What Megan found surprising about Troy was the many facets of his personality. He had opened up to her his most intimate side- that of the sweet, soft little boy inside him yet she would feel completely safe with him by her side walking home at night. He was strong and honored her as a man should but thought nothing of bending over her lap and releasing tears earned through firm punishment.
Troy too was reconciling the disparate sides of his personality. There were moments he lusted after his girlfriend and wanted only to ravish her the moment she walked in the door and there were other times he felt cowed by her. He hated her scoldings and feared her raised hand. At first he hated this side of himself; took it for a flaw in his personality but with her encouragement and guidance he now recognized it as a very positive, intimate side of his personality. It was something he knew he could only share with one he loved, one he trusted completely.
Megan was that. She had brightened his life and he was never happier than when he was in her arms. When they made love it was with a passion neither of them had ever experienced before, as if guided by unseen hands. Their couplings drained them fully until they could do nothing but console each other with their tired, pleasure wracked bodies.
Troy knew Megan better than he knew himself. Her scent was an aphrodisiac to him and each inch of her flesh brought him comfort. Countless times he had bathed her in kisses and lavished attention on every crevice of her body. The sex they shared was a sacrament, with each climax they felt born again.
Despite the depth of their love they, like every couple, began to fall into a routine. Their lives meshed together and they accepted each of their quirks and bad habits, despite how pointless many of them were. Under her tutelage Troy became accustomed to always putting the toilet seat down while Megan stopped drying her underwear on the shower curtain after she learned how it bothered him. He pushed her too far that night and she knew she’d have to do something drastic to keep him in line.
They were at a party, one where many of their mutual friends and coworkers had shown up. Troy was on his best manners as usual and she was proud to be seen with him. Together they met everyone with him on her arm. She remembered feeling completely happy and realizing how well they fit together.
However, as the night wore on she noticed him growing irritable. She found herself tugging on him to make him keep up with her and he made no effort to hide his fatigue and boredom. He interrupted both her and her friends, a pet peeve she didn’t tolerate. When she called him on it, he balked and talked under his breath. Her friends were shocked.
“What was that?” she asked sweetly.
He brushed her off, denying he said anything but she persisted. He snapped at her and, with a courteous smile to her coworkers, she excused herself. When she got him to a corner, dragging him alongside her with her hand clamped painfully on to his elbow she spoke in a low, stern tone.
“Did you just call me a bitch?” Her eyes flared and he knew there was no way out. She’d heard him and to deny it put him in even deeper. Still, he couldn’t admit to it and hesitated around his answer. “Troy, sweetie, you’ve been a good boy and well behaved the entire night until up until this past hour. What’s gotten into you?”
He shrugged his shoulders, unable to answer.
“I won’t stand for it, you hear me?” She pointed at him her finger an inch from his face. He felt like a truant being caught skipping school. “If you keep it up, you and I are going to have a discussion, one you won’t like at all, young man.”
He didn’t say a word as she pulled him back into the room. He did his best to compose himself and hoped no one noticed his scolding but he couldn’t help but feel that everyone was watching him. Megan didn’t have a temper and he knew she would only talk that way if she were dead serious. If he went any farther it would most likely end in a spanking later that night. His last was just two nights ago and he still had a faint ache from her hand slapping his bare backside. The thought of another so soon caused his cheeks to clench.
Everything went well and Megan seemed much more relaxed, she laughed freely and eventually he found himself laughing with her. Her close friend, Margaret, was throwing the party in her home. Out of the corner of his eye he swore he saw her looking him up and down. He thought nothing of it; sure it was an overactive imagination resulting from the heart to heart Starzbet he had just been through with Megan.
At the beverage table he was proved wrong. As he was pouring a drink, she sidled up to him and placed her hand in the crook of his arm.
“You’ve made Megan very happy,” she said, rubbing his shoulder.
“I do my best,” he said sheepishly. “She’s a wonderful woman.”
“Yes. I’ve never seen her this way before. You must have done quite a number on her.”
He felt as if he was blushing and said, “Maybe it’s the other way around.”
Suddenly she pressed herself against him boldly and whispered in his ear. “I think you’re the one that’s keeping her happy. If I was her I’d show you just how happy I could make you.” Her hand cupped his groin where she felt his stiff cock. “Mmmm…now I see why she talks so well of you.”
His mind raced and he felt himself flush. In an attempt to back away from her advance, he pushed against the table and knocked over bottles of Rye and vodka. The vodka spilled on the tabletop but the Rye made it to the floor where most of its contents went onto the rug. He scrambled to clean it up but found nothing to sop up the mess. Running to the kitchen, he found paper towels and grabbed a wad to throw onto the spill. By the time he returned Megan found out what happened and was at his side, on her knees, as he cleaned.
“What happened, Troy?”
“I just got nervous and knocked a couple of bottles over. I didn’t mean to.”
“Did Margaret upset you?”
He wasn’t sure how to react. Did she know? Should he tell? He thought it best to stay on the safe side. “No…well, I mean we talked but that’s it. This is my own fault.” He waited for her to grow upset but she said nothing. His heart was pounding and at that point he was sure the night would end badly for him.
