Lockdown Frustration
6 Months ago….
Trevor was pretty certain he was bisexual. He never felt comfortable telling anyone when he was younger though. His best mate Ethan probably would have been fine with it but for the sake of self-protection, he thought it was best to keep quiet. He just didn’t want to take the risk of anyone finding out till after high school, you never knew who might overhear something and beat him up. So, he kept it to himself.
Ethan had been his best friend since middle school and they got along so well. They had the same taste in music, which was good because Trevor always liked to have music on, it could irritate some people but Ethan didn’t mind it. They also enjoyed the same games and had a similar sense of humour too. They just worked so well as mates.
Once they graduated high school and enrolled in university, they decided to rent a flat together since they got along so well. The subject of him being bisexual never came up, it wasn’t that he was still hiding it, he just hadn’t met any guys he was interested in actually exploring this with and didn’t see the point in having a conversation about it until he’d actually experimented and confirmed it.
One day he’d come home from the gym, Ethan always had class on Wednesday afternoons so he was sure the house would be empty. He walked to the bathroom to take a shower and as he opened the door his jaw dropped! There was Ethan, all 5f 9″ of gorgeous golden skin, buck naked, dripping wet with his head back and eyes closed. He looked absolutely mouth-watering but the biggest shock was seeing his hand wrapped around his cock and pumping furiously as a thick white stream of cum was shooting up over his torso and moaning in ecstasy.
Trev quickly and quietly closed the door before Ethan would notice, he’d obviously not heard him over the sound of the water and Trev didn’t want to face him when he was suddenly staring and lusting over him masturbating.
He waited for Ethan to finish his shower and quickly brushed past Ethan when he left the bathroom, trying to hide the hard on in his pants. “Hey man, how was the gym?”
Trev replied with “Hey, good” and hid himself in the bathroom to take his own shower and relieve the enormous pressure in his pants. He stood under the water, stroking himself with his mind full of the image he’d seen earlier, his best mate looking absolutely gorgeous, golden skin, toned body, blonde hair slicked back under the water. His eyes had been closed when he saw him but as he stroked himself he imagined those striking pale blue eyes staring back as he was cumming on himself. It took barely any time for Trev to reach his own orgasm and let out a huge sigh of relief. Only, now he was really concerned, Ethan was straight and he didn’t want to freak him out so he vowed to never utter a word.
They continued on with life as per usual, joking, studying and playing computer games. Trev tried to put the image of Ethan out of his mind by watching gay porn to think of other naked guys when he got himself off but sometimes the brain is cruel and it taunted him with Ethan’s face as he came in the shower. It was difficult but their friendship meant so much to him that he wouldn’t risk it and just hoped he would meet someone else who would overshadow the attraction he had for Ethan.
Present Day.
Ethan and Trev were playing video games and he was so glad he had Trevor for a roommate. He thought back to when they’d met in their first year of high school, Trev had been pretty shy back then but he’d really come out of his shell over the years. He’d grown too…. A LOT! He was fairly small when they’d met, lanky more then short but by the end of high school he’d filled out because he’d taken up martial arts which made him start packing on some muscle and he now surpassed him in both height and width but just barely. He was a cool dude though, he wasn’t bulky but his training made him surprisingly strong. He didn’t have a big head about it though, it was almost like he wasn’t aware of it which was kind of funny.
They got along so well and it was so much better then flatting with strangers, he’d heard some horror stories from friends at uni who were living with some real weirdos with bizarre habits.
So when covid lockdown happened he was really glad they were living together, having good company during such a shit time made it much easier, the only thing that he was really missing were girls and sex.
One day Ethan woke up particularly early and couldn’t get back to sleep. He got up to make coffee but his morning glory hard on was particularly persistent so since he knew Trev would be sleeping in a while longer, he had the bright idea to put some porn on the big screen in the lounge to ease his morning erection. His hand could never give the satisfaction the way sex with another person did, but he couldn’t do anything about that because of lockdown so he thought the next best thing was porn on the big screen.
He was watching a couple going at it hot uzunköprü escort and heavy on the big screen, he had the headphones on so he wouldn’t wake Trev and his hand wandered down into his boxers and started a slow rhythm of jerking himself off.
