
Sexual Studies Ch. 02


Sorry for the delay on getting this chapter out. I’ve been working on it on and off since the last one was published. It’s a little long, but I hope you enjoy it. If you have ideas for more experiments, send them my way. I have a few ideas, but I’d love to hear more.


About a week after the initial exam, I got a response from the Sexual Studies department. Here’s what it said:


Hello Samantha,

I’m emailing to notify you that we’ve completed the processing of your initial examination. Your results came back clean, and you are cleared for participation in our studies.

Our researchers have reviewed your file and decided on an appropriate first experiment. Unfortunately, we can’t give you any details about the experiment, in order to keep it un-biased. The payment will be $200, plus a one-time $50 bonus for the initial examination. You will receive payment upon completion of your portion of the experiment.

If you agree to participation in this study, let us know, and we’ll add you to the list. The reference number for this experiment is EXP-05634.

Thank you for your participation.


I read over the email a few times, to make sure I didn’t miss any important details. There wasn’t much information there to help me decide whether I’d be willing to participate. The only information I really had was that I’d be paid $250 upon completion. That would definitely help catch me up on my rent. I didn’t have to think too hard, and within an hour of receiving the email, I replied that I’d participate.

A couple hours later, I received another email with the time of the experiment. It was the following day from 7:00-9:00pm. A little late, but since I lived on campus, it wasn’t a problem.

Since I didn’t know any details about the experiment, I didn’t know what to expect. I decided to wear similar clothing to my initial exam: sweatpants, a tank-top, no bra, and red cheeky panties.

I arrived at the Sexual Studies department at 6:58. The waiting room was empty, except for the receptionist, Natalie. As I approached her, she said they were expecting me. The experiment was already prepped, and she’d walk me back to the exam room.

I followed her through the door, and down the hallway beyond. We didn’t see anyone. A short walk later, we arrived at exam room A. She left me to enter on my own, and returned toward the front desk, while I stepped inside the room.

Exam room A was similar to the one I had my initial exam in. It had desks with computer monitors, and posters on the walls. However, this room was a bit larger than the last, and instead of having a separate room, the exam chair was in the center of the room. It was the same design as the last chair, with the spreadable legrests and contoured shape. I also saw several cameras placed throughout the room, mostly pointing at the chair from various angles, including from below.

“Hi Samantha,” said a man as I entered. He was dressed in a lab coat, and looked like a researcher. In addition to him, there was another man and a woman. All three of them appeared to be in their mid-30s. “I’m glad you could join us for this experiment. My name is Jonathan, and I’ll be the lead researcher for this experiment. This other gentleman is Greg, and this lovely lady is Georgina. They’ll be assisting me today.”

They both smiled and waved at me.

“Whenever you’re ready, Samantha, please remove all your clothing and take a seat in the chair, so we can begin.”

I nodded and looked around. There weren’t any curtains in this room, so I went to a nearby corner, and faced away from the researchers. I kicked off my flip-flops, then hesitated briefly, before grabbing the bottom of my tank top and pulling it over my head. I then quickly pushed my sweats and panties down my legs.

I turned around, and saw that none of the three researchers had paid me any mind. They were all focused on the computer monitors, and adjusting certain things. I didn’t surprise me that they were interested, considering the area of research they were in.

I walked over to the chair and took a seat, placing my legs on the legrests.

“Good,” said Jonathan. “As you already know from the initial exam, this chair is specially designed to facilitate our experiments. In order to reduce the chance of misalignment, we require that you be strapped into the chair. I’ll do that now.”

Like David did in the initial exam, Jonathan produced some leather straps, and attached my ankles to the legrests. Then, he had me lie my arms next to me, and strapped those in place as well. Finally, he attached one long strap around my chest, just above my breasts. At this point, no matter what I tried, I couldn’t move more than an inch in any directionl. My body was theirs.

“Good, you’re doing excellent Samantha,” said Jonathan when he’d finished tightening the last strap. “Now, I’m going to move the chair into position. Don’t be alarmed.”

He stepped to the side with the controls, and I felt canlı bahis the chair start to move. First, my legs started spreading, then the chair reclined. Just like the last time, when it was finished moving, my pussy was spread wide open, ready to receive anything and everything.

