Tomas hated these events. Work-social obligations are always awkward to handle. Despite years of experience as the Chief Technology Officer for DataCentrae and other tech firms, he could never get comfortable with these quasi-social engagements.
These types of events are primarily hosted by companies looking to hawk their software to him to make a commission off the potential of multi-million dollar projects with DataCentrae. He knew that they were not genuinely interested in him as a person.
He hated the fake pleasantries, having to feint interest in the hobbies of uninteresting, unnaturally attractive sales folk. Networking was an essential aspect of his role. However, he would rather be in the lab writing code to solve challenges with firmware than interact with such vapid people. This was going to be a long night.
He was sure Lindsay was going to be bored. He almost felt guilty for bringing his lover along on his work trip. It sounds exciting to travel to big cities for free. He was confident she got caught up in the idea of playing the role of his wife.
In reality, one is hardly free to enjoy the benefits. Lindsay had been cooped up in their hotel room nearly the entire length of their stay in Las Vegas, just waiting for him to finish working the trade show floor. Now, he asked her to go with him to this vendor-sponsored happy hour hosted by one of DataCentrae’s significant partners.
Lindsay felt his anxiety. She could see the tension carried in his broad shoulders. His toned 50-year-old frame showed tension easily as his defined muscles tensed into defensive postures around his neck. He tried to buffer their plans all night, qualifying every decision he made.
Tomas’ defensiveness was unlike him. He usually was much more commanding when he planned out their evening. She liked letting him dictate their plans. She did not like how he sounded unsure that she would have fun. She knew she would enjoy catching even just a glimpse of the life that consumes so much of his time away from her.
Lindsay walked out of the bathroom and towards him as he sat on the edge of the hotel suite bed. He was fiddling with his tie as he appeared to be tacitly aware of her presence, still trying to convince himself by explaining to her that she would be okay with simply smiling on his arm like a trophy. She was indeed a trophy. He had always made that clear to her.
Tomas loved to show her off. She loved the way he showed her off, constantly pushing her to flaunt her feminine form: her wide, sumptuous hips, full breasts, and toned but shapely legs. It was exciting to hear him describe her to others, to see the gleam in his eye as he chauffeured her through a bar, walking her past the establishment’s clientele just to watch them ogle.
However, at that moment, Tomas was not himself. Lindsay knew he was not hiding her. He must be trying to protect her from his work associates. Now, she wanted to go even more. The curiosity about the cause of his hesitation was simply too much to ignore.
Lindsay dropped her damp towel on the bathroom floor just as she crossed the threshold and onto the carpet that demarcated the edge of the suite’s bedroom. She sighed loudly, exaggerating her boredom with the conversation with dramatic flair. Her dramatics caught Tomas’ attention.
Tomas’ eyes widened, and his lips parted with a slow exhale whistling from his mouth. His eyes went from Lindsay’s large breasts and erect nipples, hard in the air-conditioned air, to her wide hips and slim waist. He tried for a second longer to continue his train of thought, but all momentum escaped his argument as his eyes remained transfixed upon her.
Lindsay swung her hips in an exaggerated strut as she slowly approached him. She leaned over to walk her hands up his thighs and shoulders until she was seated straddled in his lap, facing him, smiling.
He stared at her mesmerizing breasts.
Tomas didn’t break his gaze, but his hands were awake, caressing Lindsay’s shoulders and back. He breathed her in slowly, enjoying how the scent of her feminine allure and perfume intoxicated him. He could feel his shoulders drop and relax as he inhaled her essence.
Lindsay could feel him throbbing through his dark, soft dress pants just under her bare ass.
“I am so going to enjoy tonight, hun,” Lindsay said in a slow, low tone. “I think we should play with your associates; let’s see who notices.”
“Oh? And how shall we accomplish that, my devilish Kitten?” his tone was almost mockingly inquisitive.
“Go to my suitcase. Look inside the pocket. You will find two things that you need.”
Lindsay slowly slid down his legs and stood up, naturally pushing her full breasts up and out as she straightened–a detail he was sure not to miss. He took a long moment to study her gorgeous form in the dim last light of dusk filtering through the high-rise hotel windows. Just staring at her sumptuous lines sparked a tension of building energy deep within him. He had to forcibly shake maslak escort himself mentally from the trance she put him in.