Trev woke up earlier than usual and couldn’t get back to sleep so he figured he’d get up and get the coffee going before Ethan got up. He wandered down the hall in his boxers and looked up to see two naked people vigorously fucking on the tv and the back of Ethan’s head with headphones on.
Ethan thought Trev wouldn’t be up for at least an hour so he was taking his time enjoying the view and building slowly toward his release when suddenly his headphones were pulled back. He whipped his head around with startled eyes as he saw Trev, also in only his boxers, except Ethan had his hand in his and wrapped around his hard on.
Trev had an enormous grin and like the cat that caught the canary which is unsurprising since he’d been crushing on Ethan for a few months now.
“Dude, you have a computer in your room you know “
Ethan couldn’t quite think straight since he was near his release
“This screen’s bigger” was all he could think of
Trev could not keep the grin from his face, seeing Ethan getting himself off again was so incredibly hot. He couldn’t help himself, he probably should have walked away but his legs had a mind of their own and he sat down on the couch beside Ethan. He picked up the remote to switch the volume off headphones back to tv speakers so they could both hear and leaned back with his hands behind his head to enjoy the show.
Ethan was stunned and couldn’t decide what to do, keep going or stop and keep watching till he was about to burst then run to his room to release his load.
“Don’t stop on my account dude, doesn’t bother me. I’ve seen you naked in the locker rooms anyway, this isn’t that much different” Trev really hoped he would keep going.
So Ethan considered what to do for a moment but his hard cock pulsing in his hand made it hard to think so instinct won and he kept stroking slowly. He felt a little self-conscious but that helped keep his orgasm at bay. He tried to put all his focus on the porn but couldn’t ignore the fact that his best mate was sitting beside him. Then out of the corner of his eyes he noticed Trevor’s hand move down to his boxers and slide under to start jerking himself off.
This made Ethan a little more comfortable, at least now he knew Trev was focused on his own pleasure and not watching him, not that he was before but he felt a little like he was on show when Trev was just sitting there.
So they both sat watching porn, stroking themselves. Their breathing started to get heavier, Trev’s pace picked up and his breathing got louder. Ethan heard a little moan from him which kind of turned him on even more but he just chalked it up to adding to the porn sounds.
Trev was so damn hard, just being near Ethan while he was touching himself lit a fire inside him. He was so horny so fast that he had to keep his stroking slow so he didn’t blow his load straight away. His eyes were on the tv but he had no idea what was on it because his mind was full of the man sitting beside him stroking himself and getting off beside him. He felt like this was the best day ever, he thought Ethan was going to run off to his room but he stayed and continued stroking himself!
Ethan was getting close, he was almost over the edge when he heard a loud moan from Trev and turned to see his head fall back, eyes squeezed shut and mouth open as he came. It shocked him to see his friend in a moment of pure sexual bliss, naked except for his underwear. It was so undeniably sexy and it pushed him over the edge, he cried out his pleasure looking at his friends face in his moment of ecstasy then his head fell back as he rode the last of his orgasm.
They both sat there, eyes closed and panting with the porn still playing. Then Trev said “I’ll let you have the shower first since you started first”
Ethan laughed “Thanks”, and promptly removed his hand from his shorts and made a bee line to the shower.
Standing under the water he was so confused. He’d just cum to the sight of his friend having an orgasm. Why? It’s not like he’d ever had sexual thoughts of him before but he had to admit, that was a pretty erotic experience.
Trev was over the moon, he’d been fantasising about Ethan for months and finally got to experience something sexual with him, even if they weren’t touching, he got to be present during his orgasm and that made him tingle.
They went about their day as usual and didn’t talk about what had happened but it was there in the back of their minds, how could it not be? Trev was thrilled and Ethan was confused. They had lunch, played games, had dinner and called it a night.
As Ethan was lying in bed he couldn’t sleep, must be the lack of activity from lockdown, so naturally his hand ventured down and he started jerking off. He could have sworn the boredom of lockdown van escort made him horny all the time, he was thinking about the porn they’d watched that morning then Trev’s face as he was cumming popped into his head and he couldn’t help but moan and his jerks got faster. He was panting, thinking of Trev’s face, his shirtless torso his full lips making an O as he moaned his pleasure. He kept thinking about those lips, they’d look so good wrapped around his cock and when that vision entered his mind he cried out as one of the most intense orgasms he’s ever had burst from him, back arching, toes curling and thick ropes of cum pumping from his cock.
