
Yet Another Frat Initiation Story Ch. 01

He Man

Part I: The Interview:

How could there be another fraternity initiation story? It’s all been done; between fact and fantasy, it’s completely mined out.

Perhaps. But don’t make a final decision until you know my story.

I’m not a particularly good looking guy—not ugly, but a little awkward looking. I’ve never been really popular, either—usually last to be picked for a team and never went to a prom. I mean, I could have asked some girls out, but the ones I was sure would say ‘yes’ would only confirm my reputation as a loser and why take a chance on rejection from the others. I had the same urges as other guys, but always handled the problem the way they did most of the time.

I guess that’s why getting into Sigma Alpha Epsilon (or Sex Above Everything as people referred to it), really meant a lot to me. It would be a kind of validation that I had always yearned for but never received. I was ready, I thought, to do anything to get into SAE. I had no idea what I would have to do—what I would do—to get in.

During rush week, I visited and filled out a very thorough application. I was called back for a preliminary interview which buoyed my hopes. Not everyone was called back. I guess that went well enough because after a few days, I was asked to return for an “in-depth” interview with Mark, one of the SAE’s seniors and an important person. I wanted so much to impress him. There was no reason for him to know that I wasn’t really popular in high school. So, I sat in front of the mirror telling myself a bunch of lies about my high school life until I almost believed them. When I got to the fraternity, I could lie convincingly, I thought.

Mark asked me a set of questions. When they didn’t lead in the direction I wanted, I twisted the answers around until I got in all of the exaggerations and outright lies I had practiced. He seemed to swallow it all and I was feeling pretty good. Then, he closed the file he had been taking notes in and looked at me very seriously, saying, “Well, Allen, you seem like a remarkable guy. But, you also seem like every other guy who wants to join SAE I mean, high school student body president, lettering on the track team, and making National Merit Honorable Mention just isn’t really distinguishing among our applicants—at least those that we take seriously.”

My hopes sank. If even my biggest lies were believed and that still wasn’t enough, I didn’t have a prayer. Mark seemed to sense my disappointment. He stood up and came around the desk, leaning back on the desk in front of me.

“I really wish there was something I could do. I wish I could go back to my brothers with real enthusiasm and tell them that you were special, that you really wanted to be a brother in our fraternity, that you would do anything to join and that we would be lucky to get you.”

There was a long pause as I cast about for something to say to convince him. Before I thought of anything, he continued, “I mean, I have to tell them that my interview with you was different. That you were not only a smart and attractive görükle escort guy, but that I was genuinely excited by our contact. That’s the sort of thing they are looking for from me.”

Maybe I’m dense, but I still didn’t get it. I didn’t get it until he went on, looking straight into my eyes, “You see, Allen, most of these interviews are really pretty much the same. I don’t get very aroused in them. But I’d like our interview to be different—stimulating. And I should tell you that you can trust me not to say a word about any of the details of our interview to anyone.”

Another short pause while he determined that I was finally clear about what was happening. I was. Then he went on with the promises, “I just have to tell them that you are someone we want. And I won’t say anything more.”

My heart was pounding and my ears burned. I couldn’t believe what he was saying, and I couldn’t believe that I was considering it.

“So, what do you say, Allen? Can you make this an exciting interview?” I guess he figured that I would try because he took the liberty of joking: “I’m sure I’ll perk up the minute you open your mouth.”

I started to lick my lips and then immediately stopped. I didn’t want him to misunderstand. I wasn’t licking them with desire for him. My mouth was dry and I was so scared and confused I couldn’t swallow. And I only got more scared and confused as I realized that I was going to do it—in order to get in to SAE, I was going to do whatever he wanted.

I didn’t know how to start. Was he going to start things or did he intend for me to initiate this? If I was supposed to start it, should I take his pants off or just open his fly and pull him out? If I tried too hard, would he think I was a queer and keep me out of the fraternity? If I didn’t do it well or willingly would he decide not to recommend me? I didn’t know what to do and he just leaned there against his desk, implacable and inscrutable. Finally—my heart pounding even more—I decided that he wanted me to begin things, and I reached for his pants tentatively. It seemed to take minutes. My hand was shaking and I had no idea what I was going to do when it finally reached its destination.

As it turned out, that was sort of settled for me. I realized that I couldn’t get his fly open without a major struggle if I didn’t undo his belt and unbutton his pants first. So that’s what I did. It felt strange to do this from this angle, on another guy. But it didn’t really feel sexual so somehow it seemed to calm me. I had something concrete to do; I didn’t have to think about the decision I’d made. But as he lifted off the desk so I could pull his pants down, I was shaking uncontrollably again.

He was wearing tight nylon jockey shorts and the outline of his cock and balls was evident. He leaned back against the desk and I realized that so long as he was leaning there I couldn’t take his underpants off. I put my hands on the sides of his jockeys and started to ease them down, but he remained leaning against the desk. Until he pushed my chair back, I didn’t bursa sınırsız escort understand that he wanted me to get on my knees in front of him before I finished undressing him. Once I was where he wanted me, he leaned forward off the desk and pressed his crotch to my face. He held it there long enough that I had to breathe in and as I did, I smelled his clean, but musky odor. It set my heart pounding again and I could hear my own ragged breathing.

