
The Marriage of Martin Hastings Ch. 16


The door opened unexpectedly and Constance walked into the room. Though it was only 10 am she had a scotch in her hand and was looking for her son. The Baron looked at her surprised, as she entered the room and gave a smile.

“Hello mother. How nice to see you,” the Baron said letting go of the hand of the pretty young girl standing next to him.

“And who is this?” Constance asked as she approached the two.

“Her name is Tiffany mother. Isn’t she beautiful? I’m considering her as a concubine for Marcia, so she will not be lonely at night while I’m away.” Constance looked the girl over suspiciously.

“A concubine huh?” Constance said smiling at the girl, “Sure you are. Do you have a penis between your legs dear?” Constance said to the girl who was shocked by the direct question.

“Well uhm……….no…..no ma’am, I do not.” the girl said looking at the Baron confused.

“Did he tell that this Marcia is a man? The man my son wants you to service, dresses up in girls clothes?” she gave the girl an inquisitive look, “He dresses like a girl all the time.”

“Uhm, no.” she said looking puzzled.

“Hmmmm. Maybe I should hire you to service my son here. He seems to have forgotten the joys of being with a real woman.” she said looking up at him now. “Now run along. I need to talk with my son privately.” Constance said staring at the Baron and dismissing the girl with a wave.

“You’d better go for now,” the Baron said with a smile. “Just wait outside. I won’t be long.” the Baron said as Tiffany stood there confused. The girl walked out of the room shaking her head. The fact she was wearing a black leather mini skirt, fishnet stockings, and 5″ spiked heel black pumps, left no doubt in Constance mind that this wasn’t just some innocent little girl here on a normal job interview.

Constance was dressed elegantly, in a sapphire blue cocktail dress. She was always glamorous, as if she were on her way to a high class social event, but it was just her daily around the house look. Her long red nailed fingers wrapped around the glass, with her gaudy cocktail rings, were in deep contrast to the deep blue nailpolish she preferred to wear on her toenails.

“And so mother, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” he inquired.

“Anthony darling, Don’t you feel that this man of yours, your so called bride, would be so much happier if the concubines you selected for him had huge throbbing erections? Quite frankly darling, this particular whore seems more appropriate for escorting you about on your trips away from home. She would make for nice eye candy, if you dressed her like a lady.” Constance gave a sly knowing grin as she sipped her drink and walked about the room.

“I’m a married man mother. I must be true to my wife.”

“Oh please Anthony, give it a break will you please,” she said rolling her eyes. She smiled and tilted her head, “I know you will have escorts on your trips. You always have in the past, I don’t really see that changing. Do you?” She flashed a knowing look at him as if she was looking through a deception he was trying to play out. “Just how many concubines are you planning for this man to have, and will any of them be men? I would have suspected all of them would be,” she asked.

“Mother! That is a private matter for me to decide. It is none of your business.”

“Actually Anthony, your little gay marriage thing is what I really wanted to talk to you about. I’m here to ask you to put an end to all this being married to a man nonsense. Don’t continue the consummation of this marriage any further and under no circumstances are you to introduce that pervert as part of our family tomorrow,” she said as she sipped the scotch. “We’ll be the laughing stock of everyone we know, if this man receives the title Lady Vargos. Just the thought of him pretending to be a woman and gaining social status. I just can’t accept this.”

“Mother. I told you, I love Marcia. She’s my wife now.”

“Oh sure you do, and that girl scout that was just in here with you was preparing to get on her knees and beg you to buy some cookies when I came in I’m sure,” she said sarcastically. “Look Anthony, we can work out something on the financial squabbles we’re having in this family. You don’t need to humiliate this family anymore. We get it,” she said looking at him with her firm business face on now.

“No mother, you don’t get it. It’s about love mother, not money,” he said throwing his hands in the air. “She’s my life now.”

