knees and chest on the cold tile floor. I stayed in position, just breathing and listening to my mother sing, as she gently ran her fingers over me. I noticed Mom’s touch lingering on my butt the more relaxed I became. With a wave of embarrassment I felt her slowly spread my bottom open.

I felt an almost physical discomfort as her fingers touched the soft skin of my gluteal cleft, like my body wanted to clamp and cover my most vulnerable flesh. I involuntarily struggled against the bonds on my arms, but could not loosen them. It was uncomfortable, but there was a definite pleasure in the feeling of being violated. As I fussed and wiggled, Mom’s touch firmed, communicating without words that I was to remain still. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pressure on my anus, after a moment my body relaxed, and I felt something slide in. I felt a slowly spreading sensation of fullness, and after a moment Mom withdrew the object from me.

“Keep breathing, Mark” Ann said in time with her song. I knelt there uncomfortably as she sang quietly, gradually realizing I needed to use the toilet badly.

“Mom, I need to go,” I said embarrassedly, not wanting to interrupt her song, but not knowing what else to do. She slowed her singing back into a hum, and guided me upright and led me to the toilet. I was helpless, blindfolded with my arms bound, so she helped me sit. I wasn’t sure what to do, I kept waiting for my mom to leave, but she simply stood before me, patiently motionless. I was mortified, but eventually I couldn’t resist and released the enema. I was just thankful for the blindfold covering most of my face, hiding me. To my horror, I heard the faint sound of toilet paper tearing before I felt my mother reach between my legs and wipe me.

“Almost done for today, Marky” she whispered in my ear as she flushed and helped me stand up. I almost didn’t want to open my eyes as she removed the blindfold, but she was just smiling reassuringly. She walked me into the shower and gave me a quick wash from head to toe, still in her trancelike state.

“Once we remove your bonds, the purification spell will be complete,” She said as she untied me.

Chapter 4

I laid on top of my bed after the events that had just taken place in the bathroom, feeling like it had been a dream. I had put on a comfy sweatshirt, but hadn’t bothered to put on any pants, and was halfheartedly stroking my penis. Physically, I needed to ejaculate, but I couldn’t decide whether I was more aroused or embarrassed as I processed what had just happened. And I was distracted wondering what the ritual on Halloween was going to be like, if this was the preparation for it.

Just then, my mother came in my room without knocking. She was wearing her white robe again, this time without any rope underneath. She was drying her hair with a towel, and I surmised that she had taken a shower after the ritual was completed. I attempted to pull the covers around me to cover myself. “Jeez Mom, don’t you knock?” She arched an eyebrow at me amusedly and sat on the side of my bed.

“You’re going to have to wear this.” She said, removing a shiny object from her pocket. Initially, I thought it was a piece of jewelry, but it was too large to be a necklace, ring, or bracelet. She held up the dubious object d’art and explained: “This is a chastity device, Mark.” “It locks around your penis to prevent you from masturbating. You’ll need to keep it on until Halloween.”

At 21, I don’t think I had ever gone more than 24 hours without ejaculating. The thought of going multiple days without relief was completely inconceivable.

“Why are you being so weird lately, Mom?” “This is crazy, I have to eat bland food, I can’t hangout with my friends, and now you’re sticking things in my butt and locking up my penis?” “I agreed to be part of the ceremony, but this is ridiculous!” I mean, what the hell does all this have to do with Chloe’s initiation?”

“For one thing, you should be at your physical best condition for the ritual.” “More importantly, you need to experience longing and frustration, it’s very important.”

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