Jackie is in her living room getting ready to leave the house. She looks for her phone and keys, finds them and then puts them in her purse.
“Sam! Let’s go! Raquel is waiting for us!” yelled Jackie.
A few seconds later Sam comes down the stairs wearing his typical male t-shirt and jeans and walks into the living room.
“Do I have to do this, mom?” asked Sam. “I mean, I don’t even know Raquel that well. Why should I have to help her around the house?”
“Because she’s my friend and you owe me one for wanking off in my panties the other day,” said Jackie. “Besides, it’s only a few hours of cleaning. I’ll drop you off, then pick you up a few hours later. She lives out in the country, so we have a bit of a drive, but thankfully my parents live near her, so I’ll kill two birds with one stone by dropping you off and then go visit my parents.”
“Fine,” said Sam. “let’s go.”
They get into Jackie’s car, which is a sexy red brand new Buick Regal that she only bought last week. Benefits of being the owner of a successful insurance agency. Jackie starts the car and they drive off. Soon the scenery slowly changes from the hustle and bustle of the city to nothing but grass and trees on a rural highway. Jackie slows down as the GPS app on her phone tells her the entrance to the driveway is coming up. She sees the mailbox on the side of the road with the address on it. She turns into the driveway, which in itself is about a tenth of a mile long and also two lanes wide. Plenty of room for cars to come and go. As they approach Raquel’s house, Sam is in awe of her house. While it’s not a mansion, it is still a large house. Sam guesses maybe 5-7 bedrooms and probably just as many bathrooms. And the land itself is massive and well taken care of, probably by a professional landscaper.
They turn into a parking area near a 4 door garage. The parking area itself can hold like 5 cars or so with plenty of room on the driveway for the overflow of vehicles. Raquel must like to entertain people, Sam guesses.
“A sales associate of a lingerie store lives here?” Sam asked.
“Actually, Sam, she OWNS the boutique that we went to the other day,” said Jackie. “In fact, she owns two locations of that boutique with plans to open more. Who knows? She could give Victoria’s Secret a run for their money someday in the women’s inimate apparel business. She’s a very smart and successful businesswoman.”
“I can see that,” said Sam.
“Shall we go inside?” said Jackie, not asking it as a question, but more of a statement.
They both get out of the vehicle and walk towards the front door where Jackie presses the doorbell. Raquel opens the door and Sam could not take his eyes off her. She’s wearing a black tight breast hugging top with a black leather mini skirt that shows off her long smooth legs very nicely. And she also is wearing 3 inch heeled black sandals, adding to her already tall 6 foot body. Raquel looks at Sam and she decides she made the right call in picking this particular outfit for today because Sam still couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“Thanks for coming,” said Raquel. “Come on in.”
They follow Raquel through the foyer and into the living room, which is larger than your typical living room. It’s definitely set up to entertain people with a few couches, chairs, and tables. There is also a massive flat screen TV hanging on the wall that probably took a team of technicians to mount on the wall.
“I can’t stay. I just came to drop off Sam,” said Jackie. “I’m gonna go visit my parents while you guys clean.”
“No problem,” said Raquel. “We’ll be fine.”
The women hug, then Jackie hugs Sam and leaves. Raquel looks at Sam.
“Ready to get to work, Sam?” she said.
“Sure,” he said. “What do you want me to do?”
“Follow me,” said Raquel, who then sashays down the hall leading to a bedroom. Sam could not take his eyes off Raquel’s ass. Rachel smiles knowing that Sam is probably staring at her ass.
They enter the bedroom, which has a king size bed in it. On the bed is a french maid uniform all laid out. Raquel walks over to it.
“Before you clean, I want you to wear this outfit,” said Raquel. “You are going to be my maid.”
“You want me to wear that?” said Sam.
“Yes. Is that going to be a problem?” said Raquel. “Do I need to call your mother and have her cancel the monthly payment to your new Mustang, which as I understand, is due tomorrow?”
“No, Ma’am,” said Sam. “I’ll wear it.”
“Good. Take off your clothes,” Raquel commanded. “You can leave your bra and panties on.”
Sam removes his shirt, pants and socks. Raquel looks at Sam’s feet and frowns.
“You need to take better care of your toenails,” said Raquel. “I’ll ask your mom to take you in for a pedicure. For now, I’ll just clip the nails for you. Sit on the edge of the bed. I’ll be right back.”