As he sighed with relief afterward, he felt even more confused than ever. How was he supposed to sleep now? He wondered if it was all just the sexual frustration of lockdown starting to play tricks on his mind. He wasn’t attracted to Trev, he was his best mate, he couldn’t be.
The next day as they were sitting at the table eating breakfast Ethan was watching Trev, looking at his bare torso of golden skin, his abs, strong biceps his longish dark hair falling in front of his beautiful hazel eyes and his lips… those luscious lips moving as he ate.
Holy fuck! He was thinking of his best friend with words like beautiful and luscious. ‘Oh. My. God’ he thought, he was crushing on his friend.
Trev had noticed Ethan stealing glances at him out of the corner of his eye all morning but pretended to not notice. He was probably either embarrassed or confused about their wank session yesterday and didn’t want to make it worse so he just went about his morning pretending nothing was amiss.
Trev looked up and their eyes locked. He noticed Ethan looking at him very intensely. He wasn’t sure what Ethan was thinking about but he really hoped Ethan was thinking good things, maybe even starting to look at him differently but thought that was probably just wishful thinking.
“What are you staring at?”
“Nothing. Ah, I’m gonna go for a run to get some fresh air”
“Ok” Trev really hoped he wasn’t freaking out.
As Ethan was jogging, he was trying to decide what to do about this. He was fairly certain Trev never thought of him in any way other than a friend but then up until now he had never thought of him that way either.
Should he act on it or bring it up in conversation he wondered, nothing major but maybe if they had another wank session it wouldn’t happen again and he’d see if it was just a fluke. But if it did happen again, what would he do? If he did have a crush on Trev but he didn’t return the desires then it was going to make the next month of lockdown incredibly unbearable since they spent so much time together. But the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to test the waters, Trev initiated the wanking session yesterday so maybe he wouldn’t be resistant to a little further exploration.
Later that evening they were gaming and Ethan decided to take the plunge and said
“Fuck I’m so horny all the time with this stupid lockdown”
“Tell me about it, I’d give anything for a blowjob”
“Mmhmm. Wanna watch some porn? It’s so much better on the big screen”
‘Well that didn’t take much encouraging’ Ethan thought. Now how to approach the next step was going to be a bit more tricky.
As they were watching, Ethan was waiting for Trev to make the first move to start jerking himself off. He waited and kept looking out of the corner of his eye without turning his head, then he saw it. Trev’s hand lifting his shirt and sliding into his shorts. Yes, success! Ethan followed suit and wrapped his hand around his cock and started a slow steady stroking pace.
Trev was beyond excited when Ethan suggested porn again, he’d obviously been worrying over nothing because he wouldn’t suggest it if he wasn’t going to jerk off to it. Trev noticed Ethan was just sitting there stiffly and not moving, clearly he was going to have to take the lead so he started jerking off hoping Ethan would start doing the same.
As they sat there slowly stroking themselves while watching the screen. Ethan started to notice he was more focussed on Trev then the porn and wanted to kick it up a notch to see if he was actually into him… and if Trev was willing to experiment.
Ethan quietly said “This would be so much better if it were someone else’s hand”
“Mmm right?!”
“Wanna swap?”
“Swap hands?”
Trev was stunned, he could not believe that Ethan was actually suggesting mutual masturbation together but he desperately wanted to. He didn’t want to come across too eager so he waited an agonisingly long moment of silence then said “Ok, why not. Nothing to lose right?”
This was going better than expected Ethan thought. He removed his hand and lowered his shorts so his Dick was out and on display for Trev to touch. Trev was worried that to Ethan this was just mates getting relief in desperate times so he kept his eyes on the screen and while he lowered his shorts and without looking at Ethan he reached varto escort over and grabbed Ethan’s cock and started stroking it. God it felt incredible! It was warm, smooth and so firm. It felt around the same size as his which was 7 inches and girthy. He held his breath waiting for Ethan to reach for his cock too and when he did, he had to work so hard to hold back the moan he wanted to release.