Tomas stood up, finding that he was physically dizzy from the intoxicating effects she had on him. He found his footing and moved towards the closet, where she stowed her suitcase. Tomas quickly unzipped the little rolling carry-on luggage she traveled with. “How can someone who dresses so well live out of such a small piece of luggage?” he thought. As if to answer his question, clothes spilled onto the floor from the suitcase as he opened the clamshell hinge.
Tomas reached into the pocket on one side of the case, his fingers finding something cold. He grabbed the item, pulling out a large, bejeweled metal anal plug. The weight and size surprised him; it was much larger than the plugs they had previously used. It occurred to him that Lindasy needed some help to seat the plug correctly.
He returned to the suitcase pocket and found a bottle of lube. Tomas haphazardly and quickly shoved the clothes and items that spilled onto the floor into the suitcase and zipped it up. He spun around quickly and almost ran back towards the bed.
Tomas’ eyes struggled for a fraction of a second while he focused on the scene before him as he stepped back toward the bedroom. There his lover was, kneeling on the seat of the chair next to the bed, her round, perfect ass facing his gaze, presented to him. She looked over her shoulder and gave an evil smile, not saying a word.
He didn’t need instruction. Tomas stepped up to Lindsay and spread her legs further apart forcibly, making her shift from knee to knee to accommodate his wish as he stepped between her legs. Standing close, he could feel her warmth radiating against his legs.
Tomas flipped the cap open on the bottle of lube and squirted a liberal dollop of the viscous gel onto the acorn-shaped plug. He then rested the bottle on Lindsay’s bare back, eliciting a slight shiver to run through her body from the cold plastic.
Using his fingers, Tomas slathered the gel across the metal until a thin layer covered every surface below the thin neck of the plug. Holding the plug by the neck between his left index and middle finger, he let his right hand come down hard on her right ass cheek.
Lindsay gasped out loud as the sting of his hand burned through her body. He pushed her right cheek up and out to expose her gorgeous pussy and ass. Tomas took a moment to marvel at the shining evidence of her excited state just starting to drip from her glistening lips; then, using his left hand, he pushed the bulb end of the plug against her asshole.
Lindsay gasped loudly as the cold metal first touched her warm skin. That gasp grew into a slow moan as the metal began to dig its way inside her tight ass. She breathed deeply, the breath allowing her to relax. She felt the plug slowly slide inside of her.
The plug stretched at Lindsay’s asshole, causing her just a bit of pleasured pain. She loved the resistance her ass gave to the invasion. She loved the pain, which reminded her to focus on nothing but the moment, allowing her to block everything out but the task at hand.
This plug was large. Lindsay concentrated on ignoring the ripping sting, relaxing her ass as much as she could. She could feel the blood rushing to her head, felt beads of sweat forming on her forehead, and she convinced herself that she could feel the red on her ass cheek where his hand gripped her. The metal turned from cold to warm as it slowly filled her hole. With each centimeter, she could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter while the sting inside her ass only increased in intensity.
Suddenly, there was almost an audible pop around her sphincter as Tomas pushed the plug past the crux of its width through her asshole. Lindsay’s ravenous need took over, sucking the remaining length deep into her ass, her asshole clenching down hard on the stem of the plug, creating satisfaction in being filled. Her moan changed from a voice of struggle to a voice of content pleasure.
“Fuuuuuck’, Lindsay moaned, looking back at him, her evil grin returning to her lips, “that feels sooooo fucking good filing my ass!”
“I could watch you taking it in the ass all night, Kitten.”
“Oh? You like watching me take it in the ass?”
“I do,” Tomas’ frank tone commanded her attention to note his simple response.
Tomas gave her a firm spanking. The strikes echoed off the walls of the suite. Lindsay cried out in a broken, pleasured whine. He watched, biting into his lip as her pleasure flung in a string from her pussy to her inner thigh. Tomas reached down, wiping the string of her essence onto his forefinger.
“Look how excited you are,” Tomas said calmly. You are such a good kitten.” He presented his glistening finger to her lips. She stared submissively into his eyes as she slowly parted her smile and took his finger into her mouth.
Lindsay wrapped her lips around his finger fulya escort and sucked as he slid it into her mouth to the bottom knuckle. She gulped loudly and gagged a little as his long finger reached the back of her active tongue. Tasting herself increased her excitement.