“Excellent. We’re almost ready to begin. The last requirement is that you be blind and deaf for the entirety of the experiment. In order to do that, you’ll need to wear a blindfold and noise-cancelling headphones.” Jonathan produced a black nightmask from somewhere nearby, and slid it over my head, but not over my eyes yet. Then he grabbed a large pair of headphones, and placed them over my head as well. “Good. Now, at certain points, I’ll need to convey information to you, and receive a response from you. At those moments, I’ll speak through a microphone into your headphones. Understand?” I nodded. “Good. I’ll cover your eyes and ears now.”

Jonathan pulled the blindfold over my eyes first. As soon as he did, all light was blocked out. It was as if I had just stepped into a deep cave. A moment later, I felt the headphones slide over my ears, then I heard a click, and all noise shut off as well.

As I laid there in the dark silence, I wondered for a moment if this is what Helen Keller felt like her entire life. The only senses I still had were my smell, taste, and touch. It was somewhat disorienting. Of course, the difference was Helen Keller didn’t spend her time strapped naked to a chair, with her legs wide open, waiting to be fucked. Too bad for her. 😉

After an eternity of waiting, something finally happened. I felt some movement between my legs. I could feel the chair moving slightly. Then something touched my pussy, for the briefest moment. It felt like the tip of a cock. Then it was gone, and the movement stopped.

A few seconds later, I felt a hand touch my pussy, and spread something all over it. After the outside was coated, two fingers of the hand entered my pussy and coated the inside, fingering me several times. Then the hand was gone.

A few seconds later, I heard Jonathan’s voice through the headphones, “Alright, Samantha, we’re all set to begin the experiment. For the next 30 minutes, you will be penetrated by several different objects. Just relax, and pay attention to how each one feels. Between each object, I’ll tell you a number. corresponding to the following object. At the end of the 30 minutes, I’ll be asking you several questions about each object, and how they relate to one-another. Pay close attention to how each object feels. Understand?” I nodded my head. “Good. If you need anything, call out for one of the researchers to get our attention. Here we go. The first object is number 1.”

Then the sound cut out, leaving me in silence again. A few seconds later, I felt the tip of an object at the entrance of my pussy. It almost immediately entered me. Due to the lubricant the scientist had put on (and in) my pussy, it slid deep inside, with no trouble, making me feel quite full. I also noticed that I could feel what felt like skin, pressed against my thighs. Then the object pulled back out. Then back in. It started slow, fucking me at a steady pace. After a short time of steady fucking, the pace increased. At this point, I was starting to enjoy the feeling. After a short fucking, the object slid all the way out.

A few seconds later, Jonathan came on and said, “Alright. Here comes number 2.”

Again, I felt an object touch me, then slide inside me. This one was warmer than the last, for sure, but roughly the same size as the last. This time, there was no slow period. Instead, it skipped right to fucking me quick and hard. With each thrust, I gasped. This object was slightly longer than the last. Like the first object, this one pressed against the inside of my thighs when it was all the way in. The fast, hard fucking continued for a while (about half the time as the first), then the object was pulled all the way out, leaving me wanting more.

“Object 3,” I heard Jonathan say.

The next object was inserted into my pussy. It felt wider than the first two, but a bit shorter. At full insertion, it was about half as long as the first. It also had a different texture than the first two; somewhat spiny. This time, when the object was all the way in, there was nothing pressing against my thighs. This object fucked me for roughly the same amount as the last, then it slid out.

“Alright, Samantha. Short break, then object 4.”

As I lied there, waiting to be fucked again, I thought about my situation: I was science’s whore. I was strapped to a table, being fucked by unknown objects, putting up no resistance. Thinking about the situation made me a little uncomfortable, but I’d made an agreement with the scientists. They could use my body in any way that they liked, in exchange for their money. I knew I wouldn’t get paid until I’d finished the experiment. I couldn’t back out now. Besides, I didn’t really want to.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by another object entering kaçak iddaa my hole. I gasped from the surprise, since Jonathan didn’t say anything.

“Oh, sorry about that. This is object number 4.”

