“Wait, what?” I said raising my face out of my wife’s cum filled pussy.
“He wants you to suck his cock johnnie,” Cin hissed. “Thomas said that if you like eating his cum from my pussy, you might like getting it from the source. Now finish what you started my dear sweet cuckie and get the rest of the gift Thomas sent you.”
With that my beautiful wife of 8 years pushed my face back between her thighs. I lapped at the plump labia and teased her clit. Cin tells me no one can eat pussy like I can. Thomas’ cum runs out thick and tangy. I think about what my wife said about Thomas wanting me to suck his cock and my own dick throbs.
Do I really want this to go that far? I knew that being a cuckold would be erotic and excitingly humiliating at the same time. Deep in the recesses of my brain I think I wanted to suck the cock of my wife’s lover. It would be the ultimate humiliation and also a demonstration of my respect for him.
She has been seeing Thomas for about 3 months now. Cindy wasn’t cheating. I encouraged her to fuck my black co-worker. Well, actually it was her idea to fuck Thomas. I just wanted to see her with a black man. Cin knew Thomas from some company get-togethers and they got along well.
My interracial fetish began when Cin and I were talking one night before we got married. She told me in answer to a question I’d asked that she had slept with a black guy in college. Her description of his cock and how it filled her made my own average dick harder than Chinese arithmetic.
We were laying in bed naked after a fuck session and the images Cin brought forth as she went on telling me how manly and dominating he was when he pushed her to her knees and made her suck his big black cock while her skinny white ex-boyfriend watched was inspiring.
I had been suckling her breasts and moved slowly downward until I got to her pussy. I’d never eaten her after we’d fucked but something in me compelled me to do so now.
I could hear Cin’s surprised yelp when she felt my tongue enter her pussy. “Oh my God!.” she cooed. “You’re eating your cum. As she got more excited Cin began to move her hips until she was forcefully humping my face. “Get it all you sweet little pervert. Eat that cum johnnie. Suck your fuck sauce out of my pussy.”
Her words excited me and I tried to do exactly as she said. I slurped and sucked, nibbled and lapped until she came.
Cin held my head in place as I gently kissed her pussy while she came down from her orgasm.
From that day on, when ever we had sex, it always ended with Cin relating to me her history of sex with black men as I ate my spending from her.
So great a spark of interest in interracial sex Cin lit in me that day that ever since I’ve spent loads of my free time exploring the internet and reading exotic stories about the subject. My orgasms were fierce as I beat off reading about dominant black men and demure, petite white women that turned sluts for their black lovers.
I’d never heard the term cuckold until I read a story on Literotica. In that story a husband came home and caught his wife in bed with a black man. He knew he should have been angry but something made him hold his tongue as he watched the couple fucking. He got hard and pulled his little white dick out and jacked of while his wife came over and over as she told her black lover he was the best. From that day on the dynamic in his marriage changed. His wife became more dominant over him as he became submissive to both she and her black lovers.
My heart pounded, my breath quickened and I read and re-read that story many times after that, cumming hard each time. I wanted to be that husband. After that eye opening I searched for cuckold stories and watched online cuckold videos exclusively.
And then came Thomas. As I said Cin knew him from our company functions. They were attracted to each other right off. But first, I must say that Thomas is attracted to most white women he meets so Cin was no exception.
Soon his flirtations became touching which begat stolen gropes and once at a party we attended I watched Thomas grind his pelvis into my wife as they danced. It was shortly after this that Cin told me Thomas had asked her to go out with him.
“Oh johnnie, can I?” My dick got hard at the thought. Although I pretended to be concerned about having people seeing them together without me I eventually gave in. The fact was I was more excited than my wife.
I remember Cin wore her thigh high hose under a white pencil skirt. She told me she was going to wear the transparent white panties I’d bought her to turn Thomas on. Her shoes were heels, her blouse a pull over cashmere sweater that clung to her breasts like skin. Of course Cin left her bra home.
I drove Cin to Thomas’ house as we thought it best that he not pick her up at our place. The neighbors might see you understand.
I waited up until she arrived home at 4 AM the next morning. Cin looked radiant when she entered our house. Her hair eskişehir escort and make-up a bit disheveled but her skirt and blouse looked only wrinkled as they would under normal circumstances.