“Get dressed, Kitten,” Tomas commanded as he slowly backed away from her beautiful ass. As much as he wanted to ravage her, they had someplace to be. He was excited to parade her in front of his co-workers, colleagues, and business partners. Of course, all while she had that large plug in her ass, wet and ready to fuck. “This was going to be fun,” he thought.
Lindsay sauntered back into the bathroom, the plug sending pangs of desire through her body with every step. She found her little black dress hanging on the closet rack where she had left it before showering.
Lindsay loved to wear the dress without panties, and the thrill of being bare in public was always the draw. However, she had to make a good impression on Tomas’ associates, and she did not want to cause any problems for him. So she grabbed a black lace thong and quickly stepped into it.
The thong rested against the jewel of her plug; Lindsay could feel the added tension inside her. She gasped as she involuntarily clutched the metal deep inside of her ass. Lindsay pulled the dress over her head, wiggling it tightly over her hips. She had to pull the bottom hem down to smooth out all the wrinkles as it hugged her feminine lines.
Lindsay always felt so sexy in this dress. Looking in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door, she noticed that her thong left a little bit of an outline along her hips. She hoped someone would notice.
“Let’s go, hotshot,” Lindsay called to Tomas as she stepped into her five-inch black stiletto heels. She loved these shoes almost as much as her dress. They showed off her well-defined calves and helped close the gap between her short frame and his intimidating, towering presence. She walked in front of him and started for the suite door.
“Fuck, you are hot, Kitten,” Tomas said, exasperated. He punctuated his statement by spanking and grabbing her right ass cheek as he escorted her out the door. He hoped no one would notice the dark, wet spot on the front of his dress pants, just below his blazer, where his want was seeping through the thin material.
“Just remember, I am all yours as you see fit, Sir.”
“Good Kitten”
They were silent in the elevator. A few floors down, an older man joined them in the elevator cab for the rest of the ride down to the lobby. The three of them remained silent. However, the stranger could not help but stare at her beauty.
At one point, Lindsay caught his eyes upon her; she flashed a smile that seemed to shake him back to reality. The surprised look in his eyes and mild panic of being caught staring was unmistakable. He quickly broke eye contact and tried to look nonchalantly at the numbers displaying the cab’s location among the high-rise floors.
“That is too bad that he looked away. He is handsome for an older man. I would love to fuck with him,” she thought to herself. The bing of the elevator chime indicating that they arrived at the lobby broke her thought. The door slid open; the stranger gestured for them to exit first. She smiled and winked at him, and stepped through the elevator door.
They walked across the lobby toward the lounge. Each step Lindsay took on the hard floor tiles echoed off the lobby walls. Her easy gate created a syncopated rhythm that drew attention to her. She loved it. Every head in the lobby acknowledged her. She saw the disdain in other women’s eyes as they wished they were her. She saw the lust in every man that acknowledged her presence.
“You are making quite the impression already, Kitten,” Tomas whispered into her ear as he came up beside her. He claimed her by wrapping his arm around her waist and resting his hand on her hip. She knew that he was not just trying to comfort her; he was trying to mark his territory. The attention she was getting threatened him.
Tomas loved the thrill of the game and the hunt, and she loved exciting his primal desire to compete and claim her. She said nothing but could not contain her devilish smile that once again snuck through her full red lips.
Tomas’ hand moved to the small of her back as they stepped through the doorway of the hotel lounge. The room was dark, except for the lighted bar, and it took a moment for their eyes to adjust. Soon, the crowd responsible for the din of conversation came into focus. Lindsay felt a little pang of anxiety creep up; there were so many people she would have to get to know. His hand moved from her back to her shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze.
“They are going to love you, Kitten,” Tomas’ low voice was affirming and comforting. He escorted her to the bar, turning a seat so that she could gently sit down. Nevertheless, the act of sitting was excruciatingly pleasurable with kağıthane escort the large plug in her ass.
“Oh fffuck,” Lindsay whispered into his shoulder as she tried to control the sensations bouncing through her. She took a moment, moaned very softly into his lapel, and took a deep breath; his scent and cologne did not exactly help her predicament. She crossed her bare, soft legs tightly, showing lots of thigh but keeping her secret well hidden.