He sensed my turmoil and backed away for me to finish undressing him. As I slid my fingers under the sides of his jockeys and eased them down, his cock sprang from its restraint to point directly to my face. I don’t know if he was especially big, but he certainly looked bigger than normal from this angle and distance. I thought about what I had decided to do and wondered if I had made the right decision. Not for long, though. The decision was made. If I was supposed to say ‘no’, I’d already failed the test. My only hope was that I was supposed to do exactly what I was doing.

I touched his cock gently with one hand, then with both hands. It was hot, and very smooth. And it twitched as I touched it. I heard Mark sort of moan quietly, and I think I felt my first moment of pleasure right then. It’s not that I wasn’t still very much in turmoil. My heart was still pounding and my mouth was dry; my ears were burning and my eyes stung. I was sweating and shaking. But somewhere, together with all these feelings, I felt a kind of satisfaction and, strangely, power.

“Suck me,” he said, breathlessly. “Oh, come on. Suck me now.”

I moved my mouth to his anxious cock and touched the tip to my lips. I had to fight an urge to get up and run away and I thought the best way to do it was the same way you get into a cold pool: don’t inch into it, dive in all at once. I opened my mouth and took him in as far as I could in one fast stroke. I took him too deep and he pushed even deeper. I began to gag and cough. Mercifully, he pulled out part way and thrust in shallow motions for a minute while I fought my gag reflex. When I was under control, he clearly expected me to do the work. He leaned back against the desk again and watched me as I began bobbing up and down his hard cock.

Now, I had fantasized about getting a blow job lots of times, but I had never had one. But, like any guy my age, I’d watched a lot of stuff on the Internet. Still, I really didn’t have any idea how to do this or what made it feel good. I knew that when I whacked off, it felt really good to touch the bottom of my cock near the head. So, when my jaw was so tired from stretching to accommodate him that I couldn’t stand to have his cock in my mouth for another second, I tried to focus some attention on that part of his cock with my tongue. That seemed to drive him crazy, but he would soon force me back on his cock.

I didn’t really know what to do with my hands. One was on the base of his cock squeezing it hard, but my other hand moved from resting on his pelvis—kind of keeping him nilüfer escort from thrusting too far in—to holding on to the back of his ass, to taking over from the other hand at the base of his cock. Once while I was shifting hands, I reached back to cup his balls in one hand and he moaned again so I kept holding them gently while I sucked and pumped his cock.

I honestly have no idea how long this took. I guess not that long, but it sure seemed like a long time to me. My jaw was aching terribly and my attempts to move my head off his cock for a minute to give my mouth a break were met with forceful resistance from his hands that were now placed on the sides of my head and forcing my head up and down his shaft. I could feel his thighs tighten and his balls pull up to his groin. He sort of gasped for a second and then yelled out so loudly that I was sure others would hear. He yelled over and over again and with each yell, he pistoned into my mouth and I felt my mouth fill with hot, sticky, salty cum.

Now, I started to gag big time. I felt my stomach come up and was afraid I was going to throw up on him. I forced myself to swallow my lunch that was coming up and all the cum he had filled my mouth with and struggled to keep it down.

As his orgasm passed, he released his grip on my head and began to pull out of me gently. Surprising myself, I put a hand on his ass and pulled him into me one more time, sucking him gently before letting him slide out between my lips. He was breathing hard and had his eyes closed for a minute. I didn’t know what to do so I just stayed there with his spent cock millimeters from my mouth. In a moment, he opened his eyes and looked down at me. He was clearly pleased and seemed to be in a stupor. But he managed to reach for a glass of water on the desk to hand to me. I drank the whole thing at once, more to wet my mouth than to wash out the taste, which wasn’t nearly as bad as I had feared.

After a moment more, he reached down to pull up his pants and, impulsively, I reached out to touch is cock once more before he covered it up. Now, it was soft and it lay gently against his balls. I felt an odd impulse to kiss this cock that I had tamed so completely, but I just pulled my hand away and watched him cover it up. I realized that my knees were killing me even more than my jaw now, and backed up to sit in the chair again.

Mark went around to his chair and tumbled into it. He still didn’t talk for a minute. When he did, it was just to say that he didn’t have the final say, but he was sure that his recommendation would be taken seriously by his brothers and I would be allowed to enter the fraternity so long as I completed the initiation rites.

I left the office we had met in, my ears burning again, fearful that everyone who saw me knew what I had done. It wasn’t a reasonable fear, based on a suspicion that they had heard what went on or seen through a window. No. Even blocks away from the fraternity house, I somehow, unconsciously, feared that everyone knew that I had just suck a guy and swallowed his cum. Now, I was a cock-sucker. Funny, it is an awfully dirty word for what I had done. It didn’t seem that bad. I had really made him cum hard, and he had loved it. Somehow I felt that he was at least as much in my power as I was in his. I was soon to find out how wrong I was about that.

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