Carole finally agreed to the Harley and I found a used one I liked. We rode it and we then bought it and it came home with us! I had ridden when I was a teenager. A buddy had an old Indian bike and we rode lots. My friend was two years older than I and Carole is not quite a year younger that I am.
My wife of nine years is 29 and a fox! She was Johnny’s girl at the time when she was just eighteen. And he and I were best friends forever! I had the hots for Carole from grade school, but she was Johnny’s girl and I never gave her a serious thought! I saw Carole ride behind Johnny how many times I can’t count leaned back with her big tits bared behind him! In fact I saw Carole ride nude behind him lots! I know others saw her bare tits but I may be the only one to see her nude!
I even saw them fuck a few times when they were drunk and had her grin at me as I watched them. Johnny was alone when it happened out on route 36 as he was coming to pick Carole up from work. On the curve the kid was drunk and going way too fast to make the curve and Johnny was just at the wrong place at the time the kid was there and he and the old Indian were killed by the drunk teen. But the Indian made the teenager in the drivers seat die too!
Johnny was the love of both Carole and my lives! And to this day we both miss him. We spent every second together after his death and we became lovers on his birthday a year later! A year later we married!
Carole got the tatoo on the outside of her left breast not Long before Johnny got killed and it was something personal between them. It is the letters in a star about the size of a silver dollar. GWF are the letters. I have no idea what it means and have never ask.
We rode our new bike lots and I teased Carole about her topless days with Johnny. Her reply is always the same. They were younger then and so was I. We had ridden our bike lots of places and for over a year now so Carole had turned 30 and I was nearly 31.
I saw an ad for a gathering of several of the motor cycle gangs of our area when we were kids In fact one I noticed from our area that the chapter had moved down into New Mexico from our area in Colorado. It escort bursa was not long after Johnny had died. I had known several of the members from home who were friends of Johnny’s.
I ask Carole about it and if she knew any of the old members from the group. She seemed just a bit shy about talking about it and I figured it brought back memories of Johnny. She did admit she knew some of them.
Anyway about three weeks later we were down near the New mexico border riding when I remembered the ad about the rally and knew we were just a few miles from it. So I rode on down and into the town where the rally was being held. As I rode in and the banner came up so we could see it Carole shook me hard and signaled to turn around. I cruised on in and parked our bike next to lots of others and stepped off Carole joined me as she shook her long hair loose from her helmet she grinned.
“Well you have teased me about riding bare and now you can see me!”
“What are you talking about Honey?”
“Danny, Johnny belonged to the gang that moved down here. He was Vice President of the chapter. My tatoo, is a gang thing. It means “GANG WHORE FOREVER” the girls all belong to the chapter! Danny I was gang property. I agreed to it. They all fucked me. All the members. “
“There were only 12 members back then, but Danny they fucked me a lot! He sent me home with every member several times! They recruited new members and I helped recruit new members! If anyone who is a member down here sees me or worse sees my tatoo I still belong to them. I am still a gang whore! By code once I am here I have to ride topless here! We need to get out fast!”
“Is that what you want to do?”
“I swore to Johnny I would honor his code the night before he died! That night I went home with Connor Brooks the President of the chapter! I was still in bed with him when they came and told me Johnny was dead. Conner fucked me again after I knew. Told me I am GWF!”
“Conner the 300 lb black dude that worked for Bates Motors?”
“So you swore to Johnny and he gave you to him?”
“Yes, he did!”
“Do you know where the club house is down here?”
“Yes orhangazi escort it is about 3 blocks south of here and some of them could come this way any time!”
“Ok, Wife get thoughs babies out bare and show that tatoo!”
She looked at me for several seconds and then pulled her top over her head. The bra followed and she sat looking at me. Her breasts looked fantastic!
I eased out to the street and stopped.
“Ok, wife north or south?”
I eased the bike off to the south slightly.
“Do you think we still owe him this? I know I let him put it on my tit! So my pussy still belongs to them?”
I eased the Bike out and headed south! My wife leaned back with her breasts on display! I could see her left breast in my side mirror and the GWF was partly showing and I had to think about the fact I was actually going to deliver my wife to a motor cycle gang to be the gang whore. Did I owe Johnny this?
But she loved him enough she agreed to it! I suddenly knew Johnny had it right! My wife needed to be the Gang Whore Forever! I wanted her big beautiful breasts out bare for them! I wanted her giving her pussy up for them, all of them! She knew there were now over 70 members so she kept track!
I drove up in front of the warehouse it had their logo on the front. She stepped off from behind me. I pulled her to me and I kissed the tatoo on the side of her breast. They looked fantastic!
“Go be the whore he meant you to be. The one you want to be! I’ll be around a few days, but I will take care of the girls til you come home. Go be theirs!” She laughed and ran toward the door!
I saw her six times before I left for home. And She looked fantastic every time! Four of them she was leaned back on The back of Conner’s bike her big tits displayed, she displayed as his fuck! The fifth she was naked behind a big black biker who was only half Conners size.
The last time was the night before I left and headed home She was on stage in the camp grounds where the Bikers were camped! Maybe 300 bikers watching her as she was sport fucking two black guys and an old fat white guy! For the first bursa otele gelen escort time I saw my wife being the biker whore she is as we all got to see all three men with bare cocks fucking my wife!
I got on my bike and went home. I had been home nearly 3 weeks when I heard the big bike pull up out in front of our house. I could hear it idling and as I looked out I could see the 300 lb black man locked in a passionate kiss with my wife and his huge beefy hand around her big bare breast.
She turned and ran for the house her big tits bouncing every step. She came into my arms with a great open mouthed kiss for me. Her breasts now had large golden rings hanging from each nipple and I expected other tattoos but hadn’t seen any yet. But I still expected to find some. She drug me right upstairs to bed but I had no time to look. After I was kind of peaking around for them and she said.
“Yes there are three of them. On my ass, outside of the other breast and down next to my pussy.”
I began to inspect them.
“So the one on the other breast?”
“It means I am currently up to date on our members.”
“And the membership is over 70?”
“It is actually 89 now and 59 are negros and every member has nutted in your wife. Babe. Conner has told me I am now a BBC whore. And I need to tell you I have come to believe him. I am proud to say I am up to date .”
“So you will be finished for sometime.”
“For maybe a month? Then I am to recruit some guys for the club new members.”
“So for how long? And what kind of new members?”
“They are all young black guys looking at our club for possible membership.”
“And you hang out and drink with them and show them a good time?”
“No, Sweetheart I fuck them Lots. Each of these young men will have me 20 or 30 times at least.”
“And how many recruits are there?”
“Right now he tells me there are 73 young men looking at us for membership. But he expects the number to be over a hundred before the next month is up.”
“And you’ll be with each guy maybe 20 times?”
“I will fuck them all at least 20 times. But any recruit we want will be with me over 50 times. And the 25 we land for the club will be full time lovers for the future.”
I had no idea that my wife being involved in the club would carry these kinds of obligations. And that our lives would be impacted in such ways as this. I am not even a member of the club and get none of the stuff the members do.