
Cinderella Submits Ch. 04

Bent Over

Dear Reader,

The kinky version of Cinderella’s Sexy Saga continues. In this one, it gets hot and heavy right away… 😉

You will find some forms of:


• Spanking,

• exhibitionism,

• incest/taboo

• enema,

• anal,

• lesbian cunnilingus,

• and forms of nonconsent/reluctance.

I realize and understand that some of these categories might be a great turn-off for some…

So, reader beware and consider reading something else if any of these bother you.

Please don’t be shy and let me know what you think.

Please vote.

Enjoy! 😉


Poor, poor, poor Cinderella!

She didn’t look at the time,

then rang the 12th chime,

she got caught naked,

and they took her away.


Cinderella was strung up in the tarp. Her head, her torso, her arms, the top half of her body was completely covered in the fabric. She was in total obscurity being driven in a carriage. To her great embarrassment, she had been laid across someone’s lap her naked and exposed rump up in the air.

The carriage was under way. Cinderella was in a panic. Not a word was spoken. She was moving her head left and right trying to concentrate on all the sounds, trying to identify who could have possibly kidnapped her. She could hear the clopping of the hoofs on the road, the creaking and cracking of the wooden carriage, the hooting of some distant owls, and the songs of the cicadas in the hot summer night. Who were they? Where were they taking her?

“Spank!” A gloved hand had hit her.

“Ah!” she yelled out.





“Spank!” a series of forceful slapped landed rhythmically on her trussed up ass.

“Ah! Stop it! Stop it!” Cinderella shouted desperately.

The hand did not stop.









“Spank!” the series continued. Her butt was now flaming red.

Cinderella was crying, her tears flowing freely from her eyes.

The hand stopped its attack and remained on one of her maltreated cheeks.

Another leather covered hand landed on her other cheek.

The horror! The hands curtly parted her derrière wide open exposing her anus and her over-excited sex.

The shame! Cinderella was still under the influence of the love potion that she had swallowed instead of Oliver. She had returned from her earlier hypnotic state but she was still prey to its lingering effects. The potion was still driving her insane with sexual desire.

The embarrassment! A finger from another pair of hands came to touch her wet labia.

“Ooh!” She could not control her body’s reaction to the intimate exploration. She was still sensitive and excited. The leather covered finger kept on playing with the engorged lips. It was driving up her desire as she laid with her ass pried apart by the person who had just spanked her.

“Ah!” the finger pressed into her sodden sex. The penetration was slow and deliberate. Cinderella felt each groove and bump of the stitching as the gloved finger passed her oversensitive vulva. The insertion was pointed in an angle downward towards the front wall of her vagina, towards her pubic bone, and stopped atop her g-spot.

In her state of excitement, the new sensation drove her instantly to an orgasm.

“Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” The leathered finger was relentless. Varying degrees and levels of pressure were applied on the same spot over and over and over again. Cinderella had lost all sense of her surrounding as that spot and that spot only became the center of her delicious agony.

“Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” Each pulse became an orgasm, each orgasm driving her further and further in an ecstatic state of pure bliss.

The carriage stopped.

Cinderella was lifted out of the carriage. Hands grabbed her under her arms through the fabric of the canvas material while others lifted her by the knees. Her legs were splayed open as she was moved in a seated position. To add to her degradation, the leather covered finger hooked into her vagina tantalizing her sex towards another orgasm as she was carried around.

Still covered up and blinded by the tarp the young woman was transported into a building. Doors were opened, stairs spiraling down were taken, other doors, long hallways. Cinderella was trying Bomonti travesti to build a mental layout of the place to no avail. Her mind was still fogged up by the potion and the finger pulling at her sex was distracting her with every step as it moved up and down, up and down with the motion of the walk.

Eventually, they stopped walking and her knees were released so she could stand. However, the hooked finger remained in her vagina and pulled her up so as to keep her on her toes. A big leather belt was wrapped around her waist.

The ropes that were holding the tarp around her midriff were loosened and four hands came up into the improvised bag. A ball with a string was inserted into her mouth and tied behind her head. A big leather mask was put around her head and secured tightly. She would not be able to see and even her ears were covered greatly muffling and diminishing her hearing.

The burlap was finally removed exposing Cinderella’s nude form to the damp air. The thin layer of sweat that was covering her torso made her even more sensitive to the cool drafts.

The wicked finger was still inserted into her sex keeping her wet and excited.

Straps, cuffs and more straps were fitted around her while the finger brought her along to another climax as it found her g-spot.

Soon, she felt tugs and pulls, and while she rode the finger to another orgasm she was lifted and suspended from the ceiling by her arms, her waist, her thighs, her knees and her ankles.

Another finger was inserted and another, her well lubricated pussy accommodating the intrusion effortlessly. The fingers started moving in and out, in and out, in and out as she started gyrating her hips humping the hand that was fucking her.