Raquel walks to the adjoining bathroom, then returns with toenail clippers and an emery board in hand. She squats down in front xslot of Sam and lifts up one of his feet. She holds the foot with one hand while clipping the nails with the other hand. As she is clipping Sam’s nails, Sam looks down and sneaks a peek of Raquel’s panties as she is squatting on the floor and immediately gets hard. Raquel finishes clipping Sam’s foot, then puts it down and grabs the other foot. As she does so, she looks at Sam’s panties and sees that he has a nice bulge in them. She tries to suppress a smile as she clips the toenails on Sam’s other foot. She knows she now has Sam wrapped around her finger. She finishes clipping the nails, then grabs the emery board to smooth out the edges on the nails. She does the same on the other foot. She then picks up the clippings and stands up and puts away the clippers and emery board and throws away the clippings in a nearby waste basket.
“All done. That’ll do for now until we take you in for a pedicure,” said Raquel, who then picks up a pair of black stockings that were next to the maid uniform.
“Have you ever worn stockings before?” she said.
“No Ma’am,” said Sam.
“These are very delicate stockings and can be ripped easily if you’re not careful,” said Raquel. “That’s why I clipped your nails so they don’t get snagged on the stockings. I’ll show you how to put on one stocking, then you put on the other, okay?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Sam.
“Good. First, you roll up the stocking like this,” Raquel said, rolling up the stocking so that only the toe part is shown. “Now the stocking can go on your foot and you simply just pull it up to unroll it.”
Raquel then slides the stocking on Sam’s foot and rolls it up to Sam’s shin.
“Stand up please,” she said and Sam does so. Raquel then pulls up the rest of the stocking until it is all the way up Sam’s thigh. She smooths it out, making sure it is nice and tight. “Oooh, that looks so sexy on you. These are what we call stay-up thigh high stockings. You don’t need a garter belt to hold them up. Now why don’t you put on the other one yourself?”
Sam sits down, picks up the other stocking, and puts it on his leg as Raquel instructed with no problems. Raquel is impressed at how quickly Sam put on the stocking. Her last maid would fumble with putting on the stocking on his first try. Not Sam. Raquel is thinking to herself that Sam is either bullshitting about never have worn stockings before or he is just a natural.
“Very nice,” said Raquel as she admires Sam standing there in his bra, panties and stockings – along with a huge bulge in his panties. Raquel makes a mental note that while the bulge is nice to look at, proper sissy maids should not be getting bulges in their panties. He’ll either have to wear a gaff next time or perhaps a chastity device. She’ll have to talk that over with Jackie in the near future. “All right. Let’s put this on.”
Raquel picks up the maid uniform and helps Sam put it on. She then fluffs out the hem and smooths out the edges, then stands back to admire him.
“Very cute. That looks so hot on you,” said Raquel. “Turn around.”
Sam turns around to show his backside to Raquel. Raquel smiles and walks over to Sam, then gives Sam a playful smack on the ass and said, “Ready to clean, Sam?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Sam.
He follows Raquel to the kitchen where they find a sink full of dirty dishes and the counter top itself could use a good cleaning.
“I’ve been so busy that I don’t always have time to clean,” explained Raquel. “Then when my last maid left, things got out of hand as you see. So I need for you to clean all this. Do the dishes and the counter top, then sweep and mop the floor. Can you do that?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Sam.
“Great. Everything you need to clean is in the cabinet under the sink – dish soap, cleaning sprays, dish cloths, gloves, you name it,” said Raquel. “When you are ready to do the floor, the broom and mop & bucket is in that closet over there. I’m gonna sit at the table and I’m going to eat my lunch while I watch you clean. Questions?”
“No Ma’am. I should be good,” said Sam.
Raquel nods and walks to the fridge to grab some cold wrapped sandwiches while Sam begins to prepare doing the dishes. Raquel brings the sandwiches and a bottle of water to the table and sets them down. She goes back to the fridge to get some condiments for her sandwiches and returns to the table. She sits down and looks over at Sam, who already has the sink emptied out of the dirty dishes and is filling the sink with hot soapy water.
The slut works fast, Raquel thinks to herself. She begins to eat her sandwich as Sam starts putting the dirty dishes in the now-filled sink. Sam puts on some rubber gloves to protect his hands from the hot water, then starts scrubbing the dishes. All the while Raquel is admiring how hard that Sam is working. She is also admiring his maid uniform and the pretty pink panties that is peeking out from under it. She gets a little wet just looking xslot Giriş at him. She wants him – bad. But she knows she has to be patient. In time, she’ll make Sam her own personal slut someday, she thought to herself.