I lay naked next to her as she described her evening. I suckled on her breast and Cin confirmed that it was Thomas’ sperm I was tasting.
“He nutted in my face johnnie. He called it marking his territory. Some ran down on my titties and I let it dry there for you.”
Her telling me I was tasting Thomas’ sperm only excited me more. My dick grew hard and I imagined myself the husband in one of the stories I read.
“He took me to a local hang out where we knew people. He was very polite and not wanting to embarrass you, made sure to let every body we met know I was your wife and he was my escort for the evening. Wasn’t that thoughtful?”
I cringed when she told me that but something about everyone knowing he was out with my wife excited me. My boner throbbed with the humiliation Cin shared with me.
“Oh God johnnie. When we danced he held me close and I could feel his big cock pressing into me. His hands held my ass as I dry humped his thigh. I couldn’t help it and didn’t notice at first but my skirt rode up and Thomas hiked it up so every one could see my panties. I guess you could really say they saw my butt because those panties you bought were see-through.”
This was a scenario that I had wished for. My wife out with a black guy where people we know saw her displayed as his slut.
“It felt good, Thomas holding my ass. I swear I don’t know how I didn’t leave a wet trail on his pants as wet as he made me.”
Cin was slowly pushing my head down her body as she continued telling me about her evening.
“Thomas turned me around so everyone could see us. I was grinding my ass into his cock and that dirty man was holding my skirt up so everyone could see how wet my panties were getting. Oh johnnie, it was so hot, Thomas showing me off like he did. My shaved pussy was on display and lots of your co-workers saw it. He wasn’t finished either. He put his hands under my sweater and pulled my nipples until they were standing out an inch or more. Then, as he kissed my neck, he pulled my sweater up and showed my boobs to any one looking. Believe me johnnie, every one was looking too.”
“His black hands on my white titties looked so sexy. Every one there told me that. I wanted to pull his cock out and fuck him right there in front of every one. Oh johnnie, Thomas makes me feel so naughty, so sexy. I put my hands over our heads and pulled him close. He told me he was going to make me his slut johnnie. His married white slut for his black cock.”
My heart was pounding. What Cin was telling matched the stories I found most erotic.
As my face neared her pussy I could smell their sex. The aroma was strong, musk like and I couldn’t wait to face plant myself in her cum filled pussy.
“So after a few minutes more of me dancing practically naked, Thomas let me pull my sweater and skirt down. He held my ass as he walked me out, he’s such a gentleman like that. We stopped and said good bye to people we knew as Thomas reminded them that he had promised to get johnnie’s wife home later. Wasn’t that thoughtful of him?”
I had to catch my breath when Cin told me that. Now every one at the office would know I was letting Thomas fuck my wife. My dick was so hard it hurt.
Cin went on. “He let me suck his cock as he drove us back to his house johnnie. My God but his cock was every thing yours is not. It was big and black and thick. I could wrap my two hands around it and still have inches to suck on.”
I couldn’t hear the rest because her thighs squeezed my head as I lapped at her cunt tasting Thomas’ cum. I knew I would be tasting more of his cum in the future.
I brought my wife to an orgasm as I cleaned her and ate the cream pie they made for me. When she came down, my wife held me to her breast and had me beat off for her.
“Thomas said that you are a cuckold now johnnie. He told me that husbands who like their white wives fucking black men might even suck her lover’s cock. Is that what you want johnnie? Do you want to suck Thomas’ big black cock?”
I came when she asked me if I wanted to be a cock sucker. I admit I found that most erotic in the stories and videos I’ve read and watched. I’ve fantasized about kneeling in front of some black man sucking his cock hard so he could fuck my wife. I just wasn’t sure if I want to make that fantasy real just yet.
Now with Cindy having been fucking Thomas for 3 months or so I was finally going to be able to watch them. I had the feeling that some of my co-workers had already seen them. I swear I saw one dude showing a photo he had on his phone to my boss. That image was Cin kneeling under a corner table in the club they frequent sucking Thomas’ cock.
Thomas himself had sent to my phone pics of he and my wife together. Cin always looked so happy escort eskişehir in those photos. She always had a big smile for the camera. Her little white hands held Thomas’ cock and I swear that in a lot of those pics, some one else must have been using the camera.