“I’m surprised at you honey. You’re usually very well behaved. What brought this on?”
He was growing upset now. Not sure if it was the lack of sleep he’d gotten lately, the drinks or a combination of the two but he felt his patience wearing.
“Goddamnit,” he whispered to himself.
“Excuse me?!”
He caught himself. “I wasn’t talking to you, Megan. I’m just a little stressed is all. I’m sorry. Let’s drop it.”
He felt her eyes on him before turning to look. When he did there was no mistaking her intentions. He closed his mouth and returned to cleaning the now nonexistent puddle on the floor. She moved to him so her lips were at his ear.
“I think you need a little reminder of yourself. I’ll not have you cursing at me in acting in such a way.”
His heart dropped and he felt his testicles pull into his body. With her hand on his wrist, she pulled him until he stood and led him between the gawking couples until she found Margaret. She saw the drama from across the room and waited as the couple approached her. She was a tall woman with black hair that accentuated her exotic features. Her body was lean and drew more than her share of male admirers. When they stood in front of her she noticed Troy couldn’t look her in the eyes. He looked down at his feet, unable to look at her at all. It felt strange; this attractive, young man so endearing just a moment ago now shy in the hands of his woman.
“Margaret,” said Megan, trying to draw her friend’s attention from Troy. “Do you have an empty room where we could go for a minute?”
She nodded, her face questioning. “Are you all right? Do you need to lay down?”
With only the most courteous of smiles she responded, “We just have to have a talk. I think someone needs a little time to compose themself.”
“Of course,” she answered, pointing down the hall. “The guest bed is covered with jackets but mine is at the end of the hall on your left. You should be ok in there.”
She thanked her friend and made her way down the hall. Her room was large, with a four poster canopy bed in the center. Troy smelled the distinct scent of lavender and the fresh, clean smell that always pervades a woman’s bedchamber.
Closing the door behind her, Megan turned to address her boyfriend. With his hand in hers, she kept his attention as she spoke. “Troy, I know you’ve had a long week and weren’t particularly looking forward to an evening of cocktails with this crowd but I hoped you would be on your best behavior for me. The way you acted was shameful and disrespectful. I won’t tolerate it at home and I sure won’t tolerate it in front of my friends.”
He felt a mass in his throat and did his best to breathe calmly. There was nothing he could Starzbet Giriş say. “You know I’m proud of you and I want you to meet all my friends. I love you and I hate to see you act in such a way.” She sighed and looked away for a moment. “Because I love you you know I have to punish you.” He nodded and she placed a finger beneath his chin and crooked it until he looked at her. “You know what that means, don’t you?” Unable to speak he merely nodded and felt himself sniffling.
“Tell me,” she commanded.
He let out a dramatic sigh but she didn’t push him. “You’re going to spank me.”
She placed a hand behind his neck, stroking the locks of hair there. “That’s right, sweetie. I’m going to spank you because it’s what you need and I think it will teach you a lesson. Do you know what that lesson is?”
He hated this, the rhetorical questions, having to answer or upset her even more. “Not to embarrass you or be disrespectful.”
“That’s right,” she beamed. He was a good boy though she knew he couldn’t do without the discipline she brought to his life. She stroked his cheek lovingly. “I have to spank you for misbehaving and being naughty.” He clenched at the word but she continued. “It will give you some time to think about today and hopefully help you remember to be good in the future.” She took his hand and he complied to her wishes. As she sat on the bed she kept placed him between her legs where she began unzipping and taking down his pants. His underwear followed and as they reached his ankles she instructed him further. “Step out of them, you won’t be needing them for this.”
Slowly he did as she wished. His penis hung limp between his thighs and Megan could tell how scared he was just by looking at it. Most times when she punished him, even when he most deserved it, he was at least partially aroused in the hopes of attention. Today was different. His considerable size looked small. His balls welled up close to his body and to Megan he looked very much like a small boy. It was hard to believe this tiny member brought her so much pleasure.
Breaking that train of thought, she helped him as he obediently lay across her lap. Her dress skirt was pulled up to mid thigh, allowing her freedom of movement in handling the boy being taken to task. His penis felt soft against her leg and, as always when he was in this position, she took her time to examine him.
He had a nice butt, possibly the best she’d ever seen and definitely better than any of her past boyfriends. It was muscular, tight and felt good in her hands. She enjoyed holding and stroking it while he slept naked beside her. Spanking him was not a task she looked forward to though she did enjoy the smooth warmth of his skin and the vulnerable position it put him in. The marks of his last spanking, a mere two days ago for being too loud and waking her from her nap still showed in deep pink marks on the swell of both cheeks. For a spare moment she toyed with his body, squeezing and prodding him. He was silent during the impromptu examination and only reacted when she pulled his cheeks apart to gaze at the tight ring of his anus.