Raquel finishes her sandwiches in about 30 minutes. In that time, Sam already had most of the dishes done. He’s working on the last load now with a fresh sink of soapy hot water. As Sam is putting the last of the dishes in the sink, he drops a spoon on the floor. He bends over to pick it up. Raquel looks over at him and immediately gets wet when she sees him bent over picking up the spoon. His pink panties is in full view when bent over. She wanted to take a strap on and just fuck him right there. But she knew she again had to be patient.
Instead, she had another idea. She gets up from the table as Sam puts the spoon that he dropped into the sink. She walks over to him and stands behind him. She puts her right hand on his ass underneath the maid uniform, but over the panties, and starts rubbing his ass. Sam moans softly and stops washing the dishes.
“Do not stop washing the dishes,” said Raquel. “Keep doing them, no matter what happens. Understand?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Sam.
Raquel then continues rubbing Sam’s ass as he continues washing the dishes. She then puts her other hand on his ass. She now has one hand on each of the ass cheeks and gives his ass a nice tight squeeze, digging her long fingernails into them a little bit and Sam moans softly again.
Then with her right hand, Raquel goes up and down the ass crack. She uses her middle finger to put a little pressure down the ass crack and reaches under the bottom of his ass. Sam sighs in ectasy as he continues doing the dishes.
“Spread your legs a little,” she commanded and Sam spreads his legs a bit more.
Raquel then puts her hand underneath Sam’s ass and is able to fondle his balls through his panties from behind. Sam moans a little more. Raquel then slides her hand back up his ass a bit, stopping at his anus. There, she uses her middle finder to put a little pressure on the anus without actually sticking the finger in the anus. Sam moans a bit louder.
That’s a good sign, Raquel thought, that Sam will like getting fucked in the ass someday. She gets wet even more at this thought. She definitely is looking forward to having her way with him and making him her bitch. She then releases her hands from Sam’s ass and steps back.
“All right,” she said. “Looks like you are almost done with the dishes. Clean the counter tops next, sweep and mop the floor, and then come and meet me in the living room.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Sam.
Raquel smiles and goes back to the table. She picks up the sandwich wrappers and throws them in the garbage and puts away the condiments. She then leaves the kitchen. Sam finishes up the dishes, looks in the cabinets and drawers to see what goes where, and puts away the dishes. He cleans out the sink, cleans the counter tops, and sweeps & mops the floor. He then puts away the cleaning supplies and stads back to look at the kitchen to make sure he didn’t miss a thing. Satisfied, he returns to the living room where Raquel is sitting on a chair waiting for him.
“All done? Good. Now, get down on the floor on all fours – slut!” commanded Raquel.
Sam gets down on all fours and looks at Raquel, who then waves her finger in a “come here” motion. Sam crawls over to Raquel, who then lifts up her skirt to reveal a clean shaven beautiful pussy. Sam gulps and couldn’t take his eyes off her pussy.
“Closer,” said Raquel.
Sam crawls a bit closer to Raquel until his head is between her legs. Raquel then grabs a handful of Sam’s hair and pulls his face into her pussy. She then uses both hands to hold his head there.
“Lick me, slut!” commanded Raquel.
Sam does so as commanded and begins licking Raquel’s pussy like a pro. If there is one thing that Sam is good at, it’s licking pussy and it’s also something that he loves doing. Raquel is surprised by how well that Sam is licking her pussy and it didn’t long for her to be nearing orgasm.
“Oh yes. Oh yes! Oh fucking yeah!! OH YES!” Raquel screams as she explodes in a fit of orgasm. “Oh, God yes! Oh yes. Yes. Oooooh. Wow! That was sooooo good. “
Raquel releases her hands from Sam’s head and tells him to stand up.
“Wow. That was so awesome! Where did you learn to lick pussy like that?” she asked.
“Sex is all I could think about, Ma’am,” explained Sam. “I’ve always had trouble maintaining a relationship with women, so I thought if I could learn to please her, maybe I’d have a better chance of keeping her.”
“Smart man,” said Raquel. “I’ll tell you what. You deserve a reward. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
Raquel then gets up and walks away, leaving Sam alone in the living room. About 30 seconds later, she returns with a bathroom paper cup and sets it on the table next to her, then again waves her finger in a “come here” xslot Güncel Giriş motion. Sam walks over to Raquel and stands in front of her. Raquel lifts up Sam’s uniform so that his panties are showing.
“Hold that,” she said, referring to the hem of the maid uniform. Sam grabs the hem and holds it. “Now spread your legs just a bit like before.”
