Traveling home from the movies, Master and I were discussing the movie just seen and the parts not seen as I had been instructed to service him during the movie and missing a good portion of it, he was filling me in.
We were traveling on a well used two lane highway to get back home. The passing headlights intermittently lighting up our faces.
Master asked if I had prepared anything for dinner after the movie, and I flippantly respond; “I didn’t really have time to prepare anything for your highness….” laughing.
Suddenly a hand struck my right cheek, smacking loudly in the lapse of silence. I gasped and reached up to cover the burning sting, surprise and guilt in my face.
“You will always address me with respect pet.” The hard edge of his voice gave credence to his irritation.
Still covering my cheek with my hand, I stumbled over my words trying to quickly apologize. Realizing that I was in very big trouble. “I am sorry Master, I let my tongue get away from me.”
“Oh, you will learn restraint, I can assure you that!” Each word spit out like bullets from a machine gun.
I flinch, I realize that he is really, really angry. He has had a hard week at the office and has been very stressed lately. A ticking time bomb, and I had just lit the fuse.
Suddenly the car brakes hard and swerves into what looks like an overgrown driveway. It is an overgrown lot where an old house used to sit, now only a pile of rubble. Master pulls behind the tree line, shuts the car and lights off. There is low boil of anger and irritation emanating from Master as I wait for the tongue lashing. “Get out of the car and stand by the hood!”
I scramble to follow his barked orders, shaking and little hesitant. What if there were critters? Looking around frantically trying to see what I was walking in and towards, the pinging and Tipobet heat emanating from the car, night sounds, and traffic whizzing by hide his approach. Suddenly I am thrown face down on the hood. The suddenness of it, causes the air to leave my lungs in a whoosh, and I freeze for a moment trying to get my breath and bearings.
My hands are flat on the surface of the hood pushing away as the heat begins to really heat ME up! His hand is pushing on the middle of my back punishing, pushing my tits into the heat. A hand roughly comes up the inside of my leg and begins to roughly fondle me.
I can’t help it, I begin to push against him, but the burning of my tits has become paramount to the manhandling my snatch is getting. “Please Sir, the car is still hot and it is burning me!” The pressure is suddenly gone from my back and I can feel the cool night air wafting about my ass. I shudder from the contrast of heated belly and boobs, to the cool night air. My hair is suddenly grabbed and I come up quick to stand next to my Master. Master throws a blanket down over the hood with quick, decisive movements. Grabbing me by the back of the neck he pushes me back down onto the blanket covered hood.
“I guess you have forgotten who is Master and who is slave?” he says as I feel him drag my dress up and expose my ass.
“No Sir, no Sir, I haven’t! I just had a momentary…. OUCH!” The pain explodes on my poor unprotected ass. A rain of slaps begin to assault my ass. No preparation, no warm up. This really hurts! And to make matters worse, we are barely covered by the tree growth between us and the highway. Anyone and God could see me getting my ass spanked!
I begin to search for that place, that place that comes to me after the pain that I like so well. The slaps are still raining down as the tears flow. Suddenly ceasing and Tipobet Giriş grabbing my hair, Master grinds his hips into me and bitingly asks if I will ever learn my place?
“Yes Sir, yes Sir! I promise. I am so sorry Sir!” I whimper as the burning sting still prevails, but the humidity between my legs begins to rise. My breath is coming in short pants, whimpering from the pain and the arousal. I can feel the slippery fluids begin to inundate my pussy and run down my thighs.
Apparently Master can smell my arousal, “You little slut, your being punished, and yet you stand there in heat!”
I flinch expecting more spanking, but instead I hear him undoing his belt. My eyes grow wide at the thought… Master has never hit me with anything other than his hand! Surely he would not…. Smack! Smack! Smack!
Oh my God! The pain is intense, horrible, stinging! I reach back to try and block instinctively and he pins one arm with his hip, while grabbing and holding the other. Smack! Smack! Smack!
I can’t breathe as the pain rushes my senses and I begin to cry in earnest. “Maybe now you will learn your role! Your are my slave, my fuck toy, my cum dumpster, and my pet when your good! Do you understand?” he questions as I feel him sliding the belt over my reddened ass.
“Yes Sir!” I respond, stammering thru, crying, still trying to catch my breath afraid I may have to use my safe word if he begins his assault anew. Suddenly he moves in behind me, I feel the prodding of his warm dick for only a moment, before he slams it home. I gasp, a little unprepared for the suddenness. The breath leaves me in a gush as he reaches to push his dick in as far as it will go. Making me realize, who owns me, who I belong to.
The belt is suddenly around my neck and he is using it as sort of like reins, to slam me back against Tipobet Güncel Giriş him as he begins to pummel my pussy. Earlier he had forced my legs together, and the tight fit made it a little uncomfortable. None the less, because I am a slut at heart, I reveled in his ownership of me. I enjoyed him using me at will for his pleasure. I enjoyed the fact that any passerby could see my humiliation, and the punishment I was receiving for being sassy.
Master begin a punishing rhythm, rocking the car and pummeling me. Panting and trying to get a full breath when the tension is slack in the belt, I begin to enjoy serving my Master. As I get my rhythm, I begin to push into Master and meet his thrusts. My poor ass still stinging, red and marked, but nonetheless still seeking to meet Master’s demand for my total submission.
I feel the wave begin to build. Master is right, only a slut would enjoy this. So be it. I begin to seek that ledge, the precipice. As a person would testing the waters of a pool. Seeking.
Master is apparently getting close as I feel his fingers bite into the flesh of my ass. I begin to whimper, Master knows that sound. “Your are not allowed to cum! You must learn restraint in all that you do and keep foremost at all times that I am your Master! I will not tolerate disrespectfulness! When you are good, you get the rewards you seek, when your bad, I get mine!” Every word punctuated by his dick and hips smacking me from behind.
This meant that I would not be able to cum, nor would Master reward me with his cum! Trying valiantly not to cum, I eked out what final pleasure I could before Master finally exploded, dumping his cum into waiting womb. All my reward, down the… well eventually down my legs as Master refuses to allow me to wear underwear.
Still pinned to the car by his dick and hips, Master catches his breath and absentmindedly rubs my warmed ass. His dick still buried deep in me. The belt lying at my side on the hood. “You know, I think I like it when you fuck up….” he says in a purely content tone. “Maybe I will find more reasons for you to be punished.”
Oh crap…