“The SHE, you are referring to, is a man Anthony, and this whole thing is a huge embarrassment to your father and I. You’re not a gay man. xhamster porno You and I both know that, don’t we? So why do you insist on this gay marriage?” she raised her eyebrow and then looked away. “I remember when you wanted to marry that bimbo, what was her name again, Angela? You said you were so in love with her. Planned to marry her. As I recall she had no penis. She was a real girl Anthony, wasn’t she?” she looked back at him like she was trying to recall for sure. “Not a pretend girl, but a very, very sweet girl, as I recall.” Constance took a sip of her drink and her tone changed. “But she was also a divorced, goldigging slut, who fortunantly your father found out a few things about, and had her deported before you could marry her. You should thank your father you know, rather than not speaking to him all this time. She’s gone Anthony. She won’t be back for you.”

“That’s enough.” the Baron growled in anger. “You will not speak of Angela to me. Ever!” he gave a ..stern look.

“Is she….well…… what this is really all about? Is that why you and this man got married Anthony? To try a convince us we made the wrong decision with your little Angela? So we would think that marrying her was not so bad, compared to being married to a man who dresses like a woman? ” She gave him gave him a knowing look. “You’re right about that you know. It is much worse Anthony.” She stood back and gave him a confident look, “Using this little charade to pressure your father and I to see that little financial squabble more your way? I’m not stupid Anthony.”

“No more mother,” the Baron said very irritated at her accusations.

“How could you do this to your family? I don’t know what kind of deal you made with that man in there who is wearing my Bliss Mask, or what his motivation is in all this, but I promise you this, he’s going to be a very, very disappointed young man. I cannot, and will not accept your marriage to this man.”

“Mother please,” the Baron rolled his eyes.

“Listen to me Anthony. You have few options as I see it. The one I advise most is to end this charade now. Get an annulment honey. Send this man on his way. We’ll just pretend it never happened. I’ll discuss with your father the little financial situation, but get this man who is wearing my Bliss Mask, out of the picture now!” she said pointing a finger at him.

“Mother, I can’t let her go. I need her.”

“OK. Got to have him? Fine!” she spat out, “Then divorce him. I want no ties between him and this family. Then I want you to seal off that wing of the estate. All the doors are to be locked and windows blacked out, and he is never to leave that area of the house for any reason. I want him restricted to that area. If you must have your boy toy for whatever reason, then you can play with him whenever you feel the need to do so. I have no problem with that, but he will in no way be related to you or have our family name. I don’t want anybody to see him, or hear him referred to or even mentioned in conversation ever again.”

“That’s crazy. Seems like you have a bit of a double standard mother. What about you and father and the little escapades you two have on occasions?” Constance didn’t even flinch at her sons challenge. “Nobody seems to have a problem with that.”

“Don’t even go there. Those women are all whores Anthony. Your father and I go away to meet them. We don’t bring them here to our home. We use them for what they are, have our weekend of fun and with the girls, pay them for their services and leave. We don’t bring them home and call them our new spouse saying, ‘Oh I’m so in love with her’. We keep our affairs private. They are pretty little whores Anthony! They perform a service. We are not in love with them.”

“But I must have Marcia, and I want the world to know my love for her mother. I am so proud of her,” he said nodding his head at her.

“You want the world to know? If you want the world to know, here is something your father and I can live with, and I must insist on. I want this man’s testicles and penis removed, and I want him to have a pair of his own breast. I don’t care what he wants. I am not sympathetic at all to his concerns Anthony, but you are my son, and if you really want to have this man as your mate, you will legally make him a woman, and I mean soon. If he really does love you, I promise you he will do all this for you and then remarry you as a woman. If he says no or has a problem with doing this, he doesn’t really care about you as much as he cares about your money. I can’t have all this male/bride gossip going around in my social circles.” She eased up the yaşlı porno intense look on her face.

“Don’t be ridiculous mother. You are always so worried what those catty old women in your social group think,” the Baron said looking at her grinning now, seeming to have taken some pleasure in his mother’s annoyance. “They’re just jealous of Marcia, and her new standing in the community,” he added watching his mother ignore every word.