“Ooh!” she muffled another orgasm through her gag.

The hand was removed and a small, long, smooth object was inserted and removed over and over and over again into her sensitive vagina.

“Hmph! Hmph! Hmph!” Cinderella sighed exhausted by her final orgasms. She had finally reached her limit as she drifted into the arms of Morpheus.

Lady Tremaine sat with her two daughter at the corner of the vast wooden table in the old dilapidated mansion’s kitchens. The expansive space remained obscure except for the single candle that stood illuminating the small group.

“Did you see that?

Have you ever?

She came so many times and then she fell asleep all tied up?” Drizella fired in rapid succession.

“Even the slaves who consent don’t react the way she did.

Of course, the potion was making her super horny… But still…

How come we never got to play with her before?” she continued.

Lady Tremaine stared at the flickering flame rubbing both side of her forehead with her long feminine fingers. For years, she had abused and mistreated the young woman who was now suspended in her secret sex chambers. She did not want to hate the poor girl but the feeling could not be controlled. In the deepest part of her soul, she felt sorry for the poor Cinderella. She had been but a child when her father had passed away. To this day, Lady Tremaine remembered the horrible scream of agony that the girl had hollered and shrieked upon learning of her dad’s death, it was a true vocalization of the way her own soul had been shredded that horrible day. Her husband, the master of her heart, had been the greatest love of her life, they had submitted to each other, and the few years that had been given to them had been the most wonderful of her life.

Cinderella’s existence was a constant torture for the lady of the house, the sight of her an open wound to the most painful event in her life. That constant reminder was the first reason as to why she had to distance herself from the sweet child. It was unfair, she knew, but the pain was just too great. She could not find in her heart a way to return Cinderella’s kindness when, as a young girl, she had welcomed her and her two daughters into her home with such a big and open heart.

Then, the financial problems arose as the years passed. Cinderella had taken on the roles of the staff she had been forced to fire. She had gradually become the maid, the cook, the personal servant, the groundskeeper and the handyman tending to the chores. The girl was brave and a hard worker, Lady Tremaine would be the first to admit that, yet she could not keep up with all the work that such a vast property required and the castle was showing signs of neglect. Bomonti travestileri So, there was always a reason or an excuse for the lady to be in contempt for the young woman. It was much easier to stay mad and angry with her than to give in to the sadness that was eating at her soul.

Now, things needed to change. Cinderella had succeeded in doing what her two daughters had not. She had seduced the prince. From the look of things that evening, she had planted Cupid’s Arrow pretty deep into the young man’s heart.

The finances of the estate were dire. Women were not allowed to work and she was too devoted to her former husband to consider marrying anyone else. No! If the family was to survive then Drizella, Anastasia… or Cinderella… would have to be joined to the family of a rich and noble man and the prince certainly fit all these requirements.

Lady Tremaine needed to gather her spirits. She would need to find the strength to renew her bond with her stepdaughter despite the sadness that it would engender. She was confident that with Cinderella’s forgiving nature it would never be too late to mend their broken relationship.

Lady Tremaine had been introduced to the kinky world of bondage and submission by her late husband. Far from being a blushing bride herself, she was still very astonished by what she had discovered under his tutelage. Lord Tremaine had been her master in kinky submissive role play in the beginning of their life together. Then, as she showed a passion and an aptitude for their games, they began reversing and exchanging their roles. Lord Tremaine enjoyed relinquishing the dominant role to his wife once in a while.

Lady Tremaine proved to be a very apt dominatrix. Seeing, how Cinderella had reacted to her earlier manipulations, maybe the apple had not fallen too far from the tree? Maybe sex would be the key to rekindling a bond with her stepdaughter.

She would need the help of her two devoted daughters to do so. The three of them formed a formidable trio. When her two daughters had come of age, she had caught them with the young farmers from the village closest to the property. The young men had been a bit rough with her girls and thankfully she had intervened before the situation got out of hand. After that event, she had resolved to teach them how to be strong seductresses.

Mistresses Anastasia and Drizella had succeeded in bringing in a slew of young men and women to train as consenting sex slaves. They had showed their proud mama that they were very gifted at their trade. Gaining Cinderella’s trust and training her as a sex submissive would become a real family affair.

Cinderella was already on the verge of a climactic release as she woke up to the sensation of a small pointy tongue tracing the outer contour of her sex. She was still gagged and her head was still trapped in the heavy bondage mask that rendered her blind and almost completely deaf.

The tongue had aroused her desire and her sex was already overheated and needy. What was this unceasing hunger that never seemed to be satiated? It was driving her insane. Why was her body so hot, her breathing so labored? Why was this search, this longing for the next release, the only thing that she cared about?