Cin wanted me to join she and Thomas at their “special club” as she calls it.
For this evening Cin was wearing a short plaid skirt. The red gauzy blouse did little to hide her 34 DD breasts. The heels she wore were 5″ spiked which made her a bit taller than me. Her make-up was sexy and made her look a tad slutty.
I was wearing khaki trousers, a polo shirt, and loafers.
Cin had me kneel down and help her into her panties. I bought them for her trysts with Thomas. They were the style he told her to have me buy for her. I slid the thong up her hosed legs and kissed her pussy before getting back up. She was so sexy I wanted to fuck her myself right then and there.
Cin would have none of that. Chastising me, my wife reminded me that Thomas had sent instructions that on those days he plans to fuck her, I am not to soil his property.
Now most men would find my behavior strange. I can not explain how exciting it is to shop with my wife for sexy panties that her lover asked me to get for him to enjoy. The love I have for my wife grows as she regales me with pictures and stories of the sex she and Thomas have.
And how could I not respect the man who claimed my wife as his property and denies me sex with her on the days she is required to tend to his needs. Thomas doesn’t discuss any of this with me at the office. Oh, he’ll shoot me a sly grin or even a smirk as he jacks his package discretely when he sees me looking at him. But mostly I think he ignores me out of respect for me and appreciation for the sex he and my wife have.
When we arrived at Cin and Thomas’ “special club” I can see that it’s a little dark inside. The music blares and the crowd is thick with couples, many of whom Cin and I know.
My public debut as a cuckold is happening this night.
Cin sees Thomas and squeals her excitement as she runs into his arms. Thomas holds her with one hand on her ass and they kiss long and passionately.
People look from the lovers to me and back at the loving couple. I can hear snide comments and snickers as I go to join them.
I wait at a respectful distance as they continue to demonstrate their desire for each other.
Breaking their kiss Thomas tells me to get them vodka tonics.
I hurry to the bar and wait until the barkeep fills my order.
Walking back to my wife and Thomas I place their drinks on the table for them and wait to be asked to sit with them. I stand for what seem like 10 minutes as Cin and Thomas whisper and kiss. Thomas is feeling Cin’s breasts openly, finally unbuttoning her blouse to free her boobs.
The crowd around us cheers as his black hands maul and pinch Cin’s nipples. My wife lays her head on Thomas’ shoulder and smiles at both me and the appreciative onlookers. My dick is hard. I feel embarrassed, humiliated, and very excited. The scene is just as Cin told me.
Finally Thomas motions to a chair and I am seated on the side so that I can see he and my wife and those people crowding around us.
A couple of guys from work stop by to say hi to Thomas and Cin without acknowledging my presence. Cin hasn’t bothered to put her boobs back in her blouse. I think Thomas wanted to show his dominance of us to others.
It’s as it should be. From my research I understand the cuckold’s role in situations like this. If the bull is a black man, it’s particularly important that I show him the utmost respect and deference. It’s also Thomas’ right to humiliate me, to expose me as just another weak and unworthy white boi.
Cin smiles at me and repeats Thomas’ expectation that I suck his cock. I can hear laughter and gasps from those around us. Even though my face burns with shame, my dick is hard.
“It’s really important that you show Thomas your gratitude for him fucking me better than you ever could johnnie.”
I could only nod in acceptance. But that was not good enough for Thomas. “Use your words johnnie. Tell me you’ll do what I want.”
I lowered my head, partly in shame, partly in submission, “I will Thomas,” I say softly.
“Speak up johnnie. I didn’t hear you son.” Thomas wants my humiliation complete. I want that too.
Cin giggles at my discomfort. Looking at Thomas in the eyes I say loud enough for he and those close to our table to hear, “I will suck your cock.” And at the last minute it comes to me that I should show him the respect he deserves. “Sir,” I said finishing.
At that moment something clicked inside me. It felt right for me to address Thomas as Sir. To admit that I’d be his cock sucker in front of people I know and my wife sent me into a submissive haze. I was free to be what I wanted.
I heard laughter and saw high fives eskişehir escort bayan from the onlookers. My face burned with humiliation and my dick ached with lust.
“Stand up johnnie. Let me see if you have a stiffy thinking about sucking my black cock.”
The laughter drowned out the loud music as I stood with my pants tenting from a boner.