“That’s the deal Anthony. You have your choices.” Constance turned and walked to the door. “And do it soon. Cancel the banquet,” she yelled back to him as she left the room. The young girl was still waiting outside the room when Constance left. Constance stopped and appraised the girls appearance.

“What was your name again honey?” Constance asked bluntly.


“Tiffany. That’s a real pretty professional name you have picked for yourself Tiffany. Does your mother know you are a whore?’ Constance said as she reached up and tweaked the unsuspecting girls nipple. The girl jumped back startled.

“Oh……..uhm….I’m not…..uhm….I was just here to…..”

“What’s that? You’re not a whore?” Constance laughed. “It’s ok Tiffany darling. Your mother is no doubt a whore too, am I right?” The girls mouth opened astonished at the remark. “Look you have to make a living. You just do yours on your knees giving blowjobs to men you don’t know, and drinking their semen. Nothing for you to be ashamed of honey, it’s what girls like you do. It’s a service that is obviously needed. Not just any girl can offer herself on a whim to men she doesn’t even know for sexual favors. Women like myself however, have way to much self respect and pride for such things.” she said circling the girl, “I have friends who do hire pretty little things like you to take care of their husband’s silly desires to have their penis sucked. I for one can’t imagine having such a disgusting thing in my in mouth, and my husband wouldn’t dare ask such a thing of me. That’s where your services are required my dear. Isn’t that right Tiffany? I’d much rather call you up and pay you to suck my husbands penis while I read a good book.” Constance now stood in front of the girl with a knowing smile. Constance cupped the girls cheek in her palm and lifted her face, “There will always be a need for whores honey. I’m done in there by the way. He’s ready now for what ever it is you’re really here to do for him.”

The girl was so humiliated by the degrading lecture she had just received from Constance. She was obviously very young, in her early twenties, and didn’t know how to respond to such a degrading barrage. After all she had been requested to come to this place. It wasn’t like she was imposing herself here.

“Well? Go on. Get in there. He’s waiting for you,” Constance said opening the door and showing the girl back in the room. “Little slut,” Constance said softly in the girl’s ear, as she pinched the girl on her ass as she walked back into the room. Constance closed the door and walked away. In the hallway she was approached by one of the household maids. She seemed to be in a bit of a panic.

“Excuse me ma’am. I’m looking for the Baron. There’s been a call and Mrs. Vargos is at the police station.”

“Just take it easy. Probably where he belongs anyway. What’s the little pervert doing down there?” Constance asked steadying the girl by her arm.

“I don’t know ma’am but we found Leanne, uhmm………his personal attendant, gagged and strapped in a chair.” the girl pointed down the hall, “She’s in here.” the excited girl said showing the way.

Constance hurried with the girl and entered the room. There was Leanne strapped in the chair with the red satin, drawstring bag pulled over her head, just as Martin had left her. Lisa was in the room standing next to the chair.

“UMMPFF….” Leanne was turning her covered head back and forth as she heard more people enter the room. “What was taking so long? Let me out of this damn chair,” Leanne’s thoughts raced through her head. Lisa spun the chair around so Leanne was now facing Constance.

“I left her just the way I found her ma’am. I didn’t want to touch anything till you saw what Mrs. Vargos did to her,” Lisa said standing back so Leanne could be viewed by the others. Constance lifted the cape to see that Leanne was completely naked underneath.

“Why are you naked? Were the two of you fooling around?” Constance asked holding the cape up, noticing how tight the straps around her waist and chest had been pulled.

“UUMMPPHH!!” Leanne squealed shaking her head no.

“So he forced you out of aldatma porno your clothes?” Leanne shook her head yes, as Lisa held up the cut dress and underclothes Leanne had been wearing for Constance to see. “Did he touch you in any inappropriate way?” Again Leanne shook her head, but this time acknowledging the fact and let her head hang slightly.