The tongue was lapping her, bathing her, wetting her, heating her up and exploring her. The tip passed her labia and dipped into her pooled desire, the sweet nectar of her vulva. It then abandoned her sex to her chagrin. It traveled lower playing with her perineum before settling on her anus. The unfamiliar contact sent shivers up her spine and she stopped breathing. The pointy tongue penetrated her crinkled opening. “Ooh!” her body responded.

The tongue retracted and for a brief moment Cinderella was left alone.

Next, pressure was applied on her wet anal opening. An object was inserted and shortly after insertion a liquid began pouring into her ass. The liquid felt hot and filled her up. Once she was filled another object was inserted to prevent her from expelling the liquid.

The sensations were not unpleasant in the beginning. As she was being filled a leather covered finger was inserted into her vagina and kept on stimulating her hungry little hole. The sensation in her bowels fleetingly turned form pleasant to uncomfortable to painful. The finger in her vagina was distracting her some but it was not enough. She began to feel contractions and the urgent need to expel everything.

“Hmph!” Travesti bomonti she moaned into her gag ball as she began writhing, dangling and swinging on the ropes that were suspending her.

The plug was removed from her ass and “Ooh!” the release of pressure felt so good. The liquid and feces poured out of her. Whoever was masturbating her accelerated the tempo and started rubbing her engorged clit at the same time. Her body tensed up on the ropes and an orgasm unlike any of the ones she had experience up ’til now built up within her before the tension broke and a warm gooey wave of pleasure inundated her senses.

She felt damp clothes cleaning her and the object that had been introduced earlier was again inserted in her ass. A small quantity of a cool fluid was inserted this time before the plug was reinserted into her rectum.

The new liquid began tickling her insides right away. The absorption through her rectal tissue was affecting her fast. There was no mistake about it! From the way her vagina started lubricating in copious amounts again, the same potion that she had drunk at the ball had been inserted directly into her butt. Cinderella now knew who her abductors were. She was in the hand of Lady Tremaine and her daughters. Before her mind could get a complete grasp on the implications of that revelation Cinderella began drifting into the sexual delirium that had affected her at the palace.

However, this time she was not in the hands of the kind Prince who had refused to take advantage of her inebriated state.

Cinderella was going to be worked to the body. Lady Tremaine had resolved that in order to gain Cinderella’s trust she would need to convince her that her kinky prince needed an experienced partner. In her kindness and generosity, Lady Tremaine would teach her stepdaughter the art of sexual play in the same way that she had taught her own daughters.

She was going to drive Cinderella to the physical limits of ecstasy. The girl would be put through the ringer. For the next day, the plan was to turn Cinderella into an insatiable nymphomaniac.

Anastasia and Drizella unhooked the girl from her harnesses, removed her leather mask and gag, and installed her over a wooden horse before binding her legs and arms to the feet of the device. The sudden light was harsh to the young woman’s eyes so she kept her eyes closed for the moment.

Now that the potion had been absorbed, they removed the plug that was lodged in her ass as they started preparations to fill all of her orifices.

The Tremaine stepfamily was clad in leather dominatrix outfits. Each of the three women was sporting a harness with a smooth ebony strap-on. The size of the strap-ons varied from large to small with Lady Tremaine displaying the largest of the set. Additionally, the two sisters were holding small glass dildos in their hands.

The sisters brought the small glass dildos to their mouths to lather them with saliva before bringing them in tandem to Cinderella’s exposed bits. The saliva was not necessary; Cinderella’s vaginal fluids were dripping steadily from her soggy sex. She was ready, willing and begging to be used.

Anastasia rubbed the length of the dildo into the girl’s gushing natural sexual lubricant before bringing its tip to her exposed anal rosebud. She looked up to her sister and they impaled both dildos into her ass and vagina at the same time. Cinderella who was already in the nonstop orgasmic phase of the drug (*see chapter 3) began wailing her pleasure as the dildos were pressed into her. Despite the restraints, she tried to swing her hips towards the dildos in attempt to accelerate the pace of their penetration.

The sisters were surprised by the phenomenal neediness that Cinderella was displaying. She wanted it fast? She was going to get her wish. In common accord they started alternating their motion so that one sister was inserting the dildo into one hole as the other was being extracted from the other. They steadily accelerated the pace and pretty soon the motion of the pair of dildos looked like the pistons of a well oiled machine as they were being worked in and out of the two cylindrical cavities that her ass and vagina formed.

Cinderella’s climax kept on reaching new highs as she continuously screamed her passion under the control of her masters. As the potency of the potion reached its peak, her body became a giant sensual receptor, an extension of her overexcited clitoris; any touch, any stimulation would add to the ripples and ripples of pleasure that was flowing through her body and mind. Her nervous system was so sensitive that she felt as if every strand of her hair could be stimulated to bring her to the 7th heaven of orgasmic heights.

To be continued…

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