With that final humiliation Thomas announces that it’s time to leave. “We’re going to your house johnnie. I want you to be comfortable when you suck your first cock. Then I plan to fuck your wife in your marital bed. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes Sir,” I say loud enough for all to hear and we walked out. Thomas held Cin by her generous buttocks and I followed them hearing the cheers and laughter as Thomas claimed us both publicly.
Back at our house Cin goes to “get more comfortable” as she called it and Thomas orders me to strip. “A cock sucker should always be naked.” he said with an air of authority. As I disrobed Thomas told me to fetch him a drink when I was nude.
My boner points the way as I hurry naked to the kitchen to get him his drink.
Back in the living room Thomas is sitting on the couch man spread. I hand him his drink and he tells me to get on my knees.
I kneel before this man, this real man who fucks my wife and wants me to suck his big black cock in thanks. I look at his crotch absent mindedly licking my lips. “Wait for your wife boi. I want her to see your coming out as it were. While I like making your wife my slut, she and I both want to make you a sissy. “
Cin has changed into a white transparent negligee that doesn’t quite reach down to her pussy. It’s the same one she wore on our honeymoon. She tells Thomas, “I wore this on our honeymoon. I think it’s appropriate I wear it for you. Don’t you think so johnnie? I mean our marriage is starting down a new path so this will be our second honeymoon.”
“And thank you for waiting for me Thomas,” she said and kissed his cheek as she settled in beside him. Giving me a sad smile my wife asks if I was ready to show Thomas the gratitude and respect he deserves.
My dick gives me away once again. Cin saw my boner and clapped her hands. “What do you call a male who gets a hard on waiting to suck a cock Thomas?”
“Faggot,” was all Thomas replied. He stands and Cin tells me to open my present. I see she has her phone out and is filming this moment.
I loosen his belt and open his trousers. Then I remove his shoes before pulling his pants down.
Thomas’ cock is encased in what can be described as a cock sock. The black silk speedo like underpants he is wearing is filled with I knew to be a big cock. I pulled down the garment and was amazed as his cock sprang free. It had to be 8″ and it was still soft. His balls were huge and hairless.
Unlike Thomas’ milk chocolate skin color, his cock was darker, almost black.
I’d seen pictures and read stories about white husbands kneeling before the real men that fuck their wives. I kind of doubted the notion that white husbands secretly craved to suck those black cocks. Now I was in that position and knew it was true. Thomas’ cock seemed to beckon to me. A cock like that deserved respect. That cock deserved to be sucked.
I wanted to show him my thanks for the fucking he gave Cindy. I wanted to show him that I knew he was the better man, the real man in this house. I wanted my wife to see me submit to his big black cock that gives her so much pleasure. But more than anything the desire to suck his cock was over whelming. I was drawn to it as though it was magnetic.
“Are you ready johnnie?” my wife asked. “Are you ready to be Thomas’ cock sucker?”
I looked at Cin. She didn’t know how badly I wanted this. She had no idea how deeply I longed to submit to black cocks like she had. I wanted to complete my cuckolding in a way that would re-define me as a person and a husband. This is the ultimate act and it was right in front of me.
I nodded but again that wasn’t enough for them. Thomas smacked me in the face with his cock and Cin laughed. “Use words johnnie. I want no misunderstandings here.”
“Yes sir,” I said softly. “I’m ready to become your cock sucker sir.”
“Ask him nicely for permission johnnie.” my wife instructed.
“May I sir? May I please suck your cock. Please allow me the privilege of becoming your cock sucker.” I learned how to ask politely from those many stories in Literotica.
“Before I let you, you need to understand what it will mean for you. When I nut in your mouth, you’ll be my cock sucker. That means no more pussy for you. Cock suckers don’t deserve pussy do they boi?”
My heart skipped a beat. I had hoped this was coming. Denial of sex with my own wife was the supreme sacrifice a cuckold can make. To have a black man tell me that I was no longer to allowed fuck my wife with my pathetic white dick was all I could have wished for in my desire to become a true cuckold.
“Yes sir. I understand sir.”
“To suck my cock also means you are no longer to be considered a man johnnie. With your belly full of my cum you will be a sissy. You will not attempt to touch your wife without her or my permission. You will remain faithful to her, never trying to get you little dick into another woman.”