As the object slid in, I noticed it was colder than the previous three. It was also around the same length as the first two. When it was all the way in, I once again felt something flesh-like press against my thighs. It fucked me at a steady pace for a short time, then pulled out.

After a few seconds, Jonathan told me object 5 was coming, and another object was shoved inside me. This object felt warm and long. I could tell that when it was in as far as it would go, it wasn’t the whole length of the object. This object continued fucking me for a good long time, then just when I was getting close to cumming, it pulled out. I sighed in frustration.

“Two objects to go, Samantha. You’re doing great. Here comes object 6.”

As this one slid in, it felt curved. Instead of sliding straight into me, it curved up and pushed against the top of my vagina. This one wasn’t very long, it wasn’t warm, and nothing pressed against my thighs. After a short, unpleasing fuck, it pulled out.

“Last object Samantha. Number 7.”

A moment later, I felt the object touch my pussy. All the others had quickly been inserted into me, but this one took it’s time. It slowly rubbed against my outer lips, touching my clit. Finally, when it had teased me enough, it slid slowly inside me. It went deeper and deeper, until finally it stopped. I felt warm flesh against my thighs, as well as something else; I couldn’t quite tell what it was. Then I felt the object start vibrating. A moment later, the object started rapidly fucking me. It started soft, then increased intensity as it went on. This object fucked me longer than all the other objects. It also got me the closest to cumming, but once again, just before I was pushed over the edge, it was pulled out of me.

“Excellent, Samantha,” said Jonathan. “That’s it for the first round. You’re at the 30 minute mark of the experiment, which means you’re a quarter of the way through. You’ll get a short break in just a moment, but first, as I said earlier, I have some questions for you.

“First, please rank the objects in order of how much you enjoyed them, starting with the most enjoyable.”

“Um…Well, 7 was definitely the best. Followed by 5. 6 was the worst. 3 was slightly better than that. Then 2,4,1 is the order of the last three.”

“Alright, so that’d be 7-5-2-4-1-3-6. Next question. Which ones felt the most life-like?”

“Hmm.” I thought about it for a few seconds before responding. “2, and 5.” Had those been real human dicks? Thinking back, the scientists had never actually said the objects weren’t real.

“Good. Now, I’m going to lower the chair, then remove your blindfold and headphones. You’ll have about five minutes to stretch your legs and have some water before we continue on to part two.”

I felt the chair start to move, and my legs started lowering and coming back together. When the chair stopped, I felt the headphones removed, and suddenly I could hear all the subtle noises in the room; the AC running, the whirring of fans on the computers, the breathing of the researchers.

Then the blindfold was removed. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the bright light in the room. When I wasn’t blinded anymore, I saw Jonathan standing in front of me, smiling. Behind him, I saw the other two researchers typing away at the computers. Above them I saw a clock, which read 7:32.

“Now, I’ll just remove these restraints,” said Jonathan as he knelt down and undid my chest, arm, and leg straps. “Alright. If you’d like some water, there’s a water fountain just down the hall to the right. At this time, there shouldn’t be anyone in the halls, so don’t bother getting dressed.”

I stepped out of the chair, and started walking toward the door. My legs felt a little tense from the roughly 30 minutes that they had been spread. Also, my pussy was a little raw, from the nearly-constant pounding it had taken. I wasn’t sure if my body could take another hour and a half of this.

I walked through the doorway and looked down the hall in both directions, and saw nobody. I turned to the right, and saw the water fountain, about 30 feet down the hall. I walked to it, bent over, and took a drink.

As I drank, I heard voices nearby; I couldn’t make out their words, but I could tell it was a few people. First, a male saying something, then a mix of male and female laughter. I looked around but couldn’t quite tell where it was coming from. I decided it wasn’t important, so I walked back down the hall, and into Exam Room B.

I had a few more minutes to rest before we continued, so I walked around and looked at some of the posters on the walls. The first one I saw was a detailed diagram of an erect male penis. Each part of the penis was labeled. The next poster was a vagina with a dick inside. It had some text about the average depth each kaçak bahis vagina could hold (~7 inches). The last poster was a chart of about 30 different sex positions.

“Alright, Samantha,” I heard Jonathan say. “We’re ready to begin part two of the experiment. Go ahead and take a seat, and I’ll strap you back in.”