Sam spreads his legs a little bit and Raquel then puts her right hand under Sam’s balls and begins to fondle them through the panties. Sam moans a little. Raquel uses her left hand to start rubbing Sam’s hard cock through his panties and he moves even more. Raquel continues to tease Sam a little more this way, then she uses both hands to yank Sam’s panties down, revealing a nice hard 7 inch cock. Raquel wraps her right hand around it and begins stroking it slowly. Sam is moaning a bit louder now.
It’d be very easy for Raquel to do a little tease-and-denial on Sam, but she did promise him a reward. She makes a mental note to do a tease-and-denial next time on Sam. Right now, she continues stroking his cock with her right hand while fondling his balls with her left hand. Experience from her giving men handjobs in the past tells her than Sam is close to orgasm. She grabs the paper cup that was on the table next to her and holds it under Sam’s cock. Soon, Sam explodes in orgasm and shoots his load into the paper cup. Raquel continues stroking Sam, making sure to milk every last drop of cum from Sam’s cock. Satisfied that he is dry, Raquel sets the cup down on the table and pulls up Sam’s panties.
“You can let go now,” said Raquel and Sam releases the hem of his maid uniform, allowing them to drop back down and cover his panties.
Raquel grabs the paper cup with Sam’s cum in it and stands up. She hands the cup to Sam and said “Here, drink this.”
“You want me to drink my own cum?” asked Sam.
“Yes. Is that a problem?” said Raquel in a more of a statement tone of voice, not as a question.
“No, Ma’am,” said Sam, taking the cup from Raquel. He drinks it and hands it back to Raquel, who looks into the cup to make sure he did indeed drink it. He did. Raquel then asks Sam to open his mouth so she can check to make sure that he swallowed every last drop of his cum. He did.
“Good girl. Maybe someday you can suck a real man’s cock and then swallow his cum,” said Raquel. “Would you like that?”
“I’m not sure, Ma’am,” said Sam.
“Wrong answer,” scolded Raquel.
Sam thinks fast and said, “I’m sure I’ll like that, Ma’am.”
“Good girl,” Raquel said. She then grabs her phone from the nearby table and uses it to snap a picture of Sam in his maid uniform before he had a chance to protest. “Your mom wanted me to take a photo of you in your cute maid uniform. Yes, it’s yours now. You earned it. Now go get dressed. Your mom will be here in a little bit to pick you up. Just put the maid uniform back on the bed. I’ll wash it for you. You can keep the stockings on. I’ll have your mom buy more of them from my boutique in the near future.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” Sam said and then he walks off to the bedroom.
About 10 minutes later, he returns dressed in his male clothes again. At that moment, the doorbell rings. Raquel goes to answer it. It is Jackie.
“How did it go?” asked Jackie.
“He did very well,” said Raquel, who then holds up her phone to show Jackie the photo of Sam in his maid uniform. “He looks so sexy in that maid uniform.”
“I agree,” said Jackie. “I’m glad he did well for you. You are more than welcome to use Sam as a maid anytime you want.”
“Thank you, and speaking of, can I talk to you – in private?” asked Raquel.
“Of course,” said Jackie. “Sam, go wait in the car. I’ll be right out.”
“Yes, Mom,” said Sam and he makes his exit, leaving Raquel and Jackie alone.
Jackie then turns to Raquel and said, “What’s up?”
“Next Saturday, I’m having a small party with a few girls,” said Raquel. “I was wondering if Sam is available to be my maid again next Saturday.”
“Of course,” said Jackie.
“Great,” said Raquel. “The thing is, this party is more than a cocktail party. It will also be a play party. We want to use Sam as our slut. We will be doing things like spanking him, tying him up and…”
Raquel pauses because she is not sure how Jackie will feel about what she’ll say next.
“…pegging him,” said Raquel, who then waits for Jackie’s reaction.
“Pegging? You mean, fucking a guy with a strap on?” asked Jackie.
Jackie thinks about that for a minute.
“The chances are good that Sam’s never been fucked in the ass before,” said Jackie. “What if he doesn’t want to get fucked?”
Raquel does not respond. She just looks at Jackie and Jackie gets the message.
“You want to rape him?” Jackie said.
“Rape is too strong of a word,” said Raquel. “Let’s just say we want to have our way with him. We want to try and force ourselves on him if he resists. But I’ll make you a deal. I can make up a safe word for Sam to say so that if things get heated and he is very uncomfortable or in pain, all he has to do is say the safe word and we’ll stop. But as long as he doesn’t say the safe word, we’ll keep pushing his limits. What do you say?”