Jack and Ethan brought EJ and Jackie Chris to Connor and Jamel’s first annual Fourth of July barbecue at their home in West Warwick. They planned to make it a tradition for their friends and family members to enjoy every year. Afia and her husband Tyrell brought Afia’s niece Imani with them, who is the same age as EJ, and they instantly gravitated toward each other as they have done in the past.
Mina and June came and took JC from them and said, “Go play with your friends and not be parents.”
Connor walked over to them holding his nephew’s hand. Ethan narrowed his eyes at Connor who smirked at him as they came over. He said, “Go on, Freddie. Ask Mr. Ethan.”
Freddie said in a low voice but looking Ethan in the eyes, “Mr. Ethan, is it ok if I play with EJ?”
Ethan glared at Connor who was still smiling. He said, “So Freddie and I had a talk about families and how some families are different than others. Where he has a mom and a dad, some families like EJ’s have two dads and some families like Jamel’s niece Kimberly have two moms. But just because families look different, it does not make them worse or better. Just different. I told him just because his father has a problem with it does not mean he has to too. And Freddie said he’s cool with EJ having two dads.”
“I really am! Honest!” Freddie said earnestly.
Ethan and Jack looked at each other. Jack turned to Freddie and said, “Go play with EJ, little bud. It’s fine.”
“Yay, thank you, Uncle Jack!” Freddie yelled and ran to catch up to EJ and Imani in the backyard with the other kids their age there.
Ethan looked at Jack. “Why the fuck am I Mr. Ethan but you’re Uncle Jack to all the kids?”
Jack laughed. “Sometimes you have this old man vibe to you. Maybe roll around with them on the floor more.”
Ethan rolled his eyes. He looked at Connor and started, “Connor-“
But Connor interjected, “Ethan, a lot has changed in these last few weeks for my family. But the most important thing you need to know is, I will not let Freddie become his father. That kid loves me and looks up to me. I’m always going to be in his life as his gay uncle and so is Jamel, his gay, black other uncle.
“So even though his father is a prejudice asshole and his mother is an enabling bitch, he has a good heart and strong willed, just like I was at that age. If I survived my father and came out accepting of others, he will too.”
“But what is Matty going to say when they start hanging out?” Ethan asked. “Even if I allow it, he won’t.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’ll take care of that. EJ is one of his best friends. They’ve been together since diapers at Just In Time. And they’re going to be in the same first grade class in the fall too. The kid got a spanking for yelling at his dad when he was told he couldn’t be friends with EJ anymore, basically telling his dad to fuck off in that way kids do. That’s how much he’s missed EJ, he took an ass whipping.
“He’s never going to turn his back on his best friend. Just like my best friend never turned his back on me, despite who my father is. He’s six, Ethan. Don’t punish the kids for the sins of their fathers. And grandfathers.”
Ethan rolled his eyes and sighed. “You better stay in that kid’s life forever, Connor,” he told him. “I will hold you personally responsible if one homophobic or racist remark comes out of that kid’s mouth.”
Connor smiled. “I will. And more importantly, I promise to always have a good influence on him. Jamel and I both will. I’ve cut my father and brother off and Matty is never allowed in my house. But Freddie and my nieces are here with my mom and my sisters, both are cool with who I am and who I love and they will bring them by. So we all will be a good influence on him.”
Ethan nodded. Connor reached out for a hug and Ethan gave him one. Jack smiled and joined in the hug. As Connor walked away Jack wrapped one arm around Ethan’s waist. “You’re doing great, Dad. EJ will be fine and so will Freddie.”
Ethan was quiet for a moment watching Connor, then said, “I never really noticed but he really does have a great ass.”
Jack’s mouth dropped and he shoved Ethan hard who laughed out loud. “Fucking asshole,” Jack growled at him feigning anger.
Ethan laughed and wrapped both arms around Jack. “C’mon, you know you got the best ass in all of Rhode Island.” He kissed his face a few times and palmed his bottom until Jack relented and kissed him back.
Ethan said in his ear, “I want you. Now.”
Jack laughed. “Yea? How is that going to happen? You gonna take me home now? Or you gonna bend me over somewhere here?”
“No. I want to bend you over a few somewheres.” Ethan kissed his ear, talking into it. “The bathroom. The laundry room. Connor’s bed.” Jack laughed out loud. Ethan continued kissing his neck. “The garage. The upstairs hallway. The office.”
Jack laughed again. “I’m not going to say no if you’re leading.”