Ethan was so stunned at how well this was going. He had reached over and started to stroke Trev while they both sat there, looking at the screen neither saying a word with a hand wrapped around the others cock, stroking at a leisurely pace. After 5 or so minutes Ethan cautiously looked over at Trev’s cock. It was nice, felt nice too. It looked to be around 7 inches. It was smooth with a swollen mushroom head.
He watched his hand pumping Trev’s cock and noticed a drop of precum was starting to leak so he lifted his thumb to catch it and swirl it around the sensitive underside of the head which gained him a low moan from Trev. He couldn’t help but grin, it felt good to know he was giving Trev pleasure. He hesitantly looked up at his face and saw that he had closed his eyes and was biting his lip which just made Ethan want to nibble Trev’s lip.
His thoughts of nibbling Trev’s lips was bringing him close to his orgasm, he turned his gaze back to the screen, worried he’d get caught staring. He started panting and moaning getting so close then it hit him like a tsunami. He cried out his pleasure and couldn’t stop himself from looking over at Trev as he came over his hand. Trev kept the pace steady through Ethan’s orgasm with his eyes closed, head back and mouth open like he was getting close and he looked so had damn hot!
Ethan came down from his orgasm and covered Trev’s had with his to stop his stroking but didn’t let go of his hand and kept his other hand pumping Trev’s cock watching his face as he was enjoying what Ethan was doing to him. Ethan felt like maybe he shouldn’t be watching while Trev’s eyes were closed but he couldn’t tear his eyes away, it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.
Trev was so damn close as he felt Ethan’s cock pulsing in his hand while he spurted cum all over it, he really wanted to lick his fingers to taste it but wouldn’t dare. Trev’s body started to tense, he was so close and started moaning quietly till he went silent, biting his lip then suddenly threw his head back and cried out ” oh fuuuuuuck… mmmmm!”
Ethan watched Trev’s cock pump out thick streams of cum over his abs and Ethan’s hand. It was unbelievable, he loved every second and realised that without a doubt, he wanted his friend. When Trev’s breathing slowed Ethan stopped moving his hand and Trev slowly opened his eyes to gaze over with that sleepy satisfied look one had after an earth shattering orgasm.
He smiled at Ethan, “You can let go now” he laughed.
“Huh?” Ethan looked down and realised he was still holding Trev’s cock and hand
“oh right, sorry” he nervously laughed, and let go.
“Fuck man, I really needed that” Trev said
Ethan felt a little pang in his stomach, he knew this had just been supposed to be for physical relief but now that he had realised that his feelings for his best friend went beyond just friendship and into an attraction of some sort, he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what they were but he had a feeling they’d never be returned. He knew he was playing with fire and should stop this before things got even more out of hand but it was so hard to resist. He wanted him.
“Tell me bout it” he replied half-heartedly, then got up to go wash the cum of his hands, he was looking down as he was rinsing them, thinking about how Trev would probably never want him back then lifted his head and locked eyes with Trev’s reflection in the mirror.
“That’s a rather serious expression for someone who just blew his load haha”.
They switched places as Ethan dried his hands. He tried to appear unphased and just laughed it off “Yea, well it’s still not quite the same as getting laid is it haha” but even to his own ears it sounded hollow and half-hearted at best.
During the rest of the afternoon Ethan found the bro banter was hard to keep up, he had to keep stopping himself from staring at Trev but still stole glances whenever he wasn’t looking.
Trev was finding it equally as difficult, he was just more experienced at hiding it. He’d just gotten to experience one of his deepest desires but it was bitter sweet. Ethan was just a horny dude deprived of sex and looking for release but to Trev, this was special.
Later that night Trev was lying in bed and thinking of Ethan again, god any thoughts of him just went straight to his cock and he was hard again. He was going to have to jerk off even more now to stop his dick from springing to life anytime Ethan bent over to pick something up, flexed his muscles lifting something, had no shirt on, hell even just smiling at him sometimes did it.
He started stroking himself, he’d always been a vocal lover and now that he and Ethan had crossed into a weird place where they were mates who touched each other he decided there was no reason to hold back and so he moaned even louder. He wanted Ethan to hear him getting off. It made him so hot to think of Ethan listening to him pleasuring himself.