I did as I was told, lying back in the chair. Jonathan started with the strap around my chest, then added another around my waist.

Next, Jonathan started on my legs. However, this time he did something a little different. Instead of simply strapping my ankles down, he attached a piece to the legrests, so that there was a solid piece in front of my shins. As I wiggled my ankles, I noticed they were a little looser than the straps from before, but I still wouldn’t be able to remove them.

When Jonathan was done with my leg restraints, he told me he’d be strapping my arms in a different way this time. Then he reached to one side of the chair, and raised a piece I hadn’t noticed before. It raised up like an armrest, except it came up higher. When it was completely extended, it was above me, in front of my face. Then Jonathan went to the other side, and raised another one. Jonathan then had me raise my arms, and place my forearms against the new pieces, then he strapped them there. When he was done, it was almost like I was in a defensive boxing position, except that I was lying on my back.

“Excellent, Samantha,” he said, as he stepped back to admire his work. “Now I’ll put the blindfold and headphones back on.” He did as he said, once again submerging me into utter darkness and silence.

A moment later, I heard his voice in my ears. “Alright Samantha. We’re ready to get you into position. In a moment, I’ll start moving the chair. We’ll start by putting you in the same position as last time.”

Like before, I felt the chair spread my legs, and soon my pussy was wide open, and my legs were raised. However, this time my legs were at about 90 degrees to my torso, instead of being raised towards my chest like before.

“Good, Samatha,” I heard Jonathan say in my ears. “Now, the chair is going to continue moving, putting you in a new position.”

As I lied there waiting for the chair to move, I wondered what the new position would be. From what I had seen of the chair, it looked fairly versatile, but I wasn’t really sure what it was capable of. I didn’t have to wonder for long, because a few seconds later, it started moving. I felt the whole chair raise up, so I was higher off the ground. Then it stopped, and started to tilt forward. It wasn’t like a car seat, where just the back tilts; it was the entire chair, including the seat. It was like I was slowly being spun forward.

It kept going, and eventually, I felt my weight shift so that I was no longer lying on my back. Instead, my weight was resting on my arms and my shins. The chair continued moving beyond the point I thought it was capable of, and soon I felt my hair move to dangle below me. Then I felt the chair lower again, so I moved toward the floor. Then all movement stopped.

I wasn’t sure how the chair managed it, but in the final position, I was on my arms and knees. I was in the doggy position!

“You’re doing great, Samantha. Now, we’re ready to begin the experiment. Just like before, we will be inserting various objects into you. These are the same objects as before, but in a different order. Pay attention to how each one feels, and like last time, I will be asking you a series of questions at the end. Additionally, I will ask you to match up the objects from this set with the objects from the last set. Understand?” I nodded. “Ok. Here we go. This round, I will simply let you know when a new object is about to start. Here comes the first object.”

A moment later, I felt some movement behind me. Then I felt the first object touch me. It was cold. It rubbed against my pussy for a moment, then entered me. It felt different than the last experiment, because of the angle, but I was sure this was number 4. It was the only object last time that was this cold. I felt it fuck me slowly for a moment, then it sped up. After a few minutes, the object pulled out.

A moment later I heard Jonathan say, “Here comes the next object, Samantha.”

A few seconds later, I felt another object touch the inside of my thigh. Then I felt it line up with my hole. But it was the wrong hole! I felt the object press into my asshole, and I let out a gasp. It slid in a few inches, before quickly pulling all the way out. Then I heard Jonathan’s voice say “Sorry about that Samantha. There was some confusion on our end. That won’t happen again. Here comes the same object, but in the correct location.”

A moment later, I felt the object line up with my pussy, and slowly slid inside. It went deep. I could quickly tell this was the long object. It got as deep as it could, and I felt very full. I was very glad that it hadn’t gone that far into my ass. Then it pulled most of the way out, then thrust into me hard. It proceeded to fuck me fast and hard for the next few minutes. It felt so good, I noticed I was trying to thrust back into it, but the restraints prevented me. After a good long fuck, the object pulled out, and I felt very empty, and somewhat dissatisfied, because I hadn’t cum.

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