
Alice Dines Out


My wife had had too much to drink and had not behaved herself. We had been to a Christmas party thrown by one of my clients and I only knew a couple of the partiers myself. My wife had never met any of them before.On the way to the hotel- the party venue- she had taunted me with her being a free agent even though we were married. We didn’t have an open marriage and neither of us had ever had an affair outside our marriage, on the sly or otherwise. But every now and then she’d get a bit of the imp of the perverse in her and fuck with me about being in charge of her own sexuality, and everything else. I knew she wasn’t about to cheat on me. We loved each other. But there were times when she just couldn’t resist being provocative even though I took it all in stride and more or less humored her. My own view is that we are all potential free agents if we choose to be and if she made that decision about her sex life she might not be doing it while married to me. She knew this and that’s why she tried to goad me. Why would she do this while we attended a social event that was important to my business? Well, because that’s just who she is. There are times when she isn’t happy unless she’s trying to get a rise out of someone, often me. I ordinarily refuse to take the bait and smile and nod, but that night she went beyond simply needling me.Like I said, Alice had had too much to drink, but she wasn’t falling down seriously drunk, just a bit beyond buzzed and enough to relax her natural inhibitions. After an hour of sipping our drinks and making conversation with the other guests, she began flirting with some assistant vice president- I think his name was Harry- and she had skated right up to the edge of prudence, then blithely past it. She was laughing at the lamest of jokes and touched him frequently, laying a hand on his arm, squeezing his bicep or shoulder and leaning in,  rubbing her boobs into him as if they were long-lost Ankara escort lovers instead of just having met fifteen minutes before.Just as she was really starting to get to me Harry’s wife poured a bucketful of ice water on their burgeoning flirtation and hauled his ass off to a far corner of the hall where I could see her reading him the riot act. I was relieved and figured that the embarrassment would slow Alice down but I couldn’t have been more wrong. She simply sashayed on the next victim. She was at that stage where it was more fun to irritate me than to avoid pissing off the other wives or helping me make a good impression.This time it was a salesman, Gale, a single guy in his late twenties or early thirties. She asked him to dance with her. By the time she’d spent twenty minutes with him, he was ready to take her up to his room and fuck her. He knew she was married to me.  He just didn’t care. She had pointed me out to him, laughing, then giving me a sly smirk. Gale grinned at me, the fuckwit. He began touching her carefully but in earnest and when she didn’t resist he quickly progressed to grabbing ass and trying to cop a feel of her tits. Alice wasn’t serious about picking him up. She just wanted me to be aware that she could have him if she wanted him and that there was nothing I could do about it. About the fifth time she had to shrug his hand off her tit she walked away and stood next to me. He was quick enough in the uptake to see she was a cocktease and transferred his attention to the ample pool of interns and new hires.I began to lecture Alice and told her I’d drag her ass out of there by the hair if she didn’t stop it. But she wasn’t hearing a word I said. I was in mid-sentence telling her she was truly starting to piss me off when she walked away and latched onto an older well-built man with salt and pepper hair.  They glided out onto the dance floor Ankara escort bayan and she molded her body to his. I asked around but no one seemed to know him. Alice was grinding her crotch against his leg while he fondled and stroked her ass and nuzzled her neck. By that time there was a small group of admirers watching and three different men asked her to dance in quick succession. They all took liberties with her supple body and I’d had enough. I walked purposefully out onto the dance floor without running or stalking and took her by the arm. I had a grip on her that she couldn’t escape and she correctly read my intent not to let go, not to ignore it or drop it this time. I didn’t have to drag her- she allowed herself to be led. I helped her into her coat and we left through the lobby. Neither of us spoke. She knew I was mad but she wasn’t sure how mad. We were a block from the train station and I shepherded her down the stairs to the platform. Picking up a schedule  I learned that a northbound train was due to stop in five minutes.Alice cast a few surreptitious glances at me, trying to assess exactly how angry I was. Whatever her assessment, she chose discretion as the better part of valor and kept quiet. It was a smart choice because I was furious and having trouble containing it, but it was a cold and calculating fury. What happened afterward would have happened anyway though. I’d decided to make her pay for tonight and all the other nights she’d pulled this shit. I meant to call her bluff.The northbound train whooshed into the station and Alice let me lead her into the car. It was crowded but there were a few empty seats. I passed them by and led her to the next car and the next until we were in the last car. There were four people, an older couple and a pair of old men, at the near end and a cluster of men of different ages at the far end. I headed for them. On Escort Ankara our right was an arrangement of four seats that faced each other and in one of those seats sat a good-looking older man with salt and pepper grey hair. He wasn’t the guy she’d danced with at the party but they were from the same gene pool. I indicated to Alice to sit in the seat next to this guy. She looked confused. It didn’t make any sense. There were plenty of open seats. But I was firm and not being able to judge my mood she complied. I was beginning to get her where I wanted- back on her heels and uncertain. I pulled off my overcoat and hung it on the back of the seat. I then squeezed in beside her, pushing her up tightly against the older guy. I’m sure he didn’t mind the contact with her, but he looked at me like he thought I had a screw loose. I gave him my warmest smile and winked at him, then looked pointedly at Alice. I could see it in his face: “Okay buddy, I’m looking. What’s going on?” He was curious. Who wouldn’t be?Alice had taken off her coat a couple of cars ago and now draped it over herself like a blanket. I slid my hand underneath it and caressed her stockinged thigh. She didn’t protest and laid back, her head on my shoulder, and sighed.  Salt and Pepper watched my ministrations with interest. I smiled cheerfully at him and nodded at the blanket, winking again. I might as well have rented a signboard with flashing arrows. He picked up on it instantly, and I saw him snake his hand under Alice’s coat and begin running it up and down her thigh. She tensed up, her eyes popped open and she shot me a shocked look. I looked away and wouldn’t acknowledge her alarm. I just kept fondling her leg and stroked the fleshy gap where her stockings ended and her panties had not yet begun. She turned and looked at him but he followed my lead and looked away, not allowing eye contact, without stopping his own groping. It took a few minutes but she finally relaxed and laid her head back on my shoulder. Salty and I kept this up for a good ten minutes. I scanned the crowd of passengers. There were four more of them, all men ranging from around sixty to maybe twenty or so. They were watching us with interest in the brightly lit car.

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