She didn’t warn him of the first spank, expecting him to be ready the moment he lay over her lap. His body was clenched so he didn’t react when her hand connected with the flesh of his buttock. It took several more before she even got a reaction from him. The staccato sounds of her hand on his butt filled the room, more than likely being heard by the crowd outside. She didn’t concern herself with this. If he embarrassed her in front of them, why should she be worried if they heard the result of his actions? A little shaming would do him good.
Often she scolded him as she spanked to help him understand how he got in this position. He never responded, only shook and cried with each slap to his nether regions. Tonight she was silent, her lips pursed with exertion as she laid into his bare behind. He had begun crying, she could tell by his silence and the slight shaking of his head, which told her she was getting through to him.
He was softest at these moments, his body weak and trembling like a child. He yielded to her fully, having long since learned not to resist. The sight of his half naked body, swollen and open touched her in a very primal place and released her most feminine instincts. She wanted to take this babe in her arms, comfort him, whisper in his ear that everything was all right, that he was safe but she knew she could not. Right now was the moment for his discipline and no matter how much he fussed, no matter Starzbet Güncel Giriş how much he kicked and cried, no matter how much her heart told her to give in to his weeping and take him to her breast, she knew she had to be strong.
It was the first time he had been in this position that she didn’t feel remotely sexual. Her lust was silent, allowing for her heart to take its rightful position as his disciplinarian. At this time, more than any other before, she was his mother.
Her spanks continued, not letting up as these feelings passed through her. He cried openly now, his pleas coming out in short barks of pain. She could feel the heat radiating off his skin and a tear develop in the corner of her eye. It was by far the most severe spanking she had ever given him. Her body reacted with his, each crack of her hand on his bare skin, causing a visceral reaction in her.
She stopped suddenly and rested her hand against the burning heat of his body. His cries continued unbidden and he seemed to not be concerned with who heard outside the door. In spite of herself, she noticed she was crying as well. Paths of her tears coated her face, marring her makeup and collecting at her chin. Allowing herself this feeling, she wept quietly as her hand slowly comforted the swollen buns of her charge.
She wasn’t sure how long they had been like this but the sound of the party outside, the tinny clinking of glasses and the low murmurs of talk, came more into focus. She raised her head and sniffled, doing her best to wipe the remaining tears with the back of her hand.
He cried still but his body had slowed. Gently she moved from beneath him and examined her face in the adjoining bathroom. She looked frazzled. Her cheeks were ruddy from crying and her mascara smeared down her face. Her makeup had run and she began wiping it away quickly. She washed herself and borrowed Margaret’s makeup so no one would think anything untoward happened. Though they must certainly suspected something, it’s best to hide the obvious.
It took some time and when she returned to the bedroom she found him asleep on his stomach. His butt was red and visibly swollen. His pants lay at the foot of the bed. Tiptoeing across the room, she closed the door without a sound.
Margaret was the first to approach her, “What’s wrong? Is Troy ok?”
She nodded and thanked her for her concern. “He just needs to rest for a little bit. I had to put him down for a nap. Is it ok if he uses your bed?”
“Of course. If there’s anything he needs, just let me know.”
“Thank you Margaret.”
She seemed shocked at this and repeated her offer of help.
“No, I mean it. Thank you for what you did. I know Troy wouldn’t stray but I appreciate you proving it to me. He needed that.”
“Needed what?” She sounded confused.
When she went to check on him he was already stirring. The proud erection standing between his legs told her he had a good sleep and though it tempted her, she restrained herself for now. She sat on the end of the bed, looking at his bare bottom. Though she was sure it stung, and most likely would for days, she knew she hadn’t gone too far. Spankings are what kept them balanced, she as well as him. He flourished under her discipline and each time she took him over her knee she felt an overwhelming closeness with this man. In time his marks would fade but the emotions caused by them would stay strong.
Her lips on the back of his neck woke him. He grumbled and looked around at the strange bedroom but she shushed him and helped him sit. He did so reluctantly, his face showing the affects of sitting on a well-spanked rear end. She held his hand and helped him to stand and, as he rested one hand on her shoulder, helped him step into his pants. When he was decent she took him into the bathroom where she washed his face and brushed the tangles in his hair. By the time she finished he was more than presentable.
“Ah, there he is?” beckoned Margaret. “The man of the evening.” He smiled warmly and accepted her hug. “Have a nice nap?”
He nodded and returned to Megan’s side. where she pet him lovingly. “He had himself a little outburst but now he’s taken care of, aren’t you sweetie?” She kissed him on the cheek.
“Outburst?” Margaret said. “Yes, quite the outburst. We all heard.”
He blushed scarlet, comforted only by his girlfriend’s hand squeezing his.
“It’s all right,” her friend said, looking him over. “We understand and think if ever it was called for, it was tonight.” Turning to Troy, she asked, “Did you learn your lesson?”
Unsure of what to say, he could only respond with, “Yeah, I guess…”
“You’ve got an amazing woman here. Treat her right.”
Troy looked over at Megan with adoration. She returned his gaze, being drawn into his wide brown eyes. “I know. I will. Always.”