Ethan looked up at the crowd in the backyard, both of his children occupied şişli escort and the music playing loudly. He took Jack’s hand and led him through the house that they have visited many times hanging out with Connor and Jamel. They went upstairs to the main part of the house which was off limits to their guests today.
They started in the laundry room. Ethan sat Jack on the washing machine and turned it on. Jack watched him as he opened up Jack’s jeans and pull out his cock which was quickly becoming hard in his hands as he stroked it. Ethan wrapped his lips around Jack’s dick and deep throated him repeatedly until he was ready to cum, then stroked him with his slit pointed to his tongue and Jack watched his Irish cream fill Ethan’s mouth. Ethan stood up to kiss him and they played with his cream together. They left their shoes and socks there.
They moved to the living room, but Jack stopped by the kitchen to grab the olive oil first. Ethan made him kneel on the couch and took Jack from behind right on Connor’s pewter blue loveseat, hard and fast. They moaned loudly with the music downstairs drowning out their sounds until Ethan came, thankfully just short of Jack cumming again to avoid jizzing all over their friends’ couch. They left their pants and underwear there.
They moved upstairs to the hallway and took off their shirts. They sat facing each other naked, legs over one another and kissed and stroked the other until their erections were hard again. Ethan considered Connor and Jamel’s bed but Jack opted not to, not really wanting to have sex there just in case they didn’t change the sheets.
Jack led Ethan to the second bedroom and told him to sit on the dresser with his knees up and cheeks hanging off, and proceeded to get on his knees and lick his hole for a long while until Ethan protested. Jack then inserted his cock inside of Ethan standing up and thrusting until he came inside of his husband.
Afterwards Jack laid Ethan on the bed and gave him a slow blow job until Ethan filled up his mouth with Irish cream. Jack kissed him and again they played with Ethan’s cream until it dissolved between them. Naked and exhausted, they fell asleep until Jamel knocked on the door waking them up.
“Um boys, you do know this is not your house, right? But don’t worry, there will be payback.” They laughed at Jamel’s threat. “Your clothes are right outside the door. Get dressed, we’re heading out soon for the fireworks in Rockville.”
Ethan and Jack said ok but laid there a little longer, holding onto each other. Jack said, “If this was your way of making me feel desired, you succeeded.” Ethan didn’t answer at first. They kissed and held each other a little while longer watching the sun set in silence.
In the evening they all went over to Wincheck pond for the annual fireworks. JC fell asleep in the car but woke up to the sound of the fireworks which she did not like and cried, so he put on the baby carrier and they decided to leave. EJ, looking happy between Freddie and Imani, insisted on staying until the end, so they asked Mina and June to both keep an eye on EJ and bring him home later or take him to his grandmother’s house if he wanted.
As Jack and Ethan made their way back up the hill, they passed by Connor and Jamel sitting on a blanket, holding hands and making out like no one was around. They smiled at each other then walked up to them. Ethan cleared his throat. They regretfully pulled their lips from each other and looked up at them.
Ethan teased, “You two look cozy.” They looked at each other and smiled, then kissed again.
“We’re heading out now. Jackie doesn’t like the booms,” Jack said. “Not bad for your first annual barbecue, guys. It was a fun day so thanks for that. We’ll do it all again next year.”
Connor scoffed and said, “I’m pretty sure you don’t know a fucking thing that happened at the barbecue today.” Jamel laughed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ethan said innocently. “We’re still on for dinner Friday night?”
“Yea, we’ll come to you,” Jamel said.
“Cool.” Ethan reached over and took Jack’s hand. “See you at work tomorrow, Connor. Good night, guys.”
As they started walking away Connor called after them, “Are you at least going to tell me which rooms I have to bleach and disinfect?”
Jack and Ethan laughed out loud and kept walking. As the sound of the fireworks faded in the background, Ethan said, “Remember my first Fourth of July here, when it was you, me and EJ sitting on a blanket?”
“I wanted to kiss you then,” Ethan confessed.
“Why didn’t you?” Jack asked. “I would have kissed you back.”
“I think I was afraid you wouldn’t.”
“Then you obviously weren’t paying attention,” Jack said. “Because I already started having feelings for you by then.”
“Good thing it was just two months later when we actually got together, so we didn’t waste a whole lot of time dancing around our feelings,” Ethan said. “Anyway, I just wanted you to know escort bayan that I wanted you way back then. That I’ve always desired you. Even before I loved you, I desired you. And that has never changed. And it never will.”