“Take some pictures of her with and without the cape on,” Constance instructed Lisa.

“UUMMMPPHHH!” Leanne screamed though the gag as she jerked against the straps. She didn’t want to be photographed nude.

“Oh just settle down,” Constance told her as she held up the cape so Lisa could take a picture, “It won’t hurt you to sit there a couple of more minutes.” The cape was flipped up over Leanne’s shoulder and Constance turned the chair so Lisa could take a profile of her sitting there strapped in the chair, naked.

“He’s at the police station ma’am. They called only a few minutes ago,” Lisa said as she took another picture of Leanne.

“So I’ve heard. I don’t want a single word of this incident to anyone. Got it? Not even the Baron.” The two girls shook their heads. “I’ll take care of this situation myself.” Constance turned and left the room as Lisa untied the bag so she could remove it from Leanne’s head. Lisa pulled the satin bag off Leanne’s head. Leanne’s face was red and teary more from the humiliation that Constance had just inflicted on her than what Martin had done. Lisa removed the tape from Leanne’s mouth.

“Are you ok?” Lisa asked.

“I’m fine. I’m fine, just get me loose.” Leanne said shaking her head to get the hair out of her face.

“What happened?” Lisa asked.

“He caught me off guard. I had suspected he may getting to that hopeless point, I just didn’t see it coming in this way,” she said impatiently waiting as Lisa unstrapped her.

“I wouldn’t trust him at all Leanne. He needs to be kept, let’s say, uncomfortable for awhile,” Lisa said turning and looking at Leanne, her arms still strapped to the chair.

“Do you mind Lisa. We can talk about this later. I’m naked here. I’d like to put some clothes on.” Leanne said looking at the remaining arm straps that needed tending to.

“Sure.” Lisa unstrapped her arms and Leanne stood up completely naked looking hard at Lisa. She donned Martin’s knee length satin white robe that was hanging on a stand nearby. As she tied the sash she looked up at Lisa.

“You know Lisa. You could of had the decency to have let me go, instead of leaving me naked, tied in that chair like that in front of everybody.” Leanne stared at Lisa. “We could have just told them what happened.”

“I know, but I felt seeing you there was easier than explaining,” Lisa said as she turned and left Leanne alone in the room.

“Bitch!” Leanne said under her breath. Leanne had never had a situation get out of control like that before, just before a banquet. She had put too much trust in Martin’s since that this was all inevitable. Allowing him to walk about outside in the garden unrestrained, and she didn’t even activate the collar. She was very upset with herself. Martin would be back in a few hours or less. She was really angry with Martin. In her mind he had taken advantage of her attempts to ease him into his new lifestyle as gently as she possibly could. She had always understood that this was a difficult situation for any male to be thrust in, even if he had been a gay man. That was no excuse however for Martin attacking her the way he did. He had touched her. Pinched her nipples hard and pulled on her womanhood till it hurt. She looked at herself in the mirror wearing Martin’s robe. She had done these type ceremonies before, but now, for the very first time she could find no sympathy in her heart at all for the young man she was preparing for his new life as a wife. That young man would be Martin. “I have to get some clothes sent over,” she thought to herself, pulling her hair back from the sides of her face and pinning it in place.

There was a light knock on the dressing room door. “Enter,” Leanne said stopping what she was doing. It was one of the house maids. She was dressed in a maids uniform, as all the domestic help women on the estate were required to wear. Her hair up, with the typical white lacy maids cap. The black maids dress skirt, was just below the knees, and she had a frilly apron. She wore black stockings and three inch heel black pumps. A practical maids outfit, not the simplistic fetish style, though any visitor to the estate might have a different opinion on that. It was a look though that had been approved by the Baron and his parents, so all the working women in the house wore one.

“Ma’am, I was told to tell you that they left to go pick up Mrs. Vargos at the police station, so you could adjust your schedule.” the girl said lowering her eyes.

“Thank you. If that is all I have much to do.”

“Yes Ma’am.” the girl closed the door.

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