Lindsay could feel a renewed warm wetness soaking through her thong and sticking to the inside of her thighs. “I hope I can make it through the evening; this may have been a mistake,” she thought. He ordered a vodka cranberry for her and a whiskey neat for himself; he ordered with a commanding authority, barely acknowledging whether or not the bartender was ready. Nevertheless, their drinks appeared quickly. She hid her face in his chest, trying desperately to wrestle control of herself.
Lindsay buried her face in Tomas’s lapel. She heard the click-clack of high heels and a muffled greeting. She felt his voice vibrate through his chest as he returned the greeting: “Maria, this is my…” He faltered at his label for her: “Love, Lindsay.” He tugged at Lindsay’s shoulder to bring her attention back to the present.
“I am so thrilled to meet you finally, Lindsay,” Maria said with a low, raspy, sexy voice and an over-the-top cadence. Tomas has spoken so much about you in our previous conversations.” Something about how Maria delivered that qualification of previous conversations made Lindsay uneasy.
It was already apparent that Maria was quite an attractive blonde with impossibly long legs and a thin waist, befitting her athletic form. She wore her plastic smile bright and proud, and her cleavage teased with a heave behind each easy laugh she gave as she and Tomas made small talk.
“I bet he wants to fuck her,” Lindsay said starkly into the echo of her racing mind, “Hell, I want to fuck her.” The thought was a cold thought that first hit with a twinge of jealousy. Beyond the first pangs of jealousy, she found that the latter part of the thought began to resonate a more wanting feeling.
Maria seemed to pull Tomas away from her, engaging him in some technical chat that Lindsay did not understand. She watched Maria’s sexy body for nonverbal cues of her intent with her lover. The more she watched, the more she watched out of attraction for Maria’s feminine form. Lindsay shifted in her chair, her own sumptuous thighs pressed together.
Lindsay very suddenly remembered her evening plans as the plug in her ass shifted. She worked hard to fight back the urge to moan once more. Somehow, the intense feelings coursing through her center only amplified her attraction to Maria. Lindsay gulped at her vodka cranberry; she was almost three-quarters into her drink, and the warm glow of the alcohol loosening her nerves was like gasoline on her fire of want.
“I just need to be fucked right now. I want Maria to ravage me”, Lindsay bluntly reasoned with herself. She let the thought ruminate in her head while she slowly tightened her thighs and shifted back and forth in her seat as she watched Maria effortlessly flirt with everyone at the bar, Tomas seemingly in tow. The pressure of the bar stool against her plug and the tension in her thighs pressed warm pleasure out of her wandering thoughts.
Lindsay nursed what remained of her drink, slurping the last few drops from around the ice cubes at the bottom of the glass. Pulling on the straw in time with the tensioning of her thighs to make it easier to hide the whimpers she felt bubbling up from her chest.
Lindsay watched her toned thigh muscles flex, felt the subtle movement of the plug shoot electricity through her ass, and she felt the dampness of excitement squeeze out into the already-soaked gusset of her thong. She was lost in her own little world and overlooked Tomas in an intense conversation with two gentlemen in the dark corner opposite the bar.
“Hi! It is a crime that Tomas left you here all by yourself!” Maria said brightly with her blinding smile. The sudden company startled Lindsay from her self-centered moment. “He should know better than to leave such a gorgeous woman as yourself alone with these miscreants.”
“Oh, this is for his work. I would not want to get in the way,” Lindsay said without confidence. Her response seemed like the appropriate way to hide her jealousy. She truly wished the attention was on her, not Tomas, yet she knew her desire was unreasonable.
Maria carefully sat beside Lindsay at the bar, sitting delicately in her tight, short skirt and high heels. Lindsay enjoyed watching Maria sit down, particularly how her skirt slowly slid up her tan, fit, and sexy thighs. “Fuck, I just want to run my tongue along the inside of her thigh,” Lindsay begged to herself.
Lindsay tried to keep a straight face and stay within the decorum of being in public view; she did not want to embarrass herself in front of Maria, and she certainly did not want to ruin any chance at having a friendly relationship with the person who just stole her Tomas away. Lindsay gazed across the dark lounge, unsuccessfully trying to find Tomas. He should not have been hard to find with his tall frame, yet she could not spot him in the crowd.