They were quiet, then Jack said, “Thanks for telling me that. I love you, Ethan.” He squeezed his hand.
Ethan squeezed it back. “I love you too, Jack.”
Jack really wanted to walk his sister down the aisle, but he respected her decision to have her father Henry do it, as he’s raised her since she was two and a half years old, and he is the only father she knows. So he stood at the end of St. Cecilia’s Church dressed in his black tux with Liam, waiting for his baby sister to be brought before the altar. Three of Liam’s brothers stood next to him. Henrietta, Mina, Stacy and June’s best friend Alma were on the other side.
Liam bounced on the balls of his feet a little. Jack could tell his best friend was nervous. He reached out and touched his shoulder, and did a small squeeze. Liam exhaled and reached up to touch Jack’s hand on his shoulder.
Liam looked over and whispered to him, “Thank you for giving her to me. I promise, I’ll take care of her. She makes me so happy. And I’m happy to be finally be your brother for life.”
Jack nodded. “You already are my brother, Liam,” he confirmed. “My best friend and my brother.” They smiled at each other as the church doors opened.
Jack brought his hand down to his side as he heard Liam gasp. June walked down the aisle holding tightly to her father’s hand in a pure white lace dress with an off-the-shoulder neckline, long sleeved with a tulle skirt. Her jet black hair was pulled up in a crown accentuated by her birth mother’s Celtic tiara.
June’s siblings were kind enough to have her borrow a little bit of everything that came from their Aunt Lizzy in Ireland. From her mother’s wedding day she wore the veil that was passed down to Henrietta, the sapphire necklace that was given to Mina and clipped one of her birth father’s cufflinks to the inside of her dress.
When June and Henry made it to the front of the church, he handed Liam June’s hand. They stared at each other for a moment, then June smiled and tears started falling out of Liam’s eyes. She reached over and wiped them with her thumb and he started chuckling.
Father O’Donnell asked them quietly, “Are you ready?”
For some reason June thought of her brother in that moment. Jack, the one that has always cared for her and protected her, even from herself. Jack, who taught her how to read at four years old, before she started school. Jack, who taught her how to ride a bike and throw a punch. Jack, who chased off every single boyfriend she’s had before Liam. Jack, who took their birth father’s advice literally, that she would always be his responsibility to protect.
She knew that this was going to be hard for him but suddenly she realized how hard, with her getting married and moving away from home permanently. She was certainly ready to move on with her life, but she wasn’t so sure he was fully ready to let her go.
So when Father O’Donnell asked, “Are you ready?”, she looked beyond Liam at her older brother and asked him with her eyes, Are you ready?
Jack did a small intake of breath, surprised at his sister’s questioning. He gave her a soft smile and nodded his head. She smiled back at him and turned to the priest. “Yes. We’re ready.”
The wedding party left the long table up front for one of the round tables near the dance floor that most of their friends occupied. Brayden, Henrietta, Connor, Jamel, Afia, who was seven months pregnant and showing, and her husband Tyrell sat together. As Mina sat in Sam’s lap he said jokingly, “You and me are next, babe.”
Mina laughed. “Not a chance. Connor and Jamel are next.” She winked at them.
Jamel laughed as Connor made a sour face. “Just because the rest of you at the table drank the crazy juice doesn’t mean Mel and I have to.”
Jack teased him, “Join us on the dark side, you’ll love it over here.”
“I think y’all gonna have to give Connor a few more years,” said Ethan. “He stepped out of the closet but his bedroom door is still closed.” Ethan winked at him.
“Ooooh, fuck off, Ethan,” Connor said amusingly, making them all laugh again.
The first chords of Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet came on and Afia started screaming out of nowhere, “So one, two, three, take my hand and come with me because you look so fine that I really wanna make you mine!” She started dancing in her seat.
Everyone looked at her but then they turned as Connor started also screaming out the song, “Oh, four, five, six c’mon and get your kicks now you don’t need the money when you look like that, do ya honey!”
He started moving his shoulders up and down to the beat. Jamel was the first to laugh. “Here we go!”
“Oh my God,” Tyrell groaned and shook his head in embarrassment.
Ethan’s mouth was in shock. He escort fatih asked, “What the fuck is happening?”
Jack started laughing as Afia and Connor continued belting out the song. “Big black boots! Long brown hair! She’s so sweet with her… get back stare!”
Connor stood up abruptly and reached for her hand. Afia jumped up and took it. He spun her around and they started dancing their way to the middle of the floor screaming, “Before I let you get awaaaaaay, yeah! duh duh duh duh duh duuuuuuuh…. I said are you gonna be my girl?”
“No really, what the fuck is happening!?” Ethan asked again laughing. Jamel laughed again.
Jamel asked, “You’ve never seen the Connor and Afia Show? They didn’t dance like this at your wedding?”
“Fuck, no,” Ethan said incredulously.
Jack told him, “We had a wedding reception at an art gallery, not a party reception. Ethan wanted to be sophisticated.”
Ethan’s mouth dropped. “I thought you wanted it too. I thought you loved our reception.”
Jack comforted him, “I did, I absolutely did. It was truly one of the best nights of my life.” He rubbed his hand.
“Look at you, all sensitive,” Brayden teased him.
“Shut up,” Ethan told his friend and they all laughed.
They watched the two friends continue to dance wildly to the song making others move out of their way and as they spun, dipped and moved around, still screaming the song at the top of their lungs. Ethan started chuckling. “Seriously, your friend Chris was right. I don’t know how you guys all didn’t see it.”
“See what?” Jack asked.
“That Connor is gay. Look at him.” He pointed at Connor waving his arms and shaking his hips around and Jamel laughed again.
“I’m gonna need you to leave my boyfriend alone, man,” Jamel said. “He’s just really happy right now.”
Ethan laughed and threw his hands up. “Hey, I’m not saying anything is wrong, I’m just saying. They all grew up with him and none of them saw it? C’mon,” he said in disbelief.
“Well Connor was also fucking a lot of girls in high school,” Sam said. “So it wasn’t obvious at all. And we always had girls around. We were jocks and popular so everybody loved to be around us and wanted to… you know.”
“Yea, Connor was everybody’s first love,” Mina said, looking knowingly at Jack.
Jack raised an eyebrow and said, “Yours too?”
Mina made a face and shook her head. “No. Connor and I have always been just friends.”
“With benefits? In high school?” Jack asked.
Mina hesitated, then asked, “What?”
“Because you did sleep with him in high school, right? In your senior year?” Jack challenged her.
It got quiet at the table. Mina leaned back in Sam’s lap and said calmly, “Whatever your after, Jack, let it go. It was a long time ago.” They stared at each other and then Jack relented with a nod.
The table continued to be quiet until Ethan said, “Jamel, I feel like you just wanted a reason to say the words, ‘my boyfriend’ out loud just now.”
They all laughed but Jamel laughed the loudest mimicking Connor’s words earlier, “Ooooh fuck off, Ethan!”
In the car ride home, EJ and JC instantly fell asleep. Ethan asked him, “So what was up with that exchange tonight? Between you and Mina?”
“What do you mean?” Jack said, concentrating very hard on the three mile drive from the reception to their home.
Ethan smiled. “Why do you get like that with anything having to do with you and Connor as a couple? I know he was your boyfriend in high school and then you left it as friends that’s about all I know because you’re so closed up about it.”
“I’m not closed up about it,” Jack said defensively. “I asked you one time if you wanted to know and you said no.”
“Actually you asked me on our wedding day if I really wanted to know about your past and of course I didn’t want to know then, and you didn’t really want to tell me anyway. Honestly I don’t really give a shit now. I’m just curious why you react this way when your past with Connor is brought up.”
Jack was exasperated. “I don’t act any kind of way. It just doesn’t make any sense to talk about it. We were kids.”
“So were me and Carlos, that doesn’t mean it didn’t mean anything. I still loved him for many years after that.”
“I don’t love Connor,” Jack said abruptly. “I mean, I do, but as a friend.”
“Okay, I get that, and I’m not saying you’re still carrying a torch for him, but if he was like your first love-“
“He wasn’t my first love,” Jack cut him off. “Chris was. You know that.”
“Okaaay, well maybe he was your second love, or the one that got away.” Jack didn’t answer. Ethan almost laughed. “Holy shit, that’s it. He’s the one that got away.”
“He’s not… can we just… not…”
“Okay, okay,” Ethan said quickly. “I get it now. It’s all good, I won’t ask about it again.” They drove in silence for another moment, and then Ethan said, “I got one. A totga.”
Jack glanced over at him and smirked. “Totga?”
“Yea, man. The One That Got Away? Everyone has one.”
“Who, Carlos?” Jack said bitterly.
But Ethan surprised him and said unequivocally, “No.” Jack glanced over then back at the road. Ethan leaned back